RT: I'm very happy to be able to show you this little spoiler of where the event will take place @NFTSaoPaulo, where one of the biggest NFT events in Brazil will take place. The event is being sponsored by @AlgoFoundation , I'm excited for it 🇧🇷✨
@AlgorandBrasil #algofam #algobr https://t.co/6rDhny7TtK

RT:我很高兴能够向你展示这个活动将在哪里举行的小剧透@NFTSaoPaulo,巴西最大的 NFT 活动之一将在那里举行。该活动由@AlgoFoundation 赞助,我很兴奋🇧🇷✨

发表时间:1年前 作者:Algorand Foundation @AlgoFoundation