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@fergal_whatever @FinchTH In a country of 125 million people, those are still very low numbers.
There might be a week or two in US or UK that had more cases than the total under that curve, and testing was very poor there in 2020 too.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 在一个拥有 1.25 亿人口的国家,这些数字仍然非常低。
美国或英国可能有一两周的病例数超过该曲线下的病例总数,而且 2020 年那里的检测也很差。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH I stand corrected. I thought there was good guidance on ventilation.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 我是正确的。我认为通风方面有很好的指导。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH In much of the West, when masks were used at all, people were often told to mask "when you can't maintain distance" or not needed if there were "barriers". In poorly ventilated indoor spaces, this literally killed people.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 在西方大部分地区,当完全使用口罩时,人们经常被告知“当你无法保持距离”或如果有“障碍”则不需要戴口罩。在通风不良的室内空间中,这实际上会杀死人。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH I think you misunderstood. I wasn't suggesting that Japan never had contact-reducing measures, whether "recommended" or whatever. I was saying that Japan didn't deny airborne transmission. People weren't mislead about how to get or not get infected and led to the slaughter.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 我认为你误解了。我并不是说日本从来没有减少接触的措施,无论是“推荐”还是其他。我是说日本不否认空中传播。人们没有被误导如何感染或不被感染并导致屠杀。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH What were excess deaths in 2020-2021? How do you avoid people dying from a disease with substantial mortality, no immunity, and no real treatments if there is sustained community transmission? It isn't possible.
What transmission there was never got to high levels.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 2020-2021 年的超额死亡人数是多少?如果存在持续的社区传播,你如何避免人们死于死亡率很高、没有免疫力、没有真正治疗的疾病?这是不可能的。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH Singapore didn't deny airborne transmission. It told people to open windows and ventilate, and of course masks. That wasn't all it did, as you say, restrictions as well. But it didn't undermine everything by denying airborne.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 新加坡没有否认空中传播。它告诉人们打开窗户通风,当然还有口罩。正如你所说,这还不是全部,还有限制。但它并没有通过否认空降来破坏一切。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH Japan had no significant sustained community transmission. What it did was "enough".

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 日本没有明显的持续社区传播。它所做的是“足够”。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH I think you forget that despite all of what you say, US domestic travel dropped >97%, nearly every state, including the ones we now consider to be anti-lockdown, shut down a lot, transmission dropped dramatically in every area. Then "back to normal" set in...

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 我想你忘记了,尽管你说了这么多,美国国内旅行下降了

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH Singapore didn't, Japan didn't, China and Hong Kong didn't (though seem to have mostly dealt with it by locking down buildings). Even WHO pivoted away from denying it much faster than most if not all of the West. That's a large part of the original sin.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 新加坡没有,日本没有,中国和香港没有(尽管似乎主要是通过封锁建筑物来解决这个问题)。就连世卫组织也比大多数西方国家(如果不是全部)都更快地摆脱了否认。这是原罪的很大一部分。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH China was having cases get through regularly BECAUSE the rest of the world had literally millions of cases is my point.
Nothing good was going to happen when denying airborne spread. So yes, DON'T DO THAT (back in 2020).

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 中国经常有病例通过,因为我的观点是世界其他地方确实有数百万病例。
在否认空中传播时,不会发生任何好事。所以是的,不要那样做(早在 2020 年)。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH You're talking about what people find acceptable NOW, the premise of this thread is path to take in early 2020. Most people didn't know what to do and basically anything was acceptable before it got politicized and "live with the virus" and "back to normal" was promoted heavily.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 你说的是人们现在认为可以接受的东西,这个线程的前提是在 2020 年初采取的路径。大多数人不知道该怎么做,基本上任何事情在政治化和“生活在一起”之前都是可以接受的大力宣传“病毒”和“恢复正常”。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH The concept of fully "back to normal" is really kind of silly. "Normal" is an adaptation to conditions. Changed conditions logically implies a changed normal. And indeed EVERYONE'S normal has changed from 2019 to 2020, the only debate to have is how.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 完全“恢复正常”的概念真的有点傻。 “正常”是对条件的适应。变化的条件在逻辑上意味着变化的常态。事实上,从 2019 年到 2020 年,每个人的常态都发生了变化,唯一需要讨论的是如何变化。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH The thing is, "green=no sustained community transmission" with acceptable behavior modifications (not "back to normal") that don't require frequent lockdowns can get everyone down to low levels where THEN you can start to actually eliminate.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 问题是,“绿色=没有持续的社区传播”以及不需要频繁锁定的可接受的行为修改(不是“恢复正常”)可以让每个人都降到低水平,然后你可以开始实际消除.

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH Yeah, well I think that's mostly an illusion done locally. "Normal life" with frequent lockdowns isn't really normal life.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 是的,我认为这主要是在本地完成的错觉。频繁封锁的“正常生活”并不是真正的正常生活。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH That's not the only definition that is possible. You could say "green = zero". I doubt that really works in practice, but it's not certain.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 这不是唯一可能的定义。你可以说“绿色=零”。我怀疑这在实践中是否真的有效,但不确定。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH Some of the "zero covid" countries probably relied too much on border quarantines with a "soft center" (including China in 2020, less so now) and would have had to improve internal measures to stay green without constant disruptive lockdowns.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 一些“零疫情”国家可能过于依赖具有“软中心”的边境隔离区(包括 2020 年的中国,现在不那么如此),并且不得不改进内部措施以保持绿色,而不会出现持续的破坏性封锁.

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH Green means no sustained community transmission. A few import cases that can't self-sustain don't really matter. SK was there and JP was probably there given low/negative excess death.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 绿色意味着没有持续的社区传播。一些不能自给自足的进口案件其实并不重要。 SK 在那里,而 JP 可能在那里,因为死亡人数很少/负数过多。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@GennadySimanovs @GosiaGasperoPhD @TRyanGregory What is that word?

@GennadySimanovs @GosiaGasperoPhD @TRyanGregory 那个词是什么?

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH A red/green approach can work globally over however long it takes (could be months, years), but the key to make it viable is to have more green than red fairly quickly, which could have happened if the West didn't have its head up its ass. Most of East Asia was already green.

@fergal_whatever @FinchTH 一种红色/绿色的方法可以在全球范围内工作,无论需要多长时间(可能是几个月,几年),但使其可行的关键是相当快地拥有更多的绿色而不是红色,如果西方没有,这可能会发生没有它的头它的屁股。东亚大部分地区已经是绿色的。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@itosettiMD_MBA @Rarabird2 @FinchTH Farms seem different from wild animals in a lot of ways, some good, some bad.

@itosettiMD_MBA @Rarabird2 @FinchTH 农场在很多方面似乎与野生动物不同,有些好,有些坏。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情