用户 UMA(@ UMAprotocol) 的最新消息

RT: I am often asked, how do I get my foot in the door in web3 roles?
The easy answer- show you're acting on your passion for the space.
Some practical tips...

RT:我经常被问到,我如何在 web3 角色中站稳脚跟?
简单的答案 - 表明您正在根据您对空间的热情行事。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

More spooky UMA jack-o'-lanterns to share 🎃 👇 https://twitter.com/pvmihalach...

Never doubt @pvmihalache will be up for a challange! #UMAPumpkin us back! 🎃 👻 😱
@SuperUmans @TokenArchitect @UMAprotocol @AcrossProtocol
@gmsteele3 @G_0neT2 https://t.co/mWEggt1jnr

发表时间:1年前 作者:PVMihalache @pvmihalache

分享更多令人毛骨悚然的 UMA 南瓜灯🎃 👇 https://twitter.com/pvmihalach...

永远不要怀疑@pvmihalache 会接受挑战!

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

This discussion starts in about an hour. 🎙️ https://twitter.com/UMAprotoco...

1/2 The optimistic oracle provides limitless opportunity to explore and research the various types of real-world data it can verify and provide to the blockchain as a decentralized truth machine.
Questions like: Is Pluto a planet?

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol

讨论将在大约一个小时后开始。 🎙️ https://twitter.com/UMAprotoco...

1/2 乐观预言机提供了无限的机会来探索和研究它可以验证的各种类型的现实世界数据,并作为去中心化的真相机器提供给区块链。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/3 ETHSanFrancisco by @ETHGlobal is shaping up to be one of the key hackathons of the year with more than $300K to be awarded as prizes to hackers, including $10K in prizes for those who build the best use cases with UMA's optimistic oracle.

@ETHGlobal 的 1/3 ETHSanFrancisco 将成为今年的主要黑客马拉松之一,将向黑客颁发超过 30 万美元的奖金,其中包括为那些使用 UMA 的乐观预言机构建最佳用例的人提供 1 万美元的奖金.

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/3 Come to build and develop your own bright idea, or pick up on one of our many seed concepts using the OO.
Core members of UMA will be available to support and guide hackers through the competition.

2/3 来构建和开发您自己的好主意,或者使用 OO 来学习我们的众多种子概念之一。
UMA 的核心成员将在比赛中支持和指导黑客。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

3/3 This Medium article includes all the relevant info for hackers building on UMA including:
➡️ Seed hack ideas for ETHSF
➡️ An intro workshop on building with the OO
➡️ Examples of past winning hacks
➡️ More details about how to get involved
Register to hack by Nov 1!

3/3 这篇 Medium 文章包含了在 UMA 上构建的黑客的所有相关信息,包括:
➡️ ETHSF 的种子黑客创意
➡️ 使用 OO 进行构建的介绍研讨会
➡️ 过去获胜的黑客示例
在 11 月 1 日之前注册破解!

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: Tomorrow at UMA we will be discussing questions of epistemology and theory of knowledge by asking “is Pluto a planet?”
We will also think about how an optimistic oracle’s verification ability can assist the scientific method.

RT:明天在 UMA,我们将通过询问“冥王星是行星吗?”来讨论认识论和知识论的问题。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

A reminder this Twitter Space happens tomorrow.
Join us as we dive into #DeSci and the role UMA's optimistic oracle could play in it. https://twitter.com/UMAprotoco...

1/2 The optimistic oracle provides limitless opportunity to explore and research the various types of real-world data it can verify and provide to the blockchain as a decentralized truth machine.
Questions like: Is Pluto a planet?

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol

提醒这个 Twitter 空间明天发生。

1/2 乐观预言机提供了无限的机会来探索和研究它可以验证的各种类型的现实世界数据,并作为去中心化的真相机器提供给区块链。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

This is excellent. Let us know how the pumpkin pie turns out @G_0neT2. https://twitter.com/G_0neT2/st...

The pumpkins I grew haven't turned orange yet, harvested them anyway.
Repping @UMAprotocol Optimistic Oracle this year.
@SuperUmans #UMApumpkin
Have a safe and Happy Halloween! https://twitter.com/pvmihalach... https://t.co/iuyX2ctC4M

发表时间:1年前 作者:Deadcoin @G_0neT2

这是极好的。让我们知道南瓜派的结果如何@G_0neT2。 https://twitter.com/G_0neT2/st...

今年代表@UMAprotocol Optimistic Oracle。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: UMA is an optimistic oracle that can record any knowable truth onto a blockchain. The OO empowers & secures a diverse ecosystem of web3 applications including the Across bridge and Outcome. Finance
💰 @umaprotocol is offering $10,000 up for grabs! https://t.co/UYZ67qoxmA

RT:UMA 是一个乐观的预言机,可以将任何已知的真相记录到区块链上。 OO 授权

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

ETHSanFrancisco 🌉 is just around the corner.
Help build the next big thing in Web3 and win prizes while you do it.
We'll be sharing more details on UMA's involvement in coming days so stay tuned and support our frens from @ETHGlobal by applying now👇

ETHSanFrancisco 🌉 指日可待。
帮助构建 Web3 中的下一件大事,并在您这样做的同时赢取奖品。
我们将在未来几天分享有关 UMA 参与的更多细节,敬请关注并支持我们来自@ETHGlobal 的朋友,现在就申请👇

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/2 Join us as we tackle that question and its implications on Wed. Oct. 26 at 2PM Eastern.
It's the latest in a series of Twitter Spaces focused on discussing the uses, potential and challenges of the optimistic oracle.

2/2 加入我们,一起解决这个问题及其对星期三的影响。东部时间 10 月 26 日下午 2 点。
这是一系列 Twitter Spaces 中的最新一个,专注于讨论乐观预言机的用途、潜力和挑战。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/2 The optimistic oracle provides limitless opportunity to explore and research the various types of real-world data it can verify and provide to the blockchain as a decentralized truth machine.
Questions like: Is Pluto a planet?

1/2 乐观预言机提供了无限的机会来探索和研究它可以验证的各种类型的现实世界数据,并将其作为去中心化的真相机器提供给区块链。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Time for some Fav Press Friday. 🗞️
In this one, @TokenArchitect shares five reasons a challenging crypto market can be a bull for innovation.
In @Forkast_News

星期五的一些最爱新闻的时间。 🗞️
在这篇文章中,@TokenArchitect 分享了充满挑战的加密市场可能成为创新牛市的五个原因。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Thanks for the thoughtful, smart write-up exploring our optimistic oracle, @TheLachlanTodd.
Hear, hear ⬇️ https://twitter.com/TheLachlan...

I published a piece today on Optimistic Oracles (OO's) like @UMAprotocol.
Price feed oracles (e.g. @chainlink) are great, but future needs will be much greater than continuously streamed data points.
Below I'll give a quick overview of OO's 👇

发表时间:1年前 作者:Lachlan Todd @TheLachlanTodd

感谢@TheLachlanTodd 为探索我们乐观的预言机而进行的深思熟虑、聪明的文章。
听,听⬇️ https://twitter.com/TheLachlan...

我今天发表了一篇关于像 @UMAprotocol 这样的 Optimistic Oracles (OO) 的文章。
下面我将快速概述 OO 的👇

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/2 Dispute resolution for Across is provided by UMA's optimistic oracle, which uses economic guarantees to incentivize a network of human voters to act honestly as it verifies data.
"No one person or bot decides whether something is correct."

2/2 Across 的争议解决由 UMA 的乐观预言机提供,该预言机使用经济保证来激励人类选民网络在验证数据时诚实行事。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/2 Each security element listed here by our sister project @AcrossProtocol is important, but we'll highlight decentralization and the dispute resolution layer in particular... https://twitter.com/AcrossProt...

1/ At Across, we’ve been reflecting on the Chainalysis report (https://blog.chainalysis.com/r...) that cross-chain bridge hacks have lost $2 billion in cryptocurrency.
This prompted us to run through the proactive steps we as a community need to take for a secure cross-chain future.

发表时间:1年前 作者:Across @AcrossProtocol

1/2 我们的姊妹项目@AcrossProtocol 在此处列出的每个安全元素都很重要,但我们将特别强调去中心化和争议解决层... https://twitter.com/AcrossProt...

1/ 在 Across,我们一直在反思 Chainalysis 报告 (https ://blog.chainalysis.com/r...),跨链桥黑客已经损失了 20 亿美元的加密货币。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Decentralization is the key to boosting bridge security for users, says UMA and @AcrossProtocol co-founder @Hal2001 in @CoinDesk.

UMA 和 @AcrossProtocol 联合创始人 @Hal2001 在 @CoinDesk 中表示,去中心化是提高用户桥梁安全性的关键。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: 1/ How should liquidity for cross chain bridges be managed and priced?

Bonding curve (AMM) or Interest Rate Model?

We explore this with @AcrossProtocol in the second article of the financial engineering series.

Blog and thread 👇

RT:1/ 跨链桥的流动性应该如何管理和定价?


我们在金融工程系列的第二篇文章中使用@AcrossProtocol 对此进行了探讨。

https://medium.com/across-prot ...

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情