Calling for @FantomFDN users, don't miss out WOOFi superchargers where u can juicy yields on $FTM and $USDC by lending u money to the professional market maker. yields are in the deposited tokens and interest bearing $WOO.
WOOFi wizards🧙‍♂️ - let tag all fantom related accounts.

呼吁@FantomFDN 用户,不要错过 WOOFi 增压器,您可以通过向专业做市商借钱来获得 $FTM 和 $USDC 的多汁收益。收益在存入的代币和计息 $WOO 中。
WOOFi 精灵🧙‍♂️ - 标记所有与 fantom 相关的帐户。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027