#OntologyConsensusRound 193 has ended🖥️
Summary of annualized yield, increase in stake, operation status & fee sharing ratio changes of nodes👉https://publicdocs.gitbook.io/...
🔥Highest Annualized Yield: VIAVI (52%)
📈Highest Increase in Stake: Merak (258K $ONT) https://t.co/pz5hzcYooL

#OntologyConsensusRound 193 has ended🖥️
Summary of annualized yield, increase in stake, operation status & fee sharing ratio changes of nodes👉https://publicdocs.gitbook.io/...
🔥Highest Annualized Yield: VIAVI (52%)
📈Highest Increase in Stake: Merak (258K $ONT) https://t.co/pz5hzcYooL

发表时间:1年前 作者:Ontology @OntologyNetwork