以太坊 的最新消息

RT: For your pre-devcon-flight reading pleasure: another @ethereum #AllCoreDevs update fresh off the press 🐼
It mostly focuses on what's happening now that The Merge is done 🏝️, the KZG Ceremony 🔮 and the future of Ethereum testnets 🌅

RT:为了您在 devcon 飞行前的阅读乐趣:另一个 @ethereum

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ethereum @ethereum详情

RT: While thinking about PBS, I came upon the possibility of unbundling its market structure (proposer/builder anti-griefing mechanisms) from the shape of its allocation mechanism (the whole block auction). Here is a post exploring this alternative! https://ethresear.ch/t/unbundl...

RT:在考虑 PBS 时,我想到了将其市场结构(提议者/建造者反悲伤机制)从其分配机制(整体拍卖)的形式中分离出来的可能性。这是一篇探索这种替代方案的帖子! https://ethresear.ch /t/unbundl...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: I don’t like the trend towards public revelation of private communication.
I think it is increasing.
I think the abuses will become more dangerous than most yet comprehend.
And I think we need a variety of cultural and technological countermeasures towards such abuses.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@seven7hwave Technically the chain was unavailable for very-gas-heavy applications for a week or two during the 2016 Shanghai DoS wars, and an accidental 12 hour chain split happened a month later due to a consensus bug.

@seven7hwave 从技术上讲,在 2016 年上海 DoS 战争期间,该链在一两周内无法用于高耗气应用程序,一个月后由于共识错误发生了意外的 12 小时链分裂。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

> made many crucial contributions
Including inventing STARKs, of course!

> made many crucial contributions
Including inventing STARKs, of course!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

Eli and the Starkware team have made many crucial contributions to making SNARK and STARK tech more understandable and accessible. I learned a lot from them myself! https://twitter.com/EliBenSass...

I'm often asked for STARK Math links, here's a LONG thread on that

发表时间:1年前 作者:Eli 🇸🇬 | STARK Maxi ✨🐺 @EliBenSasson

Eli 和 Starkware 团队为使 SNARK 和 STARK 技术更易于理解和使用做出了许多重要贡献。我自己从他们身上学到了很多! https://twitter.com/EliBenSass...

我经常被问到 STARK Math 链接,这是一个很长的帖子

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@PedroTerruggi @tszzl I'm saying something even stronger: the comfort difference between a modern peasant and a modern king is much less than the comfort difference between a 13th century peasant and 13th century king!

@PedroTerruggi @tszzl 我说的更强烈:现代农民和现代国王之间的舒适度差异远小于 13 世纪农民和 13 世纪国王之间的舒适度差异!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@real_n3o @tszzl I agree that if that's the world we enter, my thesis would be conclusively incorrect. But I think it's very unlikely that we'll be in a world where some live forever and others die at 84 for more than a couple of decades.

@real_n3o @tszzl 我同意,如果这是我们进入的世界,我的论文将是最终错误的。但我认为,我们不太可能生活在这样一个世界中,有些人永远活下去,有些人会在 84 岁时死去超过几十年。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@real_n3o @tszzl No, the difference in comfort between a 0.1th wealth percentile person and a 20th wealth percentile person is significantly lower today than 2001 years ago.

@real_n3o @tszzl 不,今天财富百分比为 0.1 的人和财富百分比为 20 的人之间的舒适度差异明显低于 2001 年前。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@tszzl Though of course, there are limits to how much they can actually be separated.

@tszzl 当然,它们实际上可以分开多少是有限制的。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@tszzl One way to read this post of mine from last year is that the difference between inequality of comfort and inequality of power is important enough that they deserve separate indices.

@tszzl 从去年开始阅读我的这篇文章的一种方式是,舒适度不平等和权力不平等之间的差异非常重要,以至于它们值得单独的索引。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@tszzl Decoupling between inequality of comfort and inequality of power. The former will decrease, the latter will in some places increase, though democratizing technologies can provide a counterbalancing pressure. This has been happening for at least the last few decades already.

@tszzl 舒适不平等和权力不平等之间的脱钩。前者会减少,后者会在某些地方增加,尽管民主化技术可以提供平衡压力。至少在过去的几十年里,这种情况一直在发生。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@VK_metahistory @Unchainfund @Ukraine_DAO @Meta_History_UA @Ukraine Appreciate your kind support!
And also hope that everyone who is less famous than myself but sacrificed much more than myself can get the recognition they deserve.

@VK_metahistory @Unchainfund @Ukraine_DAO @Meta_History_UA @Ukraine 感谢您的支持!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: @VadimGenfan @mironov_fm @elonmusk @LindseyGrahamSC Lots of people. Many are scared; repression has become very effective over the last 10 years. Some hate what is going on but have no idea what to do and end up leading to sad situations like this:

RT:@VadimGenfan @mironov_fm @elonmusk @LindseyGrahamSC 很多人。许多人害怕;在过去的 10 年里,镇压变得非常有效。有些人讨厌正在发生的事情,但不知道该怎么做,最终导致这样的悲伤情况:

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

An exploration on whether or not we could replace KZG with arithmetic hashes, eg. Poseidon, in EIP-4844 (proto-danksharding):
Summary: yeah it's possible, but there are a lot of tradeoffs.
Thanks @dimahledba for suggesting this topic!

关于我们是否可以用算术哈希替换 KZG 的探索,例如。 Poseidon,在 EIP-4844 (proto-danksharding) 中:
https://ethresear .ch/t/arithme...
感谢@dimahledba 提出这个话题!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@vgr @NotoriousIanV @PraxisSociety Explain further?

@vgr @NotoriousIanV @PraxisSociety 进一步解释?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: ATTN: #Tech4Democracy's deadline is extended. Enter your democracy-affirming projects for #VentureDay Bogotá!
@VitalikButerin will be speaking at the event along w/@glenweyl.
🙏@IEuniversity, @StateDept, @Microsoft, @gitcoin, @ethereum, @Uniandes, etc.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@vgr > are too attractive to hinterlands to leave alone.
You mean "are too attracted to hinterlands to leave them alone"? Or did you intend the other way around?
(I think both are good arguments!)


发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@vgr @NotoriousIanV @PraxisSociety What is the smallest delta to Praxis that would lead to something that you would endorse?

@vgr @NotoriousIanV @PraxisSociety Praxis 的最小增量是什么,它会导致你认可的东西?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@zer0idea @cjd_artist @VadimGenfan @mironov_fm @elonmusk @LindseyGrahamSC The interesting thing is we can actually measure this.
Ask the following poll, to two groups:
How many of these do you support: thing X, thing Y, thing Z, (to 2nd group only: the SMO)
Subtract 1st group's average from 2nd group's. Implies 15% less support than direct polls.

@zer0idea @cjd_artist @VadimGenfan @mironov_fm @elonmusk @LindseyGrahamSC 有趣的是我们可以实际测量它。
您支持其中的多少:X 事物、Y 事物、Z 事物(仅限第 2 组:SMO)
从第 2 组的平均值中减去第 1 组的平均值。意味着支持率比直接民意调查少 15%。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情