Aeon 的最新消息

@myrabatchelder Looks like the page is back (until October 21?).

@myrabatchelder 看起来页面又回来了(直到 10 月 21 日?)。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@obama_I_miss @BNOFeed FAFO

@obama_I_miss @BNOFeed FAFO

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@allard @rquiroga777 @TRyanGregory That's an interesting observation when viewed up against the assertion that immunity is all that matters.

@allard @rquiroga777 @TRyanGregory 当与免疫是最重要的断言相反时,这是一个有趣的观察。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@Lujan588 @NuritBaytch @michaelzlin @EricTopol True if it doesn't work.

@Lujan588 @NuritBaytch @michaelzlin @EricTopol 如果它不起作用,则为真。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@jmaldonado822 @kendrafeliciter @MarkedByCovid That's a different program which expired.

@jmaldonado822 @kendrafeliciter @MarkedByCovid 这是另一个过期的程序。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@chriswpete @kendrafeliciter That's a different program which was phased out.

@chriswpete @kendrafeliciter 这是一个不同的程序,已被淘汰。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@arijitchakrav @danaparish @listentotherowe @CDCDirector Supposedly the war changed but the war (non) fighting basically didn't.

@arijitchakrav @danaparish @listentotherowe @CDCDirector 据说战争发生了变化,但战争(非)战斗基本上没有。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@RadCentrism @ChristosArgyrop This is just schoolbook multiplication but at least the geometric way doesn't require memorizing tables, you just count.

@RadCentrism @ChristosArgyrop 这只是教科书乘法,但至少几何方式不需要记住表格,您只需数数即可。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@hayes1942 @DrTomFrieden And yet somehow willing to spend hundreds of billions per year on a military budget. If you count terrorism, there hasn't been a major attack on the US in 20 years and if you stick to conventional military attacks it's been 80 years.

@hayes1942 @DrTomFrieden 但不知何故愿意每年花费数千亿美元用于军事预算。如果算上恐怖主义,20年来美国没有发生重大袭击,如果坚持常规军事袭击,已经80年了。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@amethystarlight @mildanalyst 😢
Stay strong.

@amethystarlight @mildanalyst 😢

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fitterhappierAJ What is worse is an endless parade of pundits and bloggers telling everyone not to worry about anything.

@fitterhappierAJ 更糟糕的是,专家和博主无休止地告诉大家不要担心任何事情。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@nayandsheebs @Alexander_Tin @VaccineFinder @CDCgov Some were but it was inconsistent.

@nayandsheebs @Alexander_Tin @VaccineFinder @CDCgov 有些是,但不一致。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@DanRather It's obvious to everyone the art was behind glass, and the protest was disruptive and performative but not destructive. You can see it right in the video.

@DanRather 对每个人来说,玻璃背后的艺术都很明显,抗议是破坏性的和表演性的,但不是破坏性的。你可以在视频中看到它。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@Marco_Piani @AlbertBourla Specifically this
"This analysis found that there is an 84% increase"
No it didn't! "There is an" implies factual certainty but this study (probably any study) can't and didn't conclude that.
Ladapo isn't remotely alone in this imprecision of language, but it's still false.

@Marco_Piani @AlbertBourla 特别是这个
“这项分析发现增加了 84%”
不,它没有! “有一个”意味着事实的确定性,但这项研究(可能是任何研究)不能也没有得出这样的结论。
在这种不精确的语言中,Ladapo 并不孤单,但它仍然是错误的。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@PPEtoheros @danaparish @JudahWorldChamp @jljcolorado @WHO @CDCgov @DFisman @AbraarKaran @mehdirhasan @DrEricDing @EnemyInAState @RealSexyCyborg @sri_srikrishna @GosiaGasperoPhD @lisa_iannattone @nilikm @rachael_levy @JuliaRaifman @michael_hoerger @BenjaminMateus7 @awilkinson @bermaninstitute @DmodosCutter @COVIDnewsfast @PeoplesCDC @BNOFeed @TRyanGregory @jonlevyBU The instructions PDF is still there

@PPEtoheros @danaparish @JudahWorldChamp @jljcolorado @WHO @CDCgov @DFisman @AbraarKaran @mehdirhasan @DrEricDing @EnemyInAState @RealSexyCyborg @sri_srikrishna @GosiaGasperoPhD @lisa_iannattone @nilikm @rachael_levy @JuliaRaifman @michael_hoerger @BenjaminMateusmod7 @awilkinson @hoerger @BenjaminMateusmod7 @awilkinson @BNOFeed @TRyanGregory @jonlevyBU 说明 PDF 仍然存在

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@Marco_Piani @AlbertBourla Haha, without even looking at it I'm sure it is!
But yeah I agree stating a point estimate with wide uncertainty as a simple fact is dishonest. As I said, I was saying this in 2020 about multiple "100% effective" claims.

@Marco_Piani @AlbertBourla 哈哈,不用看我就确定是这样!
但是,是的,我同意将具有广泛不确定性的点估计作为一个简单的事实是不诚实的。正如我所说,我在 2020 年说的是多个“100% 有效”的声明。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@Marco_Piani @AlbertBourla Agree to disagree. Also "in South Africa" is also a specifically a lie. "in our trial in South Africa" would be accurate. This isn't a small difference. It's possible to study effectiveness in an entire country (population), but this wasn't that.

@Marco_Piani @AlbertBourla 同意不同意。另外“在南非”也是一个特别的谎言。 “在我们在南非的审判中”是准确的。这不是一个小区别。可以研究整个国家(人口)的有效性,但事实并非如此。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@PPEtoheros @danaparish @JudahWorldChamp @jljcolorado @WHO @CDCgov @DFisman @AbraarKaran @mehdirhasan @DrEricDing @EnemyInAState @RealSexyCyborg @sri_srikrishna @GosiaGasperoPhD @lisa_iannattone @nilikm @rachael_levy @JuliaRaifman @michael_hoerger @BenjaminMateus7 @awilkinson @bermaninstitute @DmodosCutter @COVIDnewsfast @PeoplesCDC @BNOFeed @TRyanGregory @jonlevyBU 3M has since removed the web page. It was there in 2020, and through at least most of 2021.

@PPEtoheros @danaparish @JudahWorldChamp @jljcolorado @WHO @CDCgov @DFisman @AbraarKaran @mehdirhasan @DrEricDing @EnemyInAState @RealSexyCyborg @sri_srikrishna @GosiaGasperoPhD @lisa_iannattone @nilikm @rachael_levy @JuliaRaifman @michael_hoerger @BenjaminMateusmod7 @awilkinson @hoerger @BenjaminMateusmod7 @awilkinson @BNOFeed @TRyanGregory @jonlevyBU 3M 已经删除了该网页。它存在于 2020 年,并且至少持续到 2021 年的大部分时间。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@JudahWorldChamp @PPEtoheros @jljcolorado @WHO @CDCgov @DFisman @AbraarKaran @mehdirhasan @DrEricDing @EnemyInAState @RealSexyCyborg @sri_srikrishna @GosiaGasperoPhD @lisa_iannattone @danaparish @nilikm What study is that?

@JudahWorldChamp @PPEtoheros @jljcolorado @WHO @CDCgov @DFisman @AbraarKaran @mehdirhasan @DrEricDing @EnemyInAState @RealSexyCyborg @sri_srikrishna @GosiaGasperoPhD @lisa_iannattone @danaparish @nilikm 那是什么研究?

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情