EOS 的最新消息

@DavBezos @EosNFoundation @AntelopeIO Made more ironic by the c shape in the icon.

@DavBezos @EosNFoundation @AntelopeIO 图标中的 c 形状更具讽刺意味。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@DavBezos @EosNFoundation @AntelopeIO Cantaloupe 🍈. Unfortunately beginning with “can’t” which means anything antelope won’t work for.

@DavBezos @EosNFoundation @AntelopeIO 哈密瓜🍈。不幸的是,以“不能”开头,这意味着任何羚羊都不会工作。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@EosNFoundation @AntelopeIO Once you see it you can’t unsee it. Detractors are gonna throw these. I suppose almost anything is an improvement over eosio name. https://t.co/fmBEkxsACb

@EosNFoundation @AntelopeIO 一旦你看到它,你就无法取消它。批评者会扔这些。我想几乎任何东西都是对 eosio 名称的改进。 https://t.co/fmBEkxsACb

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@mnolangray Disaster. We need fractal democracy and that means each county gets one vote in their state and each state 1 vote in country and each country 1 vote in global governance. Taxes should only be paid locally. @gofractally @moreequalanima1

@mnolangray 灾难。我们需要分形民主,这意味着每个县在他们的州获得一票,每个州在国家获得一票,每个国家在全球治理中获得一票。税款只能在当地缴纳。 @gofractally @moreequalanima1

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@AntelopeIO Looks like two steem logos on top of each other. https://t.co/b1EYRyeRkW

@AntelopeIO 看起来像两个相互重叠的 steem 标志。 https://t.co/b1EYRyeRkW

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@Ted_Cahall @AntelopeIO Oh deer.

@Ted_Cahall @AntelopeIO 哦鹿。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@AntelopeIO You all really upped the “ante”. Congrats on the rebrand.

@AntelopeIO 你们真的提高了“赌注”。恭喜品牌更名。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@davidle04452899 @interwebcoding @eos @EosNFoundation @go_eos @bywirenews Perhaps we need to sanction the government in the name of accountability.

@davidle04452899 @interwebcoding @eos @EosNFoundation @go_eos @bywirenews 也许我们需要以问责的名义制裁政府。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@interwebcoding @eos @EosNFoundation @go_eos @bywirenews And #eos thought ecaf was bad. Government sanctions against “code” is just their pretext to outlaw any arbitrary human association. Sanctions of all types are violating freedom of association under the constitution. The could just as easily sanction Bitcoin

@interwebcoding @eos @EosNFoundation @go_eos @bywirenews 和

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@LayahHeilpern @cvpayne We never had a true democracy. @gofractally Read “More Equal Animals- the subtle art of true democracy” to understand why and what we can do about it.

@LayahHeilpern @cvpayne 我们从来没有真正的民主。 @gofractally 阅读“更多平等的动物——真正民主的微妙艺术”,了解为什么以及我们可以做些什么。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

Science adapts its theory to reality, whereas ideology adapts reality to theory.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@pourteaux @VitalikButerin If a nation can’t defend human rights then globally minded organizations certainly won’t. A mere preference for supporting human rights is a sure fire way to empower those who undermine it. Think Local. Act Local. Support Local Independence.

@pourteaux @VitalikButerin 如果一个国家不能捍卫人权,那么具有全球意识的组织肯定不会。仅仅偏爱支持人权,无疑是增强那些破坏人权的人的正确方式。本地思考。采取当地行动。支持地方独立。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

RT: If the individual is the smallest minority and if you’re not advocating for defending, protecting, and enforcing the rights of all individuals, then are you really being inclusive? If the smallest minority is not protected, then how can any minority group truly be protected? 🤔 https://t.co/nQ9DypLadq

RT:如果个人是最小的少数,如果你不主张捍卫、保护和执行所有个人的权利,那么你真的是包容性的吗?如果最小的少数群体得不到保护,那么任何少数群体怎么能真正得到保护呢? 🤔 https://t.co/nQ9DypLadq

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@VitalikButerin @pourteaux Decentralization requires independence and globalization creates one logically centralized economy. Nationalism is critical to decentralize global power.

@VitalikButerin @pourteaux 去中心化需要独立,全球化创造了一个逻辑上集中的经济。民族主义对于分散全球权力至关重要。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@nsjames_ https://t.co/jMSEvy06Bx

@nsjames_ https://t.co/jMSEvy06Bx

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@VandM_TX @WallStreetSilv Most people don’t realize they have no control over who gets on the ballot nor the integrity of the vote. It’s systematically corrupt. https://moreequalanimals.com/ @gofractally

@VandM_TX @WallStreetSilv 大多数人没有意识到他们无法控制谁参加选票,也无法控制投票的完整性。这是系统性的腐败。 https://moreequalanimals.com/ @gofractally

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@R33Robert @gofractally @gofractally is building a groundbreaking blockchain and is currently using weekly meetings at https://gofractally.com/ to reach consensus on who is doing the most for the cause and thereby allocating tokens.

@R33Robert @gofractally @gofractally 正在构建一个突破性的区块链,目前在 https://gofractally.com/ 使用每周会议就谁为这项事业做的最多达成共识,从而分配代币。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@iang_fc @NickSzabo4 @OmniCraig @VitalikButerin @bitcoinagile @LiberalMark @adam3us @zooko @realDonaldTrump I’m not sure that helps. It’s basically an appeal to authority fallacy.

@iang_fc @NickSzabo4 @OmniCraig @VitalikButerin @bitcoinagile @LiberalMark @adam3us @zooko @realDonaldTrump 我不确定这是否有帮助。这基本上是对权威谬误的诉求。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

Bridges between two chains with fractal governance are secure because both sides of the bridge can reach a reliable trust worth subjective consensus on the intent provided a reasonable time delay is provided. @gofractally https://twitter.com/VitalikBut...

@larry0x There was one that was a multisig where the attacker hacked enough keys to take it over. I'd count that one as "would not have happened if it was a rollup".

发表时间:1年前 作者:vitalik.eth @VitalikButerin

具有分形治理的两条链之间的桥梁是安全的,因为只要提供合理的时间延迟,桥梁的双方都可以就意图达成可靠的信任,值得主观共识。 @gofractally https://twitter.com/VitalikBut...

@larry0x 有一个是多重签名,攻击者破解了足够多的密钥来接管它。我认为那是“如果是汇总就不会发生”。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@Jamyies What good is honest voting if you don’t have honest process to access ballot and the media chooses the choices? It doesn’t matter how honest the count is if the structure of the count is fundamentally flawed. Read More Equal Animals and join @gofractally to help solve the root.

@Jamyies 如果您没有诚实的流程来获取选票并且媒体选择了选项,那么诚实投票有什么用?如果计数的结构存在根本缺陷,那么计数的诚实度并不重要。阅读更多平等动物并加入@gofractally 以帮助解决问题根源。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情