用户 UMA(@ UMAprotocol) 的最新消息

4/4 The TradFi insurance market has broken incentives and slow, expensive resolution, often through the legal system.
We would love to see people build RealFi insurance contracts on-chain with fair and fast enforcement by UMA's optimistic oracle.

4/4 TradFi 保险市场已经打破了激励机制和缓慢而昂贵的解决方案,通常是通过法律制度。
我们希望看到人们通过 UMA 乐观的预言机公平、快速地在链上建立 RealFi 保险合约。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/4 The hackers at ETHOnline recently applied this pattern to great effect, but there is plenty of opportunity for others to build new primitives for DeFi or Real Finance (RealFi) — DeFi tools based on real world events.

2/4 ETHOnline 的黑客最近将这种模式应用到了很好的效果,但其他人有很多机会为 DeFi 或 Real Finance (RealFi) 构建新的原语——基于现实世界事件的 DeFi 工具。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

3/4 For instance, you could build an on-chain insurance contract tied to the landfall location of a hurricane or an extreme temperature event in a major city or location.

3/4 例如,您可以建立与飓风登陆地点或主要城市或地点的极端温度事件相关的链上保险合同。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/4 With ETHBogotá starting Friday, we're sharing a few bite-sized optimistic oracle ideas for hackers building with UMA.
Most know you can ask the optimistic oracle a variety of questions, but did you know you can also use it to make claims and prove that they are true?

1/4 从周五开始的 ETHBogotá,我们将与 UMA 一起为黑客们分享一些乐观的预言机想法。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

The @SuperUMAns “End of Epoch” party is happening now (and all day) in the UMA Discord server.
Join when you're free. https://twitter.com/AjisafeEmm...

UMA end of epoch party has started, join in and have some fun 🎉 🎊
@UMAprotocol @SuperUmans
#UMAEndofEpoch https://t.co/j9AmDOCvCv

发表时间:1年前 作者:MANUEL @AjisafeEmmanue8

@SuperUMAns “时代结束”派对现在(并且整天)在 UMA Discord 服务器上进行。
有空时加入。 https://twitter.com/AjisafeEmm...

UMA 时代结束派对已经开始了,快来参与其中吧🎉 🎊
@UMAprotocol @SuperUmans

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/3 UMA's optimistic oracle has seen a range of colorful disputes over the year.
As a thanks to the UMA tokenholders who secure the oracle, @SurfTranquille has lovingly created these POAPs for UMA voters. https://t.co/ZzMU4rPhRW

1/3 UMA 的乐观预言在这一年中出现了一系列丰富多彩的争议。
感谢保护预言机的 UMA 代币持有者,@SurfTranquille 为 UMA 选民精心创建了这些 POAP。 https://t.co/ZzMU4rPhRW

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/3 Today's is a POAP for a Polymarket disputed market on June 7-8 focused on who would win the boxing match between George Kambosos Jr. and Devin Haney.
If you voted in this dispute, you are eligible to claim the POAP before Dec. 31, 2022

2/3 Today's 是 6 月 7 日至 8 日针对 Polymarket 有争议市场的 POAP,重点关注谁将赢得 George Kambosos Jr. 和 Devin Haney 之间的拳击比赛。
如果您在此争议中投票,您有资格在 2022 年 12 月 31 日之前申请 POAP

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

3/3 Collect your POAP here 👇 and keep your eye out for more using the hashtag #VoterPOAPs

3/3 在这里收集您的 POAP 👇 并使用主题标签留意更多信息

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Time for some Fav Press Friday 📰
Re-sharing some recent press coverage involving UMA and our people. In this one, @jdshutt and @McalpineMhairi reflect on why the Tornado Cash sanctions reveal the need for true, effective decentralization in Web3.

星期五的一些Fav Press的时间📰
重新分享一些最近涉及 UMA 和我们员工的新闻报道。在这篇文章中,@jdshutt 和 @McalpineMhairi 反思了为什么 Tornado Cash 制裁揭示了 Web3 需要真正、有效的去中心化。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

3/3 If you are free on the 4th, drop by join the UMA community, meet the people who bring our protocol to life, and learn more about our optimistic oracle.
$UMA prizes available for participation and for competition winners.

3/3 如果您在 4 日有空,请加入 UMA 社区,结识将我们的协议变为现实的人们,并了解更多关于我们乐观预言的信息。
$UMA 奖品可供参与和比赛获胜者使用。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/3 Some highlights will include:
🖼️ Meme competitions
❓ Quizzes
🧠 Brainstorming optimistic oracle uses
♠️ Party poker
All with musical interludes!

2/3 一些亮点将包括:
🖼️ 表情包比赛
❓ 测验
🧠 头脑风暴乐观预言机的使用
♠️ 派对扑克

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/3 On Tuesday, Oct. 4, the @SuperUMAns are holding their quarterly “End of Epoch” party to celebrate another quarter evangelizing @UMAprotocol and teaching people how to use it.
The party will kick off at 13.00 UTC in the UMA Discord server.
Everyone is welcome.

1/3 10 月 4 日星期二,@SuperUMAns 将举行他们的季度“时代结束”派对,以庆祝另一个季度宣传 @UMAprotocol 并教人们如何使用它。
派对将于 13.00 UTC 在 UMA Discord 服务器上开始。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: Final 48hours to apply! ⌛️
We're closing applications for ETHBogotá 🇨🇴, Oct 7-9 ⎯ and the remaining spots are limited!
Don't miss your chance to build your wildest dreams with us and win from our $300,000+ prizes pool! 🏆
Apply now:
https://bogota.ethglobal.com/ https://t.co/eZASzSjvtk

RT:最后 48 小时申请! ⌛️
我们将在 10 月 7 日至 9 日 ⎯ 关闭 ETHBogotá 🇨🇴 的申请,剩余名额有限!
不要错过与我们一起建立最疯狂梦想并从我们的 300,000 美元奖池中赢取的机会! 🏆
https://bogota.ethglobal.com/ https://t.co/eZASzSjvtk

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

For those planning to hack on UMA's optimistic oracle at ETHBogota Oct. 7-9, this introductory video workshop by @jdshutt is a great resource to quickly get familiar with the OO, and to start building right away.
📽️ 🏗️

对于那些计划在 10 月 7 日至 9 日在 ETHBogota 破解 UMA 乐观预言机的人来说,@jdshutt 的这个介绍性视频研讨会是快速熟悉 OO 并立即开始构建的绝佳资源。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Powell Strikes Conciliatory Tone on DeFi | From the @DefiantNews
Interesting take here 👇
Fed Reserve chair Powell says "there shouldn’t be any rush to regulate because crypto doesn’t pose a systemic risk to traditional finance."

鲍威尔在 DeFi 上发出和解的语气来自@DefiantNews

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Our team at UMA and @AcrossProtocol continues to grow.
We’re building the framework for the next wave of Web3 projects and products that teams will be using when the next bull run hits. Come join us.
Learn about our current job postings here:

我们在 UMA 和 @AcrossProtocol 的团队不断壮大。
我们正在为下一波 Web3 项目和产品构建框架,团队将在下一次牛市到来时使用这些项目和产品。来加入我们。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

9/10 Join us for ETHBogota to explore this potential use case for the OO, or get to work on building this bonded news service, or something similar.

9/10 加入我们的 ETHBogota,探索 OO 的这个潜在用例,或者着手构建这个绑定的新闻服务,或类似的东西。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

8/10 Alternatively, this concept could be put to use to provide grants or funding for journalistic projects like documentaries, or to fund and support bonafide truth-telling publications based on a variety of key performance indicators and metrics.

8/10 或者,这个概念可以用于为纪录片等新闻项目提供赠款或资金,或者根据各种关键绩效指标和指标资助和支持真实的真相出版物。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

6/10 This system would require journalists and publications to be accountable for their reporting with facts and sources clearly cited, tested and verifiable.

6/10 该系统将要求记者和出版物对其报道的事实和来源负责,并清楚地引用、测试和验证。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情