3/3 This Medium article includes all the relevant info for hackers building on UMA including:
➡️ Seed hack ideas for ETHSF
➡️ An intro workshop on building with the OO
➡️ Examples of past winning hacks
➡️ More details about how to get involved
Register to hack by Nov 1!

3/3 这篇 Medium 文章包含了在 UMA 上构建的黑客的所有相关信息,包括:
➡️ ETHSF 的种子黑客创意
➡️ 使用 OO 进行构建的介绍研讨会
➡️ 过去获胜的黑客示例
在 11 月 1 日之前注册破解!

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol