用户 Vitalik Non-giver of Ether(@ VitalikButerin) 的最新消息

@HallmanEricsson @RyanSAdams @zengjiajun_eth @balajis @lexfridman I use ffmpeg to accelerate audio by 1.3x manually.

@HallmanEricsson @RyanSAdams @zengjiajun_eth @balajis @lexfridman 我使用 ffmpeg 手动将音频加速 1.3 倍。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@RyanSAdams @zengjiajun_eth @balajis @lexfridman I had 30 hours of airplane time including layovers and I'm bad at sleeping in premium economy so what was I supposed to do....
(I listen to Lex at 1.3x speed so it was only 6h)

@RyanSAdams @zengjiajun_eth @balajis @lexfridman 我有 30 个小时的飞机时间,包括中途停留,而且我在高级经济舱睡得不好,所以我应该怎么做....
(我以 1.3 倍的速度听 Lex,所以只有 6 小时)

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@glenweyl @CivGame "Democratic Plurality" or something similar could work really well.

@glenweyl @CivGame "Democratic Plurality" 或类似的东西可以很好地工作。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@glenweyl @CivGame I generally like it, though I do think "Plurality" is trying to claim too much territory there. Enterpreneurial sovereignty also often describes itself in pluralist terms, and "Plurality" by itself doesn't really hint at what distinguishes it from Entrepreneurial Sovereignty

@glenweyl @CivGame 我通常喜欢它,尽管我确实认为“多元化”试图在那里占据太多的领土。企业主权也经常用多元化的术语来描述自己,而“多元化”本身并没有真正暗示它与企业家主权的区别

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@tszzl lol why is everyone trying to guess which towns I visited assuming that they are in USA?

@tszzl 大声笑为什么每个人都试图猜测我去过哪些城镇,假设他们在美国?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: The Cistercian numerals are a forgotten number system, developed by the Cistercian monastic order in the early thirteenth century, much more compact than Arabic or Roman numerals: with a single character you could write any integer from 1 to 9999 [more: https://buff.ly/2LDj1Kg] https://t.co/tehyfxmy2n

RT:西多会数字是一个被遗忘的数字系统,由 13 世纪早期的西多会修道院开发,比阿拉伯或罗马数字更紧凑:使用单个字符,您可以写出 1 到 9999 之间的任何整数 [更多:https://buff.ly/2LDj1Kg] https://t.co/tehyfxmy2n

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@JeromySonne @tszzl Oh I absolutely agree.

@JeromySonne @tszzl 哦,我完全同意。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@tszzl 3k is even enough to have schools with 1-2 full-sized classes at each grade level.

@tszzl 3k 甚至足以让学校在每个年级开设 1-2 个全班。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@tszzl True but the size of a community you need to make a very livable city is surprisingly tiny if you can concentrate the right people. I've spent a month this year in towns with population under 3k and it was great. Top quality sushi even.

@tszzl 是的,但如果你能集中合适的人,你需要打造一个非常宜居的城市所需的社区规模非常小。今年我在人口低于 3k 的城镇呆了一个月,感觉很棒。甚至是顶级品质的寿司。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@zengjiajun_eth "There's a premise in Western culture that to gain something you must lose. If you're Icarus and you try to fly, you'll fly too high and melt your wings. But guess what, we fly every day, commercial air flight"
- @balajis

@zengjiajun_eth “西方文化有个前提,要得到一定要失去。如果你是伊卡洛斯,你想飞,你会飞得太高,融化你的翅膀。但你猜怎么着,我们每天都在飞,商业航空航班”

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: "Block">"Blob" is really profound
Executable "shard chains" with "crosslinks" got obsoleted: EVM in beaconchain, and rollup-centric roadmap with data-availability sampling to scale base layer without app env complexity.
But how do you call shard contents without block metadata? https://twitter.com/hudsonjame...


发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@Noahpinion I don't think I've ever actually drawn a multi-level game tree diagram for a blog post before! Lots of 2x2s though. Maybe because I tend to focus more on simultaneous-move N-player situations?

@Noahpinion 我认为我以前从未为博客文章绘制过多级游戏树图!虽然有很多 2x2s。也许是因为我倾向于更多地关注同时移动的 N 玩家情况?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@ne0liberal This is actually a place where quadratic voting and similar ideas could really shine. It allows community input in situations where different people have different levels of interest in any specific issue, but without being a "talky" mechanism that privileges professional talkers

@ne0liberal 这实际上是二次投票和类似想法真正大放异彩的地方。它允许在不同的人对任何特定问题有不同程度的兴趣的情况下进行社区输入,但不是一种特权专业谈话者的“谈话”机制

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@AnthonyLeeZhang Put $7 into a 2-of-2 multisig and leave them having to negotiate taking it out.

@AnthonyLeeZhang 将 7 美元放入 2-of-2 的多重签名中,让他们不得不通过谈判将其取出。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@punk4156 @nounsdao Maybe @karl_dot_tech can help!

@punk4156 @nounsdao 也许@karl_dot_tech 可以提供帮助!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@SBF_FTX Conditional burn is better imo. Recipient should have the right to force you to burn $X (or donate it to charity), but if the recipient is happy with your message it should cost nothing.

@SBF_FTX 有条件的刻录更好。收件人应该有权强迫你烧掉 X 美元(或将其捐赠给慈善机构),但如果收件人对你的信息感到满意,它应该不花钱。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

@avsa @lopp It was an april fool's joke.

@avsa @lopp 这是一个愚人节的玩笑。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: Vyper continues improving and becoming a better EVM high-level language, but have you ever wondered how exactly it works?
Excited to release the definitive 0 to 1 guide to dive into Vyper's history, resources, and compiler 🐍
@vyperlang https://t.co/2c5TUGErqI

RT:Vyper 不断改进并成为更好的 EVM 高级语言,但你有没有想过它究竟是如何工作的?
很高兴发布权威的 0 到 1 指南,深入了解 Vyper 的历史、资源和编译器🐍
@vyperlang https://t.co/2c5TUGErqI

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情

RT: Launching today "RIG Open Problems" (ROPs), a collection of problem prompts we're looking to solve with *you*! 🌱
The prompts come with some questions to answer, but could lead to more open-ended explorations.

RT:今天推出“RIG Open Problems”(ROP),这是我们希望与*您*一起解决的一系列问题提示! 🌱

发表时间:1年前 作者:Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin详情