用户 Curve(@ CurveFinance) 的最新消息

RT: So what are we left with then? So much actually 😳 Leveraged stablecoins on @CurveFinance, leveraged farming with @iearnfinance, leveraged trading with @Uniswap, leveraged liquid staking with @LidoFinance, and even @ConvexFinance - all realized in V2! And that's just a start ⚡️

RT:那我们还剩下什么?实际上有这么多😳@CurveFinance 上的杠杆稳定币,@iearnfinance 的杠杆农业,@Uniswap 的杠杆交易,@LidoFinance 的杠杆流动质押,甚至@ConvexFinance - 都在 V2 中实现!而这只是一个开始⚡️

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

@hasufl @RuneKek Endgame is only bad if it unpegs the actual dai. Why not make an unpegged endgame dai and use it as collateral for dollar dai though?

@hasufl @RuneKek Endgame 只有在脱离实际 dai 的情况下才是糟糕的。为什么不制作一个未挂钩的残局 dai 并将其用作美元 dai 的抵押品呢?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

RT: XY Finance has integrated liquidity on @CurveFinance as part of @1inch integration🔥
Ahead of the #Curve with #XYFinance
Curve’s largest #stablecoin pool + X Swap =
✅Best routing & price
✅Lower risk to price impact
✅Swap any tokens across 14 chains https://t.co/kKOIzJLWKp

RT:作为@1inch 整合的一部分,XY Finance 在@CurveFinance 上整合了流动性🔥

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

RT: The @ChickenBonds frenzy keeps spreading, with now close to 750 bonds created for 13.7M $LUSD deposited in total 🔥
How about we plead with the @CurveFinance governance to get $CRV rewards on the pool, enabling further support & integrations (👀Convex)?

RT:@ChickenBonds 的狂热不断蔓延,现在已经创建了近 750 个债券,总共存入了 1370 万美元 LUSD 🔥
我们如何恳求@CurveFinance 治理在矿池中获得 $CRV 奖励,以提供进一步的支持

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

@alliancedao Whoah. Looks like a terrible proposal. DeFi projects wouldn't comply (and many existing ones could not comply even if they wanted to)

@alliancedao 哇哦。看起来是个糟糕的提议。 DeFi 项目不会遵守(许多现有的项目即使想遵守也无法遵守)

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

@haydenzadams @nnnnicholas Is it better when you use Curve instead?

@haydenzadams @nnnnicholas 当您使用曲线时会更好吗?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

RT: /3 UPDATE: The 3% Chicken-in fee is now streaming to bLUSD LPs on Curve.....118% APR in $LUSD 😍🤑
Arise chikun @CurveFinance 🐣💪😉 https://t.co/A1rQqQrARP

RT:/3 更新:3% 的预付费用现在流向曲线上的 bLUSD LP .....118% 的 APR 美元 LUSD 😍🤑
出现chikun @CurveFinance🐣💪😉 https://t.co/A1rQqQrARP

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

@RyanSAdams @SBF_FTX You are right. Sounds like a no-go regulation!

@RyanSAdams @SBF_FTX 你是对的。听起来像是一个禁止规则!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

RT: The bootstrap period of the @ChickenBonds ended a few hours ago!
19 bonds already Chickened In, bringing the bLUSD supply to 482K
The bLUSD/LUSD-3CRV @CurveFinance is also
growing, with >200K TVL thanks to $LUSD incentives
It's fascinating to watch it unfold live 👀 https://t.co/7LhHxGyz0u

RT:@ChickenBonds 的引导期在几个小时前结束了!
19 种债券已经被纳入,使 bLUSD 供应量达到 482K
bLUSD/LUSD-3CRV @CurveFinance 也是

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

RT: Kava is thrilled @CurveFinance has deployed & joined the #KavaRise Incentives Program with a Kava 3Pool!
A leading @Ethereum AMM has come to Kava with lucrative rewards for users, proving the magnetic power of the Kava Rise builder incentives.

RT:Kava 很高兴@CurveFinance 部署了

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

@tarunchitra @ks_kulk @acityinohio Phew ser, almost got scared. Universe is safu

@tarunchitra @ks_kulk @acityinohio Phew ser,差点被吓到了。宇宙是safu

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

When CZ says SAFU - is it so?
When you interact with DeFi - there is no financial intermediary, so Binance has to return seized money to everyone affected. Apparently Binance cannot just send: they need users to spend $$$ on lawyers with a prospect of recovery in 6-18 months https://twitter.com/cz_binance...

Binance froze/recovered $450k of the Curve stolen funds, representing 83%+ of the hack. We are working with LE to return the funds to the users. The hacker kept on sending the funds to Binance in different ways, thinking we can't catch it. 😂
#SAFU https://twitter.com/cz_binance...

发表时间:1年前 作者:CZ 🔶 Binance @cz_binance

当 CZ 说 SAFU 时 - 是这样吗?
当您与 DeFi 互动时 - 没有金融中介,因此 Binance 必须将扣押的资金返还给所有受影响的人。显然,Binance 不能只发送:他们需要用户在 6-18 个月内恢复的律师身上花费 $$https://twitter.com/cz_binance...

Binance 冻结/追回了 45 万美元的 Curve 被盗资金,占黑客攻击的 83%。我们正在与 LE 合作,将资金返还给用户。黑客不断以不同的方式向币安发送资金,认为我们无法抓住它。 😂

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

@sniko_ @DegenSpartan He is, but then it’s not the Economist which he reads. So there is some third layer

@sniko_ @DegenSpartan 他是,但他读的不是《经济学人》。所以有一些第三层

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

@4BS7R4C7 Yeah, saw reports that avg does that to also convex and debank. Please throw away that buggy antivirus software (at least before they fix it)

@ 4BS7R4C7 是的,看到报告说 avg 也这样做是为了凸出和去银行。请扔掉那个有问题的防病毒软件(至少在他们修复它之前)

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

@DefiMoon @ChickenBonds Time to recycle the rise chickun meme!

@DefiMoon @ChickenBonds 是时候回收崛起的小鸡模因了!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

RT: Extremely dope meta registry just released by @_bout3fiddy_
Tons of helper functions, make it a one stop shop for basically any @CurveFinance pool data you need.
📜 -->
0xF98B45FA17DE75FB1aD0e7aFD971b0ca00e379fC https://t.co/xX6p8lIQXA

RT:@_bout3fiddy_ 刚刚发布的极度兴奋的元注册表
大量的辅助功能,使其成为您需要的基本上任何@CurveFinance 池数据的一站式商店。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

@Tether_to Phew! Now it's safu to do the World Economic Crisis 👍

@Tether_to 呸!现在做世界经济危机是安全的👍

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

@0xC_Lever Had quite some activity!

@0xC_Lever 有很多活动!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情

@DefiantNews @ofernau No votes required for that anymore!

@DefiantNews @ofernau 不再需要投票了!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Curve @CurveFinance详情