用户 ReggieMiddleton(@ ReggieMiddleton) 的最新消息



发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

In order for big tech/banks to convince the populace that deci/centibillionaire companies are being victimized by small businesses & inventors (the fabric of American capitalism), the only way for them to succeed is through "USEFUL IDIOTS"! Don't be one!
https://youtu.be/6g_9IWMxym4?t... https://t.co/vzRJp9qnY4


发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Politicians & media outlets should listen very closely to the words coming out of the mouth(s) or the people that I allegedely "defrauded" Below is a document draftered by the "defrauded" and this link allows you to hear thoughts of VERI holders, direclty!
https://youtu.be/6g_9IWMxym4?t... https://t.co/6RcLtmMA8a


发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

On the topic of #PatentPirates creating the concept of #patenttrolls to conjure up images of the boogeyman while taking the life's work of small entrepeneurs, or the true inventors! See this segment of my interview with @DAO_VERI
https://youtu.be/6g_9IWMxym4?t... https://t.co/gPh9Xx8roR


发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Re: @KimKardashian @SECGov fine for not disclosing payment for marketing alleged securities. Out of curiosity, can anyone recall what @GoldmanSachs was paid for marketing $coin securities, who subsequently lost 80% of investor's money & may not have properly disclosed IP risks?

回复:@KimKardashian @SECGov 因未披露营销涉嫌证券的付款而被罚款。出于好奇,谁能回忆起@GoldmanSachs 因营销 $coin 证券而获得的报酬,后者随后损失了投资者 80% 的资金

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Interestingly enough, I'm working on a documentary as well. It's going to be a "STUNNER", trust me on that! https://twitter.com/brian_arms...

1/ Big announcement: we've been working with director Greg Kohs on a documentary about cryptocurrency and Coinbase over the last three years, and it will be coming out this Friday on Amazon Prime/iTunes/YouTube etc.
See the trailer here: https://youtu.be/OXK5XKSxD1E

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brian Armstrong @brian_armstrong

有趣的是,我也在制作一部纪录片。这将是一个“STUNNER”,相信我! https://twitter.com/brian_arms...

1/ 重大公告:在过去三年中,我们一直在与导演 Greg Kohs 合作制作一部关于加密货币和 Coinbase 的纪录片,该纪录片将于本周五在 Amazon Prime/iTunes/YouTube 等平台上映。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

DeFi could overtake TradFi in the foreseeable future.
Which #altcoins will spearhead the revolution?

发表时间:1年前 作者:The Moon | Carl @TheMoonCarl

在可预见的未来,DeFi 可能会超过 TradFi。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Listen to this, published in early 2014, and look at the patents that were issued with a priority date in early 2014. Hell yes, we were early and innovative! Several years before AMMs and Uniswaps....
https://youtu.be/AkaESsPOFYU?t... https://t.co/tVOYQytFvn

听听这个,发表于 2014 年初,看看在 2014 年初发布的具有优先权日期的专利。地狱是的,我们很早而且有创新!几年前 AMM 和 Uniswap....
https://youtu.be/AkaESsPOFYU?t... https://t.co /tVOYQytFvn

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: Listen to two OG’s @TraceMayer and @ReggieMiddleton discuss @Veritaseuminc’s #ProofofConcept (Ultra-Coin) based on patent No. US11196566.
Learn all the real reasons why the SEC attacked Reggie in this epic interview from 2014!
@dao_veri @RoadtoRoota https://twitter.com/johnedeato...

RT:听两位 OG 的 @TraceMayer 和 @ReggieMiddleton 讨论 @Veritaseuminc 的

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: @JohnEDeaton1 @ReggieMiddleton It's worse than that! Token holders got to keep their tokens, not cash them in, and still not many holders participated due to lack of trust in the SEC. Token holders were also denied a NAL by the SEC and are, to this day, left in legal limbo.

RT:@JohnEDeaton1 @ReggieMiddleton 比这更糟糕!代币持有者必须保留他们的代币,而不是兑现,由于对 SEC 缺乏信任,仍然没有多少持有者参与。代币持有者也被美国证券交易委员会拒绝了 NAL,并且直到今天仍处于法律边缘。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: I don’t know all the facts regarding the #Veri token and @ReggieMiddleton but I know the SEC does NOT protect investors. If they filed this case w/the intent of protecting #Veri token holders and only 1% cashed in their tokens, you would think the SEC would reevaluate its agenda. https://twitter.com/channelver...


发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: @RoadtoRoota Well done @RoadtoRoota discussing SECs abuse of @ReggieMiddleton and VERI token holders @dao_veri. So very few crypto media outlets talking about this! Epic! Spread the word! https://t.co/RNCOxoIeTp

RT:@RoadtoRoota 干得好@RoadtoRoota 讨论 SEC 滥用 @ReggieMiddleton 和 VERI 代币持有者 @dao_veri。很少有加密媒体在谈论这个!史诗!传播这个词! https://t.co/RNCOxoIeTp

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: @ReggieMiddleton @PatrickMcHenry @RepMaxineWaters @PatToomey @SherrodBrown @dao_veri @GaryGensler all but admitted what “They” did to Reggie because he “threatened” their banking model. Never give up. The longer they play this out the more glorious the outcome for you Reggie. As the crypto and Defi markets grow over this time a healthy percentage is yours.

RT:@ReggieMiddleton @PatrickMcHenry @RepMaxineWaters @PatToomey @SherrodBrown @dao_veri @GaryGensler 几乎都承认“他们”对雷吉做了什么,因为他“威胁”了他们的银行模式。永不放弃。他们玩的时间越长,Reggie 的结果就越好。随着加密货币和 Defi 市场在这段时间内的增长,一个健康的百分比是你的。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: @RepMaxineWaters. Please review the case of @ReggieMiddleton. There’s more than enough info to show that he was victimized by the SEC under W. Hinman. I’m particularly disturbed by the extra-judicial treatment and bias one of our own innovators has endured. https://twitter.com/reggiemidd...

RT:@RepMaxineWaters。请查看@ReggieMiddleton 的案例。有足够多的信息表明他在 W. Hinman 的领导下是 SEC 的受害者。我对我们自己的一位创新者所遭受的法外待遇和偏见感到特别不安。 https://twitter.com/reggiemidd...

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

If this letter (from individuals that the SEC alleged I defrauded) bothers you in any material way, share your thoughts with those empowered to do something about it
The @dao_veri original tweet https://twitter.com/dao_veri/s... https://t.co/68oGGADyUY

An extremely embarrassing outcome of "investor protection" by the @SECGov as practiced not codified and applied to @ReggieMiddleton and the #VERI token holders.
@Veritaseuminc @JohnEDeaton1 @attorneyjeremy1 @EleanorTerrett @WadeTeamer @WatcherGuru @PatrickMcHenry @RepTomEmmer https://t.co/rvyHcfNwWR

发表时间:1年前 作者:VeriDAO @dao_veri

@dao_veri 原始推文

@SECGov 实施的“投资者保护”的一个极其尴尬的结果,没有编纂并适用于 @ReggieMiddleton 和

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: @ReggieMiddleton @CoinDesk @Cointelegraph @RealCoinGeek @ForbesTech @laurashin @SECGov I have not received anything from the Veri fund as yet- intend to send to @ReggieMiddleton if and when I get it. They contacted my son about 3 months ago, who hadn’t put in a claim. Delay tactics. I don’t think they intend to pay out anything.

RT:@ReggieMiddleton @CoinDesk @Cointelegraph @RealCoinGeek @ForbesTech @laurashin @SECGov 我还没有从 Veri 基金收到任何东西——如果我得到它,打算发送给 @ReggieMiddleton。大约 3 个月前,他们联系了我儿子,他没有提出索赔。拖延战术。我不认为他们打算支付任何费用。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@CoinDesk @Cointelegraph @RealCoinGeek @ForbesTech @laurashin Since so many media outlets insist on reporting the @SECGov allegations against me, even though they were just unadjudicated allegations that I never admitted or denied, you should DEFINITELY report on the "defrauded? https://twitter.com/dao_veri/s...

An extremely embarrassing outcome of "investor protection" by the @SECGov as practiced not codified and applied to @ReggieMiddleton and the #VERI token holders.
@Veritaseuminc @JohnEDeaton1 @attorneyjeremy1 @EleanorTerrett @WadeTeamer @WatcherGuru @PatrickMcHenry @RepTomEmmer https://t.co/rvyHcfNwWR

发表时间:1年前 作者:VeriDAO @dao_veri

@CoinDesk @Cointelegraph @RealCoinGeek @ForbesTech @laurashin 既然如此多的媒体坚持报道@SECGov 对我的指控,即使它们只是未经裁决的指控,我从未承认或否认过,你绝对应该报道“被骗?https://twitter.com/dao_veri/s...

@SECGov 实施的“投资者保护”的一个极其尴尬的结果,没有编纂并适用于 @ReggieMiddleton 和

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@cointelegraph posted an article covering @veritaseuminc v @coinbase patent infringement suit. Guess what? They also want to get paid for the labors behind thier property & assets, too? I'm all for what @cointelegraph is doing. Leads to better journalism! https://cointelegraph.com/news... https://t.co/4jD7WN8aFt

@cointelegraph 发表了一篇文章,内容涉及@veritaseuminc v @coinbase 专利侵权诉讼。你猜怎么着?他们还想为他们的财产背后的劳动获得报酬

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

The chain not being useful for some or many is a far cry from the chain going down and not being useful at all. A blockchain that fails monthly is a failed project - hard stop! The very purpose of blockchains is to provide continuous, immutable P2P access. Its failing at its core https://twitter.com/AriDavidPa...

@cryptolonggame @ercwl @Justin_Bons It’s fair to note that at a certain fee level, the chain isn’t useful for some (maybe many) people and for many use cases. But…tradeoffs always inevitable. Like complaining that McDonald’s doesn’t serve Indian food.

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ari Paul ⛓️ @AriDavidPaul

对某些人或许多人没有用的链条与链条下降并且根本没有用处相去甚远。每月失败的区块链是失败的项目 - 硬停止!区块链的真正目的是提供持续的、不可变的 P2P 访问。它的核心失败 https://twitter.com/AriDavidPa...

@cryptolonggame @ercwl @Justin_Bons 公平地指出,在一定的费用水平上,该链对某些(也许很多)人和许多用例没有用处。但是……权衡总是不可避免的。就像抱怨麦当劳不提供印度菜一样。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情