以太坊 的最新消息

Information is copiable and wants to be free. But *credible* information, not necessarily!


发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

Designated verifier proofs are a fascinating building block.
Alice sends Bob a ZK-SNARK proof "either X is true about me and data I hold, or I am Bob"
Bob knows he did not make the proof, so he knows X is true. But if Bob sends Alice's proof to Charlie, Charlie is not convinced

Alice 向 Bob 发送一个 ZK-SNARK 证明“要么 X 对我和我持有的数据是真实的,要么我是 Bob”
Bob 知道他没有证明,所以他知道 X 是真的。但如果 Bob 将 Alice 的证明发给 Charlie,Charlie 并不相信

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@latetot @koeppelmann @TrustlessState I would say "be tolerated". Slashing or leaking or socially coordinated anything should only be considered for massive reorging of other people's blocks, not making wrong choices about what to put in your own.
Any other answer risks turning ETH community into morality police

@latetot @koeppelmann @TrustlessState 我会说“被容忍”。削减或泄漏或社会协调任何东西都应该只考虑用于大规模重组其他人的块,而不是对放入自己的块做出错误的选择。
任何其他答案都有可能将 ETH 社区变成道德警察

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: 🆕 Updates to Blockscan Chat
1. End-to-end encryption (E2EE) 🔒
2. Contract address sign-in 📃
3. Browser notification 🔔
... and more coming soon 🤖 https://t.co/pV1JEfhfZu

RT:🆕 Blockscan 聊天更新
......还有更多即将推出🤖 https://t.co/pV1JEfhfZu

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@zengjiajun_eth @ESYudkowsky 恒心是好事还是坏事? 还是适合某些情况,不适合其他的? 🤔

@zengjiajun_eth @ESYudkowsky 恒心是好事还是坏事?还是适合其他的情况,不适合其他的? 🤔

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: Did I do this math proof correctly can my more math inclined mutuals help? https://t.co/YSERN94BZ0

RT:我是否正确地完成了这个数学证明,我的更多数学倾向互助会有所帮助吗? https://t.co/YSERN94BZ0

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

The idea (from @ESYudkowsky I believe?) of a country or zone where it's illegal to build most permanent structures, so mobile homes only, to prevent excessive lock-in effects tied to physical space fascinates me.
(Not saying I think it's a good idea, it's just fascinating!)


发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@biogerontology I don't get putting "deep state" in the worst bucket. Deep states clearly exist, the question is exactly what level of hidden coordinatiin and agency they have, and there are lots of specific individual claims that are crazy or exaggerated.

@biogerontology 我没有把“深度状态”放在最糟糕的位置。深层状态显然存在,问题是它们究竟有什么程度的隐藏协调和代理,并且有许多疯狂或夸大的具体个人主张。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@jgarzik @pilotdavecfi @vgr Consensus layer is the FAA regs for air, and a complicated mix of infrastructure spending constraints, zoning issues and property rights for trains.

@jgarzik @pilotdavecfi @vgr 共识层是美国联邦航空局的航空法规,以及基础设施支出限制、分区问题和火车产权的复杂组合。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@zacharynado My entire line of tech has to do with doing the dirty work of getting consensus on things, and a key learning for me has been that initially-impossible-seeming tech wizardry that doesn't require consensus can sometimes outpace theoretically simple things that do.

@zacharynado 我的整个技术线都与在事情上达成共识的肮脏工作有关,而对我来说,一个关键的学习是,最初看似不可能的技术巫术不需要共识,有时可能会超过理论上简单的事情做。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@vgr The other pro-airplane take is simply that HSR requires consensus-layer changes to L1 whereas airplanes are mostly L2 with relatively lighter L1 work required (pushing to change FAA and a few other regs), and doing things at L2 is 10x easier.

@Noahpinion My heterodox take on US transit is that if infrastructure problems are too hard to solve, the transit of the future is airplanes, and we should just make airplanes better by (i) making them zero-carbon, and (ii) improving comfort by greatly cutting down airport security

发表时间:1年前 作者:vitalik.eth @VitalikButerin

@vgr 另一个亲飞机的做法是,HSR 需要对 L1 进行共识层更改,而飞机大多是 L2,需要相对较轻的 L1 工作(推动更改 FAA 和其他一些规则),并且在 L2 上做事要容易 10 倍.

@Noahpinion 我对美国过境的非正统看法是,如果基础设施问题太难解决,那么未来的过境就是飞机,我们应该通过(i)使其零碳和(ii)提高舒适度来让飞机变得更好通过大大减少机场安全

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@gakonst Soviet Union approach to value extraction 👹

@gakonst 苏联价值提取方法👹

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

Select replies to my poll on blue checks, selected for... I'm not sure what exactly. But anyway: https://t.co/R1t9HbgYHx

选择对我的蓝色支票投票的回复,选择... 我不确定到底是什么。但无论如何:https://t.co/R1t9HbgYHx

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

Twitter's blue check mechanism is (compared to not having it at all)

Twitter 的蓝色检查机制是(与根本没有它相比)

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

Is a "sidecar" a piece of software, a data blob that's not in the main RLP or SSZ hash structure, something else?
I've been hearing multiple meanings...

“sidecar”是一个软件,一个不在主 RLP 或 SSZ 哈希结构中的数据块,还是别的什么?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

Someone should make a project called "THE Protocol", so that their shills can say "Look, soandso mentioned THE!" pretty much any time anyone says anything.

有人应该做一个名为“THE Pr​​otocol”的项目,这样他们的shills就可以说“看,soandso提到了THE!”几乎任何时候有人说什么。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

"We are going to enable open order flow. Open order flow means NO proprietary first party deals between users, wallets and builders or validators. These deals have been horrible in tradfi" - @phildaian https://t.co/2pB14P5hqf

“我们将启用开放订单流程。开放订单流程意味着用户、钱包和构建者或验证者之间没有专有的第一方交易。这些交易在 tradfi 中非常糟糕” - @phildaian https://t.co/2pB14P5hqf

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情