ETHSanFrancisco 🌉 is just around the corner.
Help build the next big thing in Web3 and win prizes while you do it.
We'll be sharing more details on UMA's involvement in coming days so stay tuned and support our frens from @ETHGlobal by applying now👇

ETHSanFrancisco 🌉 指日可待。
帮助构建 Web3 中的下一件大事,并在您这样做的同时赢取奖品。
我们将在未来几天分享有关 UMA 参与的更多细节,敬请关注并支持我们来自@ETHGlobal 的朋友,现在就申请👇

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol