RT: We're excited to see StakeWise work to make ETH staking more accessible through further decentralization.
In July, Nexus Mutual and StakeWise announced their decision to cover their validator network with the mutual's ETH2 Staking Cover 🛡️
👇 https://twitter.com/stakewise_...

RT:我们很高兴看到 StakeWise 通过进一步去中心化使 ETH 质押更容易获得。
7 月,Nexus Mutual 和 StakeWise 宣布他们决定用共同的 ETH2 Staking Cover 覆盖他们的验证者网络🛡️
👇 https://twitter.com/stakewise_...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Hugh Karp 🐢 @HughKarp