用户 ReggieMiddleton(@ ReggieMiddleton) 的最新消息

@javatime05 @Bitboy_Crypto @SBF_FTX Right? Wrong! The patents cover the tech that makes #ethereum #solona #bitcoin and #NFTs work. Basically, advanced DLT transactions.
What you should be focused on is whether those technologies would be allowed to facilitate non-custodial transactions, and the tea leaves say no!

@javatime05 @Bitboy_Crypto @SBF_FTX 对吗?错误的!这些专利涵盖了制造技术

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@BarletteTim This post is about common interests, and the ability to be able to claim ownership to, and practice one's inventions as envisioned by the constitution. Did you read all three of the attachments to the tweet?
If U works for tech cos., financial concern, they own YOUR inventions!!

@BarletteTim 这篇文章是关于共同利益的,以及能够按照宪法的规定主张所有权和实践自己的发明的能力。您是否阅读了推文的所有三个附件?

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Sending new batch of patent notices/C&D letters soon. Some may realize there are powerful, wealthy entities/individuals who don't want me to have ownership rights over my own inventions.
On that note, a little history shows how closely related many of you who read this are to me https://t.co/K2fLGkEBxL


发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: @ReggieMiddleton @CoinDesk I don't see Reggie's name? @coindesk? What in the ever living are you doing? You continue to ignore this will make it worse in the long run for cryptos. Blows me away. Keep using his patent....

RT:@ReggieMiddleton @CoinDesk 我没看到 Reggie 的名字? @币台?你到底在做什么?从长远来看,您继续忽略这一点会使加密货币变得更糟。把我吹走。继续使用他的专利......

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@SilverSurferLGB @CoinDesk Yeah, I think they'll be a healthy dose of denying. It doesn't matter. It's not as if I seek, need, or even want acknowledgment of influence. The rampant discrimination is what bothers me.

@SilverSurferLGB @CoinDesk 是的,我认为他们将是一个健康的否认剂量。没关系。好像我并不寻求、需要甚至想要承认影响力。猖獗的歧视困扰着我。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@ewmjcc @CoinDesk Well, I certainly don't want to down anyone on that list. I have mucho respect for several of them.
Alas, I don't see how one party can allege that I am an apex predator, yet members of that party's editorial staff don't see me as noteworthy.
Appears to be discriminatory, no?

@ewmjcc @CoinDesk 好吧,我当然不想让名单上的任何人失望。我非常尊重他们中的几个。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@scopex21 @ZssBecker Ha! Good comeback! :-)

@scopex21 @ZssBecker 哈!好回归! :-)

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: Within roughly 30 days or so, I suspect the news cycle will be filled with an event that will rock the crypto industry down to its foundation. That is in addition to the unprecedented, highly important, yet sparsely covered events detailed below.
Stay tuned! https://twitter.com/ReggieMidd...

RT:在大约 30 天左右的时间里,我怀疑新闻周期将充满一个事件,这将震撼加密行业的根基。这是对下文详述的史无前例、非常重要但鲜为人知的事件的补充。
敬请关注! https://twitter.com/ReggieMidd...

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@scopex21 @ZssBecker Charts can not help you with BTC pricing. At least, I don't believe in them. There is no central pool of liquidity to chart from, and its technology anyway, and not financial markets.
Think the Internet vs trading IP packets.

@scopex21 @ZssBecker 图表无法帮助您进行 BTC 定价。至少,我不相信他们。没有中央流动性池可供绘制,无论如何它的技术,而不是金融市场。
想想互联网与交易 IP 数据包。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@Mickeymouse888 Have patience, my young Paduwon! I will clean this industry up, and it will look very different and much more mature by this time next year.

@Mickeymouse888 有耐心,我年轻的帕杜旺!我会清理这个行业,到明年这个时候它看起来会非常不同并且更加成熟。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@scopex21 @ZssBecker What does enforcing IP rights have to do with BTC prices? That's like saying Samsung sues Apple for infringing on its patents, do the price of smartphones goes to $10..
Regardless of what Gensler may lead you to believe, this is a technology space, not a financial market

@scopex21 @ZssBecker 执行知识产权与 BTC 价格有什么关系?这就像说三星起诉苹果侵犯其专利,智能手机的价格会涨到 10 美元吗?
不管 Gensler 可能让你相信什么,这是一个技术空间,而不是金融市场

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: @ReggieMiddleton @CoinDesk Done! The fact that you weren’t on the list is telling, especially since no one on the list has come close in influence.

RT:@ReggieMiddleton @CoinDesk 完成!你不在名单上的事实很能说明问题,特别是因为名单上没有人的影响力接近。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

This list of Coindesk's most influential is back online again. Cast your vote for the most handsome.... :-) https://twitter.com/ReggieMidd...

@CoinDesk "list of the most influential in crypto will not be a popularity contest. The question isn't did you like a nominee, but how big an impact did they have? Vote now. The poll closes on Oct. 24"
When 2nd patent suit is announced, truth will be known
https://www.coindesk.com/layer... https://t.co/t6X4Zcxd52

发表时间:1年前 作者:Reggie Middleton DeFi Patent US11196566, JP6813477 @ReggieMiddleton

这份 Coindesk 最具影响力的名单再次上线。为最帅的人投票...... :-) https://twitter.com/ReggieMidd.. .

@CoinDesk “加密领域最具影响力的名单不会是人气竞赛。问题不是你喜欢被提名者,而是他们有多大的影响?现在投票。投票将于 10 月 24 日结束”
https://www. coindesk.com/layer... https://t.co/t6X4Zcxd52

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: There are a few moments in history where men and women of integrity and moral standing give us insight into the best pathway forward for humanity. @ReggieMiddleton is one of those men today! https://t.co/oTtxFk3ld8

RT:历史上有几个时刻,正直和道德的男人和女人让我们洞察人类前进的最佳途径。 @ReggieMiddleton 就是今天的那些人之一! https://t.co/oTtxFk3ld8

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

That's actually pretty funny! https://twitter.com/zan_toka/s...

@ReggieMiddleton @coinbase sooo...what exactly were they doing between 9/23 - 10/7 https://t.co/w7eWO9iwH7

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zandra Kubota @zan_toka

这真的很有趣! https://twitter.com/zan_toka/s...

@ReggieMiddleton @coinbase sooo ...他们在 9/23 至 10/7 之间到底在做什么 https://t.co/w7eWO9iwH7

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@ReggieMiddleton @coinbase "Veritaseum does not compete with Coinbase" They're right, Veritaseum Owns Coinbase!

发表时间:1年前 作者:BOBCATS.LENS @bobcat_weaver

@ReggieMiddleton @coinbase “Veritaseum 不与 Coinbase 竞争”他们是对的,Veritaseum 拥有 Coinbase!

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: This announcement further ensures that Tether has a diversified portfolio with limits to exposure to higher-risk assets. It demonstrates Tether’s commitment to lead by example, as part of our ongoing push toward increased transparency for the stablecoin industry. (3/3)

RT:本公告进一步确保了 Tether 拥有多元化的投资组合,但对高风险资产的敞口有限。它表明了 Tether 以身作则的承诺,作为我们不断推动稳定币行业透明度的一部分。 (3/3)

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: Tether has eliminated over $30 billion dollars of commercial paper without any losses, a proof of how Tethers’ reserves are conservatively and professionally managed. Tether has also increased its direct exposure to US Treasuries by more than $10 billion in the last quarter.(2/3)

RT:Tether 已经消除了超过 300 亿美元的商业票据而没有任何损失,这证明了 Tethers 的储备是如何得到保守和专业管理的。 Tether 在上个季度还将其对美国国债的直接敞口增加了超过 100 亿美元。(2/3)

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

WE are in the process of delving much deeper into the stablecoin industry. More to follow. Stay tuned. In the mean time and in between time, reference https://boombustblog.com/compo... https://twitter.com/Tether_to/...

BREAKING: Tether is proud to announce that we have completely eliminated commercial paper from our reserves. This is evidence of our commitment to back our tokens with the most secure, liquid reserves in the market. (1/3)

发表时间:1年前 作者:Tether @Tether_to

我们正在深入研究稳定币行业。更多关注。敬请关注。在此期间和之间,请参考 https://boombustblog.com/compo... https: //twitter.com/Tether_to/...

BREAKING:Tether 自豪地宣布,我们已经从储备中完全消除了商业票据。这证明了我们承诺以市场上最安全、流动性最强的储备来支持我们的代币。 (1/3)

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情