用户 ReggieMiddleton(@ ReggieMiddleton) 的最新消息

@maker31790747 I can see where many would find the results of comprehensive dscovery in the Coinbase patent infringement suit to be very interesting....

@maker31790747 我可以看到很多人会在 Coinbase 专利侵权诉讼中发现全面发现的结果非常有趣......

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

That would be wonderful, and would welcome such an effort with open arms... Alas, I'm not confident that is the way of crypto Twitter. And, we need to come to grips with why a person and project with such a background was derided and discriminated against in the first place https://twitter.com/JeremyS667...

@ReggieMiddleton @niccarter @laurashin @dao_veri The one thing people could do is be honest with themselves...admit they were wrong or at least say they made the wrong opinion...Then they could use their voices and platforms and help speak the truth with you.Everyone..help get the truth out with Reggie!!! Time to make it right!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Jeremy Stevens @JeremyS66732511

那将是美妙的,并且会张开双臂欢迎这样的努力......唉,我不相信这是加密 Twitter 的方式。而且,我们首先需要了解为什么具有这样背景的人和项目会被嘲笑和歧视https://twitter.com/JeremyS667...

@ReggieMiddleton @niccarter @laurashin @dao_veri 人们可以做的一件事就是对自己诚实......承认他们错了,或者至少说他们提出了错误的意见......然后他们可以使用他们的声音和平台并帮助说出告诉你真相。每个人..帮助雷吉说出真相!!!是时候做对了!

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

@niccarter @laurashin I would put more names here, but the list will be so long as to consume all 280 of my allowable characters. Which one of you... Ignored? Laughed? Fought? And then???
This is far from the end of the story. I'm just getting started spreading truths! @dao_veri https://t.co/NR26iu8eNO

@niccarter @laurashin 我会在这里放更多的名字,但是这个列表会很长,以至于会消耗掉我允许的所有 280 个字符。你们中的哪一个……被忽略了?笑了吗?打了?接着???
这远非故事的结局。我才刚刚开始传播真相! @dao_veri https://t.co/NR26iu8eNO

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Whose boat is this? https://t.co/zuE5fz4I6h

这是谁的船? https://t.co/zuE5fz4I6h

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: "If people are duped into betting on a crypto asset because she liked it, the SEC is unlikely to prevent them from making bad choices with their money." - @maxraskin & Todd Henderson

RT:“如果人们因为她喜欢加密资产而被骗下注,那么 SEC 不太可能阻止他们用自己的钱做出错误的选择。” - @maxraskin

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: As @EMPOWR_us fights the @SECGov in court for what the public has the right to know, here is a reminder of why that fight is so important for every digital asset holder in the United States, especially as @GaryGensler is fighting against transparency tooth and nail. https://twitter.com/CryptoLawU...

RT:当@EMPOWR_us 在法庭上与@SECGov 争夺公众有权知道的事情时,这里提醒人们为什么这场斗争对美国的每个数字资产持有者都如此重要,尤其是当@GaryGensler 正在与透明度作斗争时牙齿和指甲。 https://twitter.com/CryptoLawU...

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: "Patenting a business is just like giving up a card or a cell phone; you come up with an idea, patent it creates a recognizable brand get a trademark on it; the cost is diminished relative to the potential benefit it could bring." - @ReggieMiddleton @linqtoinc #linqtolearn https://t.co/hzso0i7m6o

RT:“为企业申请专利就像放弃一张卡片或一部手机;你提出一个想法,专利它会创建一个可识别的品牌,并在其上获得商标;相对于它可能带来的潜在利益,成本会降低。 " - @ReggieMiddleton @linqtoinc

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: I will be pontificating on my learnings and experiences in patented IP in the distributed ledger (you know, that crypto/blockchain/encrypted digital asset stuff) space in about 5 minutes. 1 pm EDT. Sign in below and ask plenty of good questions. The audience is family offices https://twitter.com/LinqtoGIC/...

RT:我将在大约 5 分钟后在分布式账本(你知道,加密/区块链/加密数字资产的东西)空间中介绍我在专利 IP 方面的学习和经验。美国东部时间下午 1 点。在下面登录并提出很多好问题。受众是家族办公室 https://twitter.com/LinqtoGIC/...

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

I will be pontificating on my learnings and experiences in patented IP in the distributed ledger (you know, that crypto/blockchain/encrypted digital asset stuff) space in about 5 minutes. 1 pm EDT. Sign in below and ask plenty of good questions. The audience is family offices https://twitter.com/LinqtoGIC/...

@ReggieMiddleton, the inventor of #defi will be speaking at tomorrow's #LinqtoLearn to discuss how important IP is in #emergingmarkets and IP #duediligence when evaluating companies.
Signup to learn more: https://bit.ly/3CkxfHM https://t.co/QHhzvBG3iy

发表时间:1年前 作者:The Global Investor Conference @LinqtoGIC

我将在大约 5 分钟内对我在分布式账本(你知道,加密/区块链/加密数字资产)空间中的专利 IP 方面的学习和经验发表看法。美国东部时间下午 1 点。在下面登录并提出很多好问题。受众是家族办公室 https://twitter.com/LinqtoGIC/...


发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

The full Ripple brief in support of the amicus briefs... https://t.co/G1NDqOceAp

支持法庭之友简报的完整瑞波简报...... https://t.co/G1NDqOceAp

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Ripple in defense of Amicus briefs "Nothing could be more to the point than these two amicus briefs refuting (or at
least disputing) both points. If the SEC cannot evaluate the veracity of such claims then it had
no business bringing this litigation in the first place."
Damn!!! https://twitter.com/attorneyje...

My legal opinion of this brief summarized below: https://twitter.com/FilanLaw/s... https://t.co/XJhrpm62RJ

发表时间:1年前 作者:Jeremy Hogan @attorneyjeremy1

最少争议)两点。如果 SEC 无法评估此类声明的真实性,那么它有
该死!!! https://twitter.com/attorneyje...

我对这份简报的法律意见总结如下:https://twitter.com/FilanLaw/s... https://t.co/XJhrpm62RJ

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

Coinbase selected by BlackRock to provide Aladdin clients access to crypto trading/custody,
disregarding my many warnings of improper IP due diligence.
See press release from @Coinbase https://www.coinbase.com/blog/...
See the discussion with the #VeriDAO https://www.youtube.com/watch?... https://t.co/h6t2sGJ4q3

贝莱德选择 Coinbase 为阿拉丁客户提供加密交易/托管服务,
请参阅@Coinbase 的新闻稿 https://www.coinbase.com/blog/...

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: You'd think that Assistant Attorney General Kanter responsible for overseeing US Anti-trust laws, barring monopoly and this type of predation, would be all over this.
COPA Corruption with Reggie Middleton and Lisa Davis https://youtu.be/6g_9IWMxym4 via @YouTube

通过@YouTube 与 Reggie Middleton 和 Lisa Davis https://youtu.be/6g_9IWMxym4 的 COPA 腐败

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: The smart move here would be for an exchange to make a sweetheart deal with @ReggieMiddleton and show that the industry has some integrity. The opposite seems to be happening, which will mean Reggie can decide the fate of your businesses. https://twitter.com/anthony_bl...

RT:这里的明智之举是交换与@ReggieMiddleton 达成甜心交易,并表明该行业具有一定的诚信度。相反的情况似乎正在发生,这意味着雷吉可以决定您企业的命运。 https://twitter.com/anthony_bl...

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: @jonfarjo @brian_armstrong @HaileyLennonBTC I'm sure you're talking about @ReggieMiddleton when you speak of visionaries. He has the patent on all #Defi. Pay the man #coinbase!

RT:@jonfarjo @brian_armstrong @HaileyLennonBTC 我敢肯定,当您谈到有远见的人时,您指的是@ReggieMiddleton。他拥有所有专利

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: @ReggieMiddleton They describe YOU in the trailer notes! “chronicles the rise of a visionary founder in crypto who harnesses the power of this emerging technology to promote a mission of global economic freedom.” Might as well use that blurb just like they use your tech!

RT:@ReggieMiddleton 他们在预告片中描述了你! “记录了一位有远见的加密货币创始人的崛起,他利用这种新兴技术的力量来促进全球经济自由的使命。”不妨像他们使用您的技术一样使用该宣传语!

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: “chronicles the rise of a visionary founder in crypto who harnesses the power of this emerging technology to promote a mission of global economic freedom.” What a joke! @ReggieMiddleton is the visionary and @coinbase is stealing his technology! https://twitter.com/brian_arms...

RT:“记录了一位有远见的加密货币创始人的崛起,他利用这种新兴技术的力量来促进全球经济自由的使命。”真是笑话! @ReggieMiddleton 是有远见的,@coinbase 正在窃取他的技术! https://twitter.com/brian_arms...

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情

RT: “chronicles the rise of a visionary founder in crypto who harnesses the power of this emerging technology to promote a mission of global economic freedom.” They are describing @ReggieMiddleton but I doubt that’s who they mean! https://twitter.com/brian_arms...

RT:“记录了一位有远见的加密货币创始人的崛起,他利用这种新兴技术的力量来促进全球经济自由的使命。”他们在描述@ReggieMiddleton,但我怀疑这就是他们的意思! https://twitter.com/brian_arms...

发表时间:1年前 作者:ReggieMiddleton @ReggieMiddleton详情