Did you know: you can save money on Amazon with Bitcoin Cash
➡️ Buy some BCH
➡️ Order your items with https://purse.io/?_r=I0a0Zr and set your discount
📊 Volatility risk is low because you're not holding BCH for long
💵 You can save up to 33% on Amazon items after a while

➡️ 购买一些 BCH
➡️ 使用 https://purse.io/?_r=I0a0Zr 订购您的商品并设置折扣
📊 波动性风险低,因为你持有 BCH 的时间不长
💵 一段时间后,您可以在亚马逊商品上节省高达 33% 的费用

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin Info @bitcoininfo