We've had plenty of interest in UMA and the optimistic oracle during @ETHOnline, which continues through September.
Hackers, if you have any questions you can find us in @ETHGlobal's 'sponsor-uma' channel on Discord, or you can reach out to @jdshutt on Twitter.

在@ETHOnline 期间,我们对 UMA 和乐观的预言机产生了浓厚的兴趣,该活动将持续到 9 月。
黑客们,如果您有任何问题,您可以在 Discord 上的@ETHGlobal 的“赞助商-uma”频道中找到我们,或者您可以在 Twitter 上联系@jdshutt。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol