用户 Daniel Larimer(@ bytemaster7) 的最新消息

God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

Crypto is dead with global regulatory overreach. Compliance turns crypto into a stronger slavery it was supposed to free us from. https://www.zerohedge.com/cryp...

加密货币因全球监管过度而死。合规性将加密货币变成了一种更强大的奴隶制,它本应将我们从其中解放出来。 https://www.zerohedge.com/cryp ...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

If they raise rates to 8% to match “official” inflation then after taxes rates are still negative 4%. They would have to raise rates to 30% to have an honest 0% real rate after taxes. Or they could remove income tax on interest below inflation rate.

如果他们将利率提高到 8% 以匹配“官方”通胀,那么税后利率仍为负 4%。他们必须将利率提高到 30%,才能获得诚实的 0% 税后实际利率。或者他们可以取消对低于通货膨胀率的利息征收的所得税。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@Cryptologicas2 @cmadh_ @gofractally @goPsibase @AntelopeIO We are sharing innovations that could benefit them, but not working closely.

@Cryptologicas2 @cmadh_ @gofractally @goPsibase @AntelopeIO 我们正在分享可以使他们受益的创新,但没有密切合作。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@cmadh_ @gofractally @goPsibase @AntelopeIO We support RAFT for private chains and are building a bft protocol as well. The same apps will work on both. BFT will have about 2x the latency.

@cmadh_ @gofractally @goPsibase @AntelopeIO 我们支持私有链的 RAFT,并且正在构建 bft 协议。相同的应用程序适用于两者。 BFT 将有大约 2 倍的延迟。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@cmadh_ @gofractally @goPsibase @AntelopeIO We use a lossy compression algo that creates names that are still readable for debug purposes when looking at transaction data.

@cmadh_ @gofractally @goPsibase @AntelopeIO 我们使用有损压缩算法创建在查看交易数据时仍可用于调试目的的名称。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

Check out our developer docs (hosted from our chain) for information about developing your own psibase applications on your own private test networks.

查看我们的开发人员文档(由我们的链托管),了解有关在您自己的私有测试网络上开发您自己的 psibase 应用程序的信息。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

The most advanced, fully programable, and easiest-to-use permission system frees psibase applets and services from having to manage keys or use clumsy authenticators.

最先进、完全可编程和最容易使用的权限系统使 psibase 小程序和服务免于管理密钥或使用笨拙的身份验证器。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

Support for C++ and RUST applications included and any other language that can compile to WASM could be supported in the future.

未来可能会支持对 C 和 RUST 应用程序的支持,以及任何其他可以编译为 WASM 的语言。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

SIMD WASM support for faster math operations in your services (contracts).

SIMD WASM 支持在您的服务(合同)中更快地进行数学运算。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

It supports synchronous calls between Web Assembly services (aka smart contracts), dramatically improving the developer experience.

它支持 Web Assembly 服务(又名智能合约)之间的同步调用,极大地改善了开发者体验。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

Dynamic block intervals allow larger transactions and lower latencies depending upon the real-time demands.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

Each psibase service (smart contract) has its own subdomain hosting its own interface (applet) which can securely communicate private info with other applets entirely within the browser.

每个 psibase 服务(智能合约)都有自己的子域托管自己的界面(小程序),该界面可以完全在浏览器内与其他小程序安全地通信私人信息。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@gofractally just released the first technical preview of https://about.psibase.io/ ( @goPsibase ). Host your blockchain services directly from the blockchain. Our database is faster and more scalable than @AntelopeIO.

@gofractally 刚刚发布了 https://about.psibase.io/ (@goPsibase) 的第一个技术预览版。直接从区块链托管您的区块链服务。我们的数据库比@AntelopeIO 更快、更具可扩展性。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

It supports more data and parallel queries without compromising transactional throughput.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

#ETH is an unincorporated association which makes governance decisions based on tokens and the CFTC is trying to set a precedent that #defi on such platforms is an "illegal" attempt to skirt regulations and token holders are "jointly liable". #TEOTWAWKI

#ETH is an unincorporated association which makes governance decisions based on tokens and the CFTC is trying to set a precedent that #defi on such platforms is an "illegal" attempt to skirt regulations and token holders are "jointly liable". #TEOTWAWKI

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

RT: Reflect and take action. Start by asking yourself: What do you think Future You wishes Present You was doing more of?


发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

@hggnooo Who cares about democracy failing if the family has already failed. It’s the lowest/smallest scale of government there is.

@hggnooo 如果家庭已经失败,谁会在乎民主失败。这是最低/最小的政府规模。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情

A house divided against itself cannot stand, why waste time canceling each other’s votes?


发表时间:1年前 作者:Daniel Larimer @bytemaster7详情