用户 UMA(@ UMAprotocol) 的最新消息

2/2 Is Pluto a Planet?
We'll discuss how the OO would tackle this question.
Join us Wed. Oct. 26 at 2pm EST. Set a reminder here:

2/2 冥王星是行星吗?
我们将讨论 OO 将如何解决这个问题。
加入我们星期三。美国东部时间 10 月 26 日下午 2 点。在此处设置提醒:

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/2 We've had strong turnout and brain-bending conversations happening in our ongoing series of Twitter Spaces focused on UMA's optimistic oracle and the philosophical + practical role it's playing in Web3.
The next one should be fun...

1/2 在我们正在进行的一系列 Twitter 空间中,我们进行了强烈的投票率和令人费解的对话,重点关注 UMA 的乐观预言及其在 Web3 中所扮演的哲学实践角色。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: This was a super interesting conversation about ethics in prediction markets (and oracles like UMA). One thing I want to jot down is why I think, as a practical matter, UMA would reject data requests from an assassination market. https://twitter.com/UMAprotoco...

RT:这是一场关于预测市场(以及像 UMA 之类的预言机)伦理的超级有趣的对话。我想记下的一件事是,为什么我认为,实际上,UMA 会拒绝来自暗杀市场的数据请求。 https://twitter.com/UMAprotoco...

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

A reminder that this discussion around the ethics of prediction markets and UMA's optimistic oracle with @TokenArchitect and @McalpineMhairi starts in about an hour. https://twitter.com/UMAprotoco...

1/ UMA's optimistic oracle is a "truth machine" that can resolve prediction markets.
A prediction market is also a bounty: It creates an incentive to intervene and cause the event. (This is the basis for UMA's KPI Options.)
But what are the ethical implications of this?

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol

提醒一下,围绕预测市场的伦理和 UMA 与 @TokenArchitect 和 @McalpineMhairi 的乐观预言的讨论将在大约一个小时后开始。 https://twitter.com/UMAprotoco...

1/ UMA 的乐观预言机是一台可以解析预测市场的“真相机器”。
预测市场也是一种赏金:它创造了干预和引发事件的动力。 (这是 UMA 的 KPI 选项的基础。)

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

We've got this one circled on our calendars.
We'll have plenty of details to share about UMA's participation at #ETHSanFrancisco in the coming days, plus info on how you can hack on our optimistic oracle.
For now, don't forget to register.

我们将有很多关于 UMA 参与的细节分享

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: What if you asked an optimistic oracle about enemy locations on the battlefield? Should it try to tell you?
Join the debate tomorrow to discuss this and other 🌶 meatballs.

明天加入辩论,讨论这个和其他 🌶 肉丸。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

We have a feeling this discussion could get spicy.
Let's pull back the curtain on prediction markets and UMA's optimistic oracle.
Join us for this tomorrow. https://twitter.com/UMAprotoco...

1/ UMA's optimistic oracle is a "truth machine" that can resolve prediction markets.
A prediction market is also a bounty: It creates an incentive to intervene and cause the event. (This is the basis for UMA's KPI Options.)
But what are the ethical implications of this?

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol

让我们拉开预测市场和 UMA 乐观预言的帷幕。
明天加入我们。 https://twitter.com/UMAprotoco...

1/ UMA 的乐观预言机是一台可以解析预测市场的“真相机器”。
预测市场也是一种赏金:它创造了干预和引发事件的动力。 (这是 UMA 的 KPI 选项的基础。)

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/ We'll discuss the real risk of assassination markets, and talk about the Elon Jet controversy that happened at UMA several weeks ago.
Join UMAns @TokenArchitect and @McalpineMhairi for a Twitter Space Oct. 19 at 2pm EST to debate.
Set reminder here: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1...

2/ 我们将讨论暗杀市场的真正风险,并讨论几周前在 UMA 发生的 Elon Jet 争议。
与 UMAns @TokenArchitect 和 @McalpineMhairi 一起参加 10 月 19 日美国东部标准时间下午 2 点的 Twitter Space 辩论。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/ UMA's optimistic oracle is a "truth machine" that can resolve prediction markets.
A prediction market is also a bounty: It creates an incentive to intervene and cause the event. (This is the basis for UMA's KPI Options.)
But what are the ethical implications of this?

1/ UMA 的乐观预言机是一台可以解析预测市场的“真相机器”。
预测市场也是一种赏金:它创造了干预和引发事件的动力。 (这是 UMA 的 KPI 选项的基础。)

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

A market like this is the perfect time to build for the future because bear markets can be bulls if your focus is innovation.
Here are 5 areas of opportunity from @TokenArchitect in @Forkast_News.

以下是来自@Forkast_News 中@TokenArchitect 的5 个机会领域。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Don't let yourself be turned off by bearish crypto prices.
A market like this is the perfect time to build for the future b/c bear markets can be bulls if your focus is innovation.
Here are 5 areas of opportunity from @TokenArchitect in @Forkast_News

如果您的重点是创新,这样的市场是构建未来 b/c 熊市的最佳时机。
以下是来自@Forkast_News 中@TokenArchitect 的5 个机会领域

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: This has to be one of the best crypto BD jobs available right now. Really good product, good team. Your job will be fun and relatively easy. https://twitter.com/TokenArchi...

RT:这一定是目前最好的加密 BD 工作之一。好产品,好团队。你的工作会很有趣而且相对容易。 https://twitter.com/TokenArchi...

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: If you were the salesperson, how would you sell an oracle?
"What can I do to have your protocol resolving requests with an optimistic oracle today?"
Anyway if you have an idea, maybe you should work here 👇 https://twitter.com/UMAprotoco...

无论如何,如果您有想法,也许您应该在这里工作👇 https://twitter.com/UMAprotoco...

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/3 The OO has been called “a human-powered truth machine” because it is flexible enough to handle ambiguity and expands what can be built in Web3.

2/3 OO 被称为“人力求真机器”,因为它足够灵活,可以处理歧义并扩展了 Web3 中可以构建的内容。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/3 New around here? 🤔
UMA is an optimistic oracle (OO) that can verify any statement proposed on a blockchain.
The OO tells smart contracts “things about the world” so contracts and markets asking for that data can be settled.

1/3 新来的? 🤔
UMA 是一个乐观预言机(OO),可以验证区块链上提出的任何陈述。
OO 告诉智能合约“关于世界的事情”,因此可以解决要求该数据的合约和市场。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/2 This person will lead a team to expand UMA integrations within DeFi and web3 using a combination of technical, sales, and BD skills.
Find all the details here:

2/2 此人将带领团队结合技术、销售和 BD 技能,在 DeFi 和 web3 中扩展 UMA 集成。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/2 Bear markets are actually bull markets, for innovation.
Our team at UMA continues to build & innovate, and we are growing.
We're seeking a Technical Business Development Lead to join our team full-time.

1/2 熊市实际上是牛市,用于创新。
我们在 UMA 的团队继续建设

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情