RT: It's the weekend, but the dopamine drug dealers in the news and politics still want you to wake up anxious and afraid. Reject catastrophism, join @BitcoinMagazine's The Breakup at 8am ET for the sunrise, coffee, and our optimistic take on impending hyperbitcoinization https://t.co/L4iENgqxWh

RT:现在是周末,但新闻和政治中的多巴胺毒贩仍然希望你在焦虑和恐惧中醒来。拒绝灾难,加入@BitcoinMagazine 在美国东部时间上午 8 点的 The Breakup,享受日出、咖啡和我们对即将到来的超比特币化的乐观态度 https://t.co/L4iENgqxWh

发表时间:1年前 作者:₿itcoin Magazine @BitcoinMagazine