When CZ says SAFU - is it so?
When you interact with DeFi - there is no financial intermediary, so Binance has to return seized money to everyone affected. Apparently Binance cannot just send: they need users to spend $$$ on lawyers with a prospect of recovery in 6-18 months https://twitter.com/cz_binance...

当 CZ 说 SAFU 时 - 是这样吗?
当您与 DeFi 互动时 - 没有金融中介,因此 Binance 必须将扣押的资金返还给所有受影响的人。显然,Binance 不能只发送:他们需要用户在 6-18 个月内恢复的律师身上花费 $$https://twitter.com/cz_binance...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance