RT: 📰 Nexus Mutual Newsletter 📰
Stay up to date on all things Nexus Mutual—read our newsletter!
In this week’s issue:
✅ Buyback $wNXM with LDO GAL Snapshot vote
✅ @bootnodedev covered vaults Snapshot vote
✅ Nexus Mutual listed in @safe app!
And more!

RT:📰 Nexus Mutual 通讯 📰
随时了解 Nexus Mutual 的所有最新信息——阅读我们的时事通讯!
✅ 通过 LDO GAL 快照投票回购 $wNXM
✅ @bootnodedev 覆盖保险库快照投票
✅ Nexus Mutual 在@safe 应用程序中列出!
https://nexusmutual.substack.c...< /一>

发表时间:1年前 作者:Hugh Karp 🐢 @HughKarp