Aeon 的最新消息

@nerodenc @ArkieMiasma @wsbgnl The criticism of food (prepared and grocery) delivery has never made sense. The alternative is either: (1) starving, or (2) going out and getting food, which is worse in every way.
The focus should be on why the food workers were denied safe workplaces and compensation for risk.

@nerodenc @ArkieMiasma @wsbgnl 对食品(准备好的和杂货)交付的批评从来没有意义。另一种选择是:(1)挨饿,或(2)出去吃东西,这在各方面都更糟。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@RadCentrism Nothing, that's easy mode.

@RadCentrism 没什么,这很简单。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@DailyJLee @RandallBurns5 @TRyanGregory It's clear people have to learn the hard way.

@DailyJLee @RandallBurns5 @TRyanGregory 很明显,人们必须努力学习。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@Jason_gasdive @emilygraymd_mph 1870+ meets the same filtration standard but has better fluid resistance and pink instead of blue straps.

@Jason_gasdive @emilygraymd_mph 1870 符合相同的过滤标准,但具有更好的流体阻力和粉红色而不是蓝色表带。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@Jason_gasdive @emilygraymd_mph
The reason the 9205+ says that on the box is that particular model is not marketed for medical use. The corresponding model 1870+ is for infection prevention.

@Jason_gasdive @emilygraymd_mph https:// /
9205 之所以在包装盒上注明,是因为该特定型号没有用于医疗用途。对应型号 1870 用于预防感染。
https://multimedia.3m .com/mws/...

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@ProfessorFerg06 Entirely misleading. The study found a grand total of ZERO children receiving the authorized dose of 3ug were hospitalized. The only hospitalizations occurred when using a higher dosage off label.

@ProfessorFerg06 完全误导。研究发现,接受授权剂量 3ug 的儿童住院治疗的总数为零。唯一的住院治疗发生在使用更高剂量的标签外。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@RandallBurns5 @DailyJLee @TRyanGregory Scratch "cases". There is still no calibration of wastewater level to infections, nor do we know this is stable. It's only reliable as a short term directional indicator.

@RandallBurns5 @DailyJLee @TRyanGregory 从头开始​​“案例”。仍然没有针对感染的废水水平校准,我们也不知道这是稳定的。它仅作为短期方向性指标是可靠的。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@RandallBurns5 @DailyJLee @TRyanGregory Employers are testing?

@RandallBurns5 @DailyJLee @TRyanGregory 雇主正在测试?

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@RandallBurns5 @DailyJLee @TRyanGregory You can't really do that without calibration of water water concentration to cases. A couple of the issues with that are that concentration emitted probably isn't the same across variants and waste water isn't sampled everywhere (so may over/under count regional surges).

@RandallBurns5 @DailyJLee @TRyanGregory 如果没有根据案例校准水水浓度,您将无法真正做到这一点。其中的几个问题是,不同变体的排放浓度可能不一样,而且并非所有地方都对废水进行采样(因此可能超过/低于计算区域激增)。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@WallStZookeeper Probably slightly different notion of "fair market value" based on when they assessed it on their books.

@WallStZookeeper 根据他们在账簿上的评估时间,“公平市场价值”的概念可能略有不同。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@FinchTH @jklmd123 @Bob_Wachter @katiehafner Should or did? I think they're just reckless, as he's been all along.

@FinchTH @jklmd123 @Bob_Wachter @katiehafner 应该还是应该?我认为他们只是鲁莽,因为他一直都是。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@flowermusickids @FinchTH None of the tests are "approved" but the EUA for most if not all of them includes serial testing for screening (expectation was probably that employers/schools would do this, as some did, for a little while). But not as a single test to "clear" for an event.

@flowermusickids @FinchTH 没有一项测试是“批准的”,但大多数(如果不是全部)的 EUA 包括用于筛选的系列测试(期望雇主/学校可能会像一些人那样做一段时间)。但不是作为“清除”事件的单一测试。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@cocosmompdx @Bob_Wachter @katiehafner *Two courses of Pax

@cocosmompdx @Bob_Wachter @katiehafner *Pax 的两道菜

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@itosettiMD_MBA @Bob_Wachter @katiehafner I think that's a patio, but if you look closely most of the windows are closed. All of the windows are on one side of the room and the upper windows are open just a crack. Not great ventilation at all.
I think he's posting this to signal his anti-safety position.

@itosettiMD_MBA @Bob_Wachter @katiehafner 我认为那是一个露台,但如果您仔细观察,大多数窗户都已关闭。所有的窗户都在房间的一侧,上面的窗户只开着一条缝。根本没有很好的通风。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@WallStZookeeper Allocated according to market price at start of trading?

@WallStZookeeper 在交易开始时根据市场价格分配?

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@Mersch71790522 @alexmeshkin Mass closures in 2020? The chart only goes to 2018.
Online and other cultural and economic changes are more behind this.

@Mersch71790522 @alexmeshkin 2020 年大规模关闭?该图表仅适用于 2018 年。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@PeterSchiff @StanphylCap @POTUS Long before "the day Putin invaded", there was a substantial risk premium created over months of troop build ups and intelligence warnings (accurate for once) of an imminent invasion.

@PeterSchiff @StanphylCap @POTUS 早在“普京入侵的那一天”之前,数月的部队集结和即将入侵的情报警告(一次准确)就产生了巨大的风险溢价。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@alexmeshkin Trend was clear before crypto. Rest are candidates.

@alexmeshkin 趋势在加密之前很明显。休息是候选人。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情

@jasonzweigwsj This also means that a number of provisions that aren't indexed have impact that shifts far faster than the historical rate.

@jasonzweigwsj 这也意味着许多未编入索引的条款的影响变化速度远快于历史比率。

发表时间:1年前 作者:aeon @AeonCoin详情