RT: 1/ Bitcoin maxis are a dying breed. While there was a time where ~everything except Bitcoin was basically a scam, that hasn't been true for a long time, and the smart money has moved on to figuring out which projects are going somewhere, and which are straight pump-and-dumps.

RT:1/比特币马克西是一个垂死的品种。虽然有一段时间,除了比特币之外的所有东西基本上都是骗局,但很长一段时间以来都不是这样,聪明的钱已经开始弄清楚哪些项目正在走向某个地方,哪些是直接的抽水 -转储。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Charlie Lee [LTC⚡] @SatoshiLite