用户 Vitalik Non-giver of Ether(@ VitalikButerin) 的最新消息

Here is a picture of a beautiful field full of flowers. https://t.co/JF5qyumLNU


发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

How do trusted setups work?


发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@Noahpinion The thing about being rich that they don't teach you in school is that the bulk of the benefit is not in what fancy things you can have, it's in what problems and annoyances you can avoid.


发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

* Belarusian people really don't support the war (only 13% do apparently!): https://www.dw.com/en/sviatlan...
* My dad regularly retweets important stuff: https://twitter.com/BlockGeekD...
* More insightful analysis every day: https://twitter.com/kamilkazan...
* Ukrainian memes: https://twitter.com/uamemesfor...

Thread of threads
This is a brief guide for selected threads. It will include materials on the current war and briefs useful for prognosing the future of the region once the war is over 🧵 https://t.co/d7YThU32MB

发表时间:2年前 作者:Kamil Galeev @kamilkazani


这是所选线程的简要指南。它将包括关于当前战争的材料,以及在战争结束后对预测该地区未来有用的简报🧵 https://t.co/d7YThU32MB

发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

Ukraine things:
* Plea to give Russian deserters asylum (important!): https://twitter.com/glenweyl/s...
* Gitcoin Ukraine round: https://shorturl.at/bfpyT
* Fundraiser from @aplusk and Mila: https://twitter.com/aplusk/sta...
* "Do Russians want war?" insightful+nuanced thread: https://twitter.com/alexey_min...

Do Russians want war?
We’ve got an answer. It’s complex, bitter, but more optimistic than dry data shows.
We surveyed a representative sample of 1807 Russians and our partner Tazeros analyzed 2,73 mln Russian posts in social networks: https://www.dorussianswantwar....
Key findings:

发表时间:2年前 作者:Алексей Миняйло @alexey_minyaylo



发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

Ukrainians are far from the only ones suffering from war. Also people in Yemen, Ethiopia... just as human as Ukrainians and you are.
This is NOT a valid excuse to not care about Ukrainians today. But it does mean we should self-reflect and extend our compassion to others too.


发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: @ioveamg1 说一个国家的人必须支持自己国家的政府并不是爱国,而是一种奴隶制。真正的爱国有时候需要对抗自己国家发出的邪恶,因为这样才能帮自己国家变得更美

转发: @ioveamg1 说一个国家的人必须支持自己国家的政府并不是爱国,而是一种奴隶制。真正的爱国有时候需要对抗自己国家发出的邪恶,因为这样才能帮自己国家变得更美

发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@ioveamg1 说一个国家的人必须支持自己国家的政府并不是爱国,而是一种奴隶制。真正的爱国有时候需要对抗自己国家发出的邪恶,因为这样才能帮自己国家变得更美

@ioveamg1 说一个国家的人必须支持自己国家的政府并不是爱国,而是一种奴隶制。真正的爱国有时候需要对抗自己国家发出的邪恶,因为这样才能帮自己国家变得更美

发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

First priority is supporting Ukrainians. Second, and also really important, priority is supporting those Russians and Belarusians who refuse to let Putin's Z-ombie regime represent them and take action to oppose it. https://twitter.com/ABarbashin...

It would be an amazing gesture if a European University would openly welcome Russian students kicked out for protesting war in Russia, signaling that Europe stands with those in Russia that oppose Putin and oppose the war. That not all Russians are treated as Putin&Co https://twitter.com/ABarbashin...

发表时间:2年前 作者:Anton Barbashin @ABarbashin



发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

A quick tutorial on how barycentric evaluation of polynomials works (useful in ZK-SNARK protocols, data availability sampling and many other Ethereum-related use cases):


发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: Today at 1 pm PT / 4 pm ET - @katie_haun's team will host a talk about the role crypto is playing in Ukraine's fight for freedom 🇺🇦. @TomicahTD will moderate.
Please join: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1...

RT:今天下午1点,美国东部时间下午4点,@katie_haun的团队将主持一场关于加密技术在乌克兰争取自由斗争中所扮演角色的演讲🇺🇦. @托米卡德会缓和。

发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@iyad_elbaghdadi Only a little bit more non-contiguous than Cyprus!


发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@defungi @BlockGeekDima Very simple: all of the things you mention don't come even close to justifying invading a country whose people overwhelmingly don't want to be invaded.


发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@Zarcky_ @least_nathan I've seen people throwing around ideas like offering asylum to Russian soldiers and families who desert.
Also, flooding Russian cyberspace through any means with truthful information.
And if you have to collectively punish, go after oligarchs' yachts and planes and mansions.


发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: Putin's thugs are now arresting children for anti war protests 😡😡😡 https://twitter.com/ilyayashin...

RT:普京的暴徒现在因反战抗议而逮捕儿童😡😡😡 https://twitter.com/ilyayashin...

发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@least_nathan My dad personally helped over a dozen families migrate from Russia to Canada. In the last few days, many of them participated in pro-Ukraine rallies.
The west should be taking every opportunity to help *more* Russians break ranks with Putin in any way, not less.


发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: The blanket deplatforming of all Russians is sad. PR/signaling that harms a population that's largely composed of potential allies who are no supporters of the Kremlin.
We should be helping Russians get out from under the thumb: asylum, work visas, censorship bypasses…


发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

Encapsulated vs systemic complexity in protocol design


发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: 1/ Putin's war on #Ukraine has already created 150,000 refugees, and 1000+ people have been killed or injured.
Ukrainians require solidarity, and every single one of us can help.
➡️ Please consider donating to one of these organizations: https://hrf.org/how-to-support...

➡️ 请考虑捐赠给这些组织中的一个:https://hrf.org/how-to-support...

发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@M_Simonyan @akarlin0 иди на хуй

@m\u simonyan@akarlin0去你妈的

发表时间:2年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情