用户 ReggieMiddleton(@ ReggieMiddleton) 的最新消息

RT: Apple has update its App Store guidelines to require that social media post “boosts” be purchased as IAPs, entitling Apple to 30% of that advertising revenue. This is new as of iOS 16.1, which was released today https://t.co/OggqkMRRTW

RT:Apple 已更新其 App Store 指南,要求将社交媒体帖子“提升”作为 IAP 购买,从而使 Apple 有权获得该广告收入的 30%。这是今天发布的 iOS 16.1 的新功能 https://t.co/OggqkMRRTW

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

This is my impromptu appearance on the Gentlemen of Crupto's 1,000th-anniversary episode, discussing patents, patent infringement and how they affect exchanges, asset-backed tokens and stablecoins. Click this link to view
https://youtu.be/lI-KdzZzD6I?t... https://t.co/YM8GJp90fC

这是我在 Crupto 1000 周年纪念节目中的即兴亮相,讨论专利、专利侵权以及它们如何影响交易所、资产支持的代币和稳定币。点击此链接查看
https://youtu.be/lI-KdzZzD6I?t... https:// /t.co/YM8GJp90fC

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: The first printed media article that I have been in for some time. Expect to see a lot more in the near future from the non-captured media. I plan to be making a LOT of newsworthy moves forthwith. See the full spread of "Executive Global" magazine online https://edition.pagesuite-prof... https://t.co/MBm3UYp9li

RT:我已经有一段时间的第一篇印刷媒体文章。期待在不久的将来从非捕获媒体中看到更多。我计划立即采取许多具有新闻价值的举措。在线查看“Executive Global”杂志的完整传播发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 https://t.co/aPD0YeEPsf

转发:👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 https://t.co/aPD0YeEPsf

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

If you think NFTs are catching many offguard wait until brands, platforms & creatives realize they've been given HORRIBLE legal advice & that NFT tech itself has been PATENTED! Most lawyers AREN'T EXPERTS!
See Online creators hit with IP/Copyright lawsuits
https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/22... https://t.co/FbAuySfLwY

如果您认为 NFT 让很多人措手不及,请等到品牌、平台

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

If you equate digital assets to financial instruments you don't understand the nature of the Beast. #DeFi is conditional value transfer tech. Ignore the Fin or the Tech in #FinTech at your peril! $USDC has patent infringement issues! Peep the contagion! https://boombustblog.com/ https://t.co/DH0zrjjfwM


发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Trust me..... it definitely will not shock me. Do I have some stories to tell. There's a documentary in the making... Seriously. We can let the director tell the tales. https://twitter.com/attorneyje...

Brad G. tweeted the following:
"The SEC wants you to think that it cares about disclosure, transparency and clarity. Don’t believe them. When the truth eventually comes out, the shamefulness of their behavior here will shock you."

发表时间:1年前 作者:Jeremy Hogan @attorneyjeremy1

相信我......它绝对不会让我震惊。我有什么故事要讲。正在制作一部纪录片……说真的。我们可以让导演讲故事。 https://twitter.com/attorneyje...

布拉德 G. 发推文如下:

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

According to our research, ~96% of $COIN revenue may be subject to the JP6813477B2 & US11196566 patents. Big deal, no? Note how the media, crypto & sell side banking analysts fail to warn of this.
Download truly deep dive analysis, 117 pg Coinbase report https://boombustblog.com/compo... https://t.co/CpnnbpZNB3

根据我们的研究,约 96% 的 $COIN 收入可能受 JP6813477B2 约束

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Referring to headline only, @ywchen1 is completely correct. #China .gov economic reporting is considered highly suspect by nearly everyone with more than one synapse to string together. Reporting bad news accurately goes farther to credibility than continuing to hide/obfuscate https://twitter.com/Reuters/st...

📺 on @Breakingviews: Beijing postponed releasing its most-watched quarterly data amid a Party Congress already putting politics above all else. @ywchen1 argues the lack of communication does more harm than ugly numbers https://reut.rs/3MKE5K0

发表时间:1年前 作者:Reuters @Reuters

仅提及标题,@ywchen1 是完全正确的。

📺@Breakingviews:北京推迟发布其最受关注的季度数据,因为党的代表大会已经将政治置于一切之上。 @ywchen1 认为缺乏沟通比丑陋的数字更有害https://reut.rs/3MKE5K0

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Four and a half years ago, an eternity in this space. So much has happened since then. What a rollercoaster ride! If I am ever truly successful, no one can say it was an easy trip, that's for sure.
Veritaseum in Dubai: Learn What We Do & What We're About

迪拜的 Veritaseum:了解我们的工作

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@dao2wei I think you got the hint. Calling an inventor/entrepreneur a patent troll for enforcing THEIR rights on THEIR invention is simply allowing PATENT PIRATES to manipulate you as a useful idiot.
The term pirate should be more ubiquitous in Twitterville, for piracy > trolling. #FACTS https://t.co/JOQoolJNBT

@dao2wei 我想你得到了提示。将发明家/企业家称为专利巨魔,以强制执行他们对其发明的权利,这只是让专利盗版者将您当作有用的白痴来操纵。
海盗一词在 Twitterville 中应该更普遍,因为盗版

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@dao2wei An inventor can never be a troll. If you build a house and you don't want strangers living in your house for free, are you a troll?
Entrepreneurship and capitalism are the American way, ensconced in the Constitution.
Socialism has never worked, long term, at least nit here!

@dao2wei 发明家永远不会是巨魔。如果你盖房子,不想让陌生人免费住在你的房子里,你是巨魔吗?

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Doesn't this sound remotely familiar?
I wish I would have thought of it.
If I did, I would have patented it! https://twitter.com/chainlink_...

.@cache_gold [CACHE Gold] Integrates #Chainlink Proof of Reserve 💰 to Secure Tokenized Gold on Polygon.
If this use-case excites you, visit CACHE Gold's profile on #ChainlinkEcosystem and ❤️ UPVOTE it!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Chainlink Ecosystem @chainlink_eco

如果我这样做了,我会申请专利的! https://twitter.com/chainlink_...

.@cache_gold [CACHE Gold] 集成

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@ManhdSpace Evidence of what? Why are you asking me if you'll get sued if you build on Digibyte?
Will you be using our IP without permission? I don't know what you are building and I don't know anything about Digibyte other than the CEO being rude
& disrespectful to me.. Read the patent

@ManhdSpace 什么证据?你为什么要问我如果你建立在 Digibyte 上会不会被起诉?
您会在未经许可的情况下使用我们的 IP 吗?我不知道你在做什么,除了 CEO 粗鲁之外,我对 Digibyte 一无所知

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Exploring the Culture and Nature of Nigeria En Route to the Stock Exchange.
When we go into countries to introduce our Veritaseum P2P Capital Market Solutions, we don't bring a pre-packaged answer looking for a...

当我们进入国家介绍我们的 Veritaseum P2P 资本市场解决方案时,我们不会带上预先打包好的答案来寻找...
发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Reggie Middleton Illustrates the Benefits of Veritaseum's VeGold to Nigerian Stock Exchange Interns
An entertaining and very educational look at how Veritaseum's VeGold product can benefit the future generation(s) of workers in the country https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

Reggie Middleton 向尼日利亚证券交易所实习生说明 Veritaseum 的 VeGold 的好处
Veritaseum 的 VeGold 产品如何使该国的下一代工人受益,这是一个有趣且极具教育意义的研究 发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: HATE Reggie Middleton or love him, he has been trying to help anyone that will listen with FREE info how to understand the financial system we are in.DYOR this 3 year old video and many other YT videos can change your life. https://youtu.be/_F5XORcMy4M

RT:恨雷吉米德尔顿或爱他,他一直在努力帮助任何愿意免费收听信息的人了解我们所处的金融体系。DYOR 这个 3 年前的视频和许多其他 YT 视频可以改变你的生活。 https://youtu.be/_F5XORcMy4M

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@JohnEDeaton1 I understand @IOHK_Charles point here, but he seems to be disregarding the rampant & purposeful discrimination apparently taking place. Securities designation appears more weaponized than random. If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem! https://twitter.com/432XRP/sta...

Cardano Founder Says XRP Holders’ Claim About Hinman’s Conflict of Interest With Ethereum Is A “Grand Conspiracy” https://thecryptobasic.com/202... via @The Crypto Basic

发表时间:1年前 作者:432Hz XRP @432XRP

@JohnEDeaton1 我明白@IOHK_Charles 指出这里,但他似乎无视猖獗

卡尔达诺创始人表示,XRP 持有人关于 Hinman 与以太坊的利益冲突的说法是一个“大阴谋”https://thecryptobasic.com/202... 通过@The Crypto基本的

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Reggie Middleton's Masterclass on Wealth, Capitalism and Mastery of Blockchain Applications
I describe a real life, real world application of Veritaseum's VeADIR P2P Capital Markets Blockchain app https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

我描述了 Veritaseum 的 VeADIR P2P 资本市场区块链应用程序 https://www. youtube.com/watch?...

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: @javatime05 @Bitboy_Crypto @SBF_FTX Right? Wrong! The patents cover the tech that makes #ethereum #solona #bitcoin and #NFTs work. Basically, advanced DLT transactions.
What you should be focused on is whether those technologies would be allowed to facilitate non-custodial transactions, and the tea leaves say no!

RT:@javatime05 @Bitboy_Crypto @SBF_FTX 对吗?错误的!这些专利涵盖了制造技术

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情