RT: Did you guys know @BitcoinMagazine has been working to produce one of the first physical Bitcoin Art galleries in history in Nashville, TN ??
Well, the inaugural opening is scheduled for Oct 31, at 5pm.
You should check it out: https://www.meetup.com/nashbit... https://t.co/UQG8CpT8o8

RT:你们知道吗@BitcoinMagazine 一直致力于在田纳西州纳什维尔制作历史上第一批实体比特币艺术画廊之一?
好吧,就职典礼定于 10 月 31 日下午 5 点举行。
你应该检查一下:发表时间:1年前 作者:₿itcoin Magazine @BitcoinMagazine