用户 UMA(@ UMAprotocol) 的最新消息

1/ In Bogota? Here is the remainder of UMA's schedule this week:

1/ 在波哥大?以下是本周 UMA 的剩余日程:

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/ Monday, Oct 10 - 11:00am
Hart Lambur to talk on "Optimistic Oracles: Why Human Powered Truth Machines are Necessary for DeFi to Win" at DeFi Bogota.
Located at Hilton Bogota Corferias

2/ 10 月 10 日,星期一 - 上午 11:00
Hart Lambur 将在 DeFi 波哥大谈论“乐观预言机:为什么 DeFi 需要人类驱动的真相机器才能获胜”。
位于希尔顿波哥大 Corferias

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Are you an Uman in Bogota?
UMA's co-founder @hal2001 will be on stage at 11:00am at the DeFi Bogota conference hosted by @DystopiaLabs.
His talk is titled "Optimistic Oracles: Why Human Powered Truth Machines are Necessary for DeFi to Win"
Located at Hilton Bogota Corferias

UMA 的联合创始人@hal2001 将于上午 11:00 在@DystopiaLabs 主办的 DeFi 波哥大会议上登台。
他的演讲题为“乐观的预言机:为什么 DeFi 需要人类驱动的真相机器才能获胜”
位于希尔顿波哥大 Corferias

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: How have contracts evolved, and where are they heading next?📝
We touch on the concept of contracts, complications in CeFi, and the role of digital currencies and DeFi in the future global economy with @UMAprotocol's @hal2001
Listen to the episode here: https://anchor.fm/yapcast/epis... https://t.co/M6RWnKoGlX

我们通过@UMAprotocol 的@hal2001 探讨合约的概念、CeFi 的复杂性以及数字货币和 DeFi 在未来全球经济中的作用
在这里收听这一集:https://anchor.fm/yapcast/epis ... https://t.co/M6RWnKoGlX

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: Bridges are hard. This Devcon panel will debate the design tradeoffs.
Big brain @tarunchitra is moderating. On stage is:
Me from @AcrossProtocol
@WhinfreyChris from @HopProtocol
@pumatheuma from @succinctlabs (a new zkbridge!)
Join us 4pm, Thursday:

RT:桥梁很难。这个 Devcon 小组将讨论设计权衡。
大脑袋@tarunchitra 正在缓和。舞台上是:
来自@HopProtocol 的@WhinfreyChris
来自@succinctlabs 的@pumatheuma(一个新的zkbridge!)
周四下午 4 点加入我们:

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: #EthBogota was a great experience. I’m super impressed at every hackathon about the quality and scope of features that can be built in 36 hours.
These are the 7 projects that built on top of UMA or Across (in the order they presented):


发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: The only language barrier @ETHGlobal is solidity.
@DeFiChris helping onboard brand new web3 devs into @UMAprotocol. https://t.co/e1JEPA7amz

RT:@ETHGlobal 唯一的语言障碍是稳固性。
@DeFiChris 帮助将全新的 web3 开发人员加入 @UMAprotocol。 https://t.co/e1JEPA7amz

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

6/ The UMA team is excited to share about the optimistic oracle and about the @AcrossProtocol bridge -- And happy to talk with hackers about blockers they have.
Happy Hacking!

6/ UMA 团队很高兴与大家分享乐观的预言机和@AcrossProtocol 桥——并且很高兴与黑客讨论他们拥有的拦截器。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

4/ Tuesday, Oct 11 - 4pm
Hart Lambur and Chris Whinfrey @WhinfreyChris speaking @ @EFDevcon on "Battle of the Bridges: Untangling the Tradeoffs of Various Bridge Designs"
Hart and Chris are the founders of @HopProtocol and @AcrossProtocol will debate design tradeoffs.

4/ 10 月 11 日,星期二 - 下午 4 点
Hart Lambur 和 Chris Whinfrey @WhinfreyChris 就“桥梁之战:解开各种桥梁设计的权衡”@@EFDevcon 发表讲话
Hart 和 Chris 是 @HopProtocol 的创始人,@AcrossProtocol 将讨论设计权衡。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

5/ At ETHBogota and Devcon, UMA is collecting secondhand devices for kids from high-risk neighborhoods in Colombia. After, we can connect them to the LatAm ETH Community.
At Devcon, you'll find "The Chiva" to drop off devices, or DM @TokenArchitect.

First device over the line—thanks @RicoChenNinja!
I am collecting devices for kids living in poverty in Barranquilla and in coordination with @fmccv.
Come visit us at the UMA booth! #ETHBogota https://t.co/glIIFAiGFD

发表时间:1年前 作者:Clayton | UMA | Bogota @TokenArchitect

5/ 在 ETHBogota 和 Devcon,UMA 正在为来自哥伦比亚高风险社区的孩子收集二手设备。之后,我们可以将他们连接到 LatAm ETH 社区。
在 Devcon,你会找到“The Chiva”来放下设备,或者 DM @TokenArchitect。

我正在与@fmccv 合作,为巴兰基亚贫困儿童收集设备。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/ Fri, Oct 7 - 10.30pm (passed)
Workshop | EthBogotá
Speaking: Founder @hal2001 on "UMA Optimistic truth verification | We know it works, but What’s its full potential for web3?"

2/ 周五,10 月 7 日 - 晚上 10 点 30 分(已过)
演讲:创始人@hal2001 在“UMA Optimistic 真相验证 | 我们知道它有效,但它对 web3 的全部潜力是什么?”

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

3/ Sat, Oct 8 - 11am
@DystopiaLabs DeFi Bogota at the Hilton Bogota.
Speaking: Hart | Optimistic Oracles: Why Human Powered Truth Machines are Necessary for DeFi to Win

3/ 周六,10 月 8 日 - 上午 11 点
@DystopiaLabs DeFi 波哥大希尔顿酒店。
演讲:哈特 |乐观的预言机:为什么 DeFi 需要人工驱动的真相机器才能获胜

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/ UMA is the first booth you'll see at #ETHBogota, and you will also see us at #DeFiBogota and #DevConBogota.
Here are a schedule of events this week for UMA hackers: https://twitter.com/hal2001/st...

And it begins. Come get sweet swag (socks!) and talk about Optimistic Oracles with @UMAprotocol and Optimistic Bridges with @AcrossProtocol here in #ETHBogota @ETHGlobal. https://t.co/4LVcVyMALD

发表时间:1年前 作者:Hart Lambur @hal2001

1/ UMA 是您看到的第一个展位

它开始了。来获取甜蜜的赃物(袜子!)并在此处与@UMAprotocol 讨论乐观预言和@AcrossProtocol 的乐观桥梁

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: First device over the line—thanks @RicoChenNinja!
I am collecting devices for kids living in poverty in Barranquilla and in coordination with @fmccv.
Come visit us at the UMA booth! #ETHBogota https://t.co/glIIFAiGFD

我正在与@fmccv 合作,为巴兰基亚贫困儿童收集设备。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

3/4 To mirror UMA's rewards system, you can give minting rights for your DAO's token to a contract that uses UMA's optimistic oracle to verify voter participation in off-chain voting (e.g., Snapshot).
You can then mint voting rewards en masse for all users who participated.

3/4 为了反映 UMA 的奖励系统,您可以将您的 DAO 代币的铸造权授予使用 UMA 的乐观预言机来验证选民参与链下投票的合约(例如,快照)。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

4/4 Depending on your project, you might distribute those tokens immediately or simply credit the tokens to the user so they can claim them later.
This provides on-chain incentives for off-chain voting and can fix governance systems broken by low participation.

4/4 根据您的项目,您可能会立即分发这些代币,或者只是将代币记入用户,以便他们稍后可以领取。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/4 UMA gives on-chain voting rewards for participating in governance and dispute resolution. The ~30% APY means participation is high.
You can boost your DAO's governance participation through voting rewards, too—even for off-chain votes.

2/4 UMA 为参与治理和争议解决提供链上投票奖励。 ~30% APY 意味着参与度很高。
你也可以通过投票奖励来提高 DAO 的治理参与度——即使是链下投票也是如此。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/4 With ETHBogotá starting today, we're sharing a few bite-sized optimistic oracle ideas for hackers building with UMA.
Here's another one...

1/4 从今天开始的 ETHBogotá,我们将与 UMA 一起为黑客们分享一些乐观的预言机想法。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: 1/2 Meet @jdshutt, a smart contract engineer with UMA.
Over John's career, a couple of themes emerged that eventually combined and delivered him to UMA.

RT:1/2 认识 UMA 的智能合约工程师 @jdshutt。
在约翰的职业生涯中,出现了几个主题,这些主题最终结合在一起并将他带到了 UMA。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: Join us in the UMA community lounge on Discord today at 19.00 UTC for the first in our series on how to structure requests to UMA's Optimistic Oracle.
We start by exploring how to determine the USD price of BTC. Easy, right? Maybe harder than you think!

RT:今天 19:00 UTC 加入我们在 Discord 上的 UMA 社区休息室,这是我们关于如何构建对 UMA 的 Optimistic Oracle 的请求的系列的第一篇。
我们首先探索如何确定 BTC 的美元价格。容易,对吧?也许比你想象的更难!

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情