用户 Cointelegraph(@ Cointelegraph) 的最新消息

What Altcoin will have a big November?

什么山寨币会有一个大的 11 月?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

While the future is looking more sustainable for Ethereum post-merge, experts warn of an issue emerging from the new staking validation protocol. https://buff.ly/3VQDdbf

尽管以太坊合并后的未来看起来更具可持续性,但专家警告说,新的质押验证协议会出现一个问题。 https://buff.ly/3VQDdbf

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

RT: When your friend made profit but you made fun of crypto earlier. https://t.co/1DhJsEpoVH

RT:当你的朋友获利但你早些时候取笑加密货币时。 https://t.co/1DhJsEpoVH

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Binance founder @cz_binance said he looks forward to the National Bank of Kazakhstan further developing use cases to “bridge the gap between traditional banking and the crypto ecosystem.” https://buff.ly/3fbOnGY

币安创始人@cz_binance 表示,他期待哈萨克斯坦国家银行进一步开发用例,以“弥合传统银行业务与加密生态系统之间的差距”。 https://buff.ly/3fbOnGY

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

GM. Bitcoin is still above $20K. https://t.co/fqiTFvs2D2

通用汽车。比特币仍高于 2 万美元。 https://t.co/fqiTFvs2D2

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Hong Kong-based crypto investment firm Q9 steps in Dubai.
The company received provisional approval from the local Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority. https://buff.ly/3FiR5oL

总部位于香港的加密投资公司 Q9 进驻迪拜。
该公司获得了当地虚拟资产监管机构的临时批准。 https://buff.ly/3FiR5oL

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

The Brønnøysund Register Center partnered with Big Four accounting firm Ernst & Young for a new virtual office location.
The center is responsible for managing numerous public registers for Norway, along with systems for the government’s digital exchange of information.

Brønnøysund 注册中心与四大会计师事务所 Ernst 合作

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Apple’s senior vice president of worldwide marketing Greg Joswiak said that the metaverse is “a word I’ll never use.” https://cointelegraph.com/news...

苹果全球营销高级副总裁 Greg Joswiak 表示,元宇宙是“我永远不会使用的词”。 https://cointelegraph.com/news ...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

🚨More adoption incoming🚨
What are more ways Western Union can bring crypto to the masses?


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Does the US realize how revolutionary Bitcoin actually is for the rest of the world? @CryptoJebb wonders. https://t.co/oTDGZ38J07

美国是否意识到比特币对世界其他地区的真正革命性意义? @CryptoJebb 奇迹。 https://t.co/oTDGZ38J07

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

RT: When Bitcoin goes above $20,000 but you remember you bought it at $69,000 https://t.co/HMmqUMVUbo

RT:当比特币价格超过 20,000 美元但你记得你以 69,000 美元的价格购买时 https://t.co/HMmqUMVUbo

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Multi-chain nonfungible token marketplace myNFT has announced it will showcase its first-ever physical NFT vending machine.
Would this make you more likely to purchase NFTs? https://buff.ly/3DEasHK

多链不可替代代币市场 myNFT 宣布将展示其第一台实体 NFT 自动售货机。
这会让你更有可能购买 NFT 吗? https://buff.ly/3DEasHK

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Bitcoin alone accounted for $550 million in liquidations in the past 24 hours.
$704 million in cross-crypto shorts were liquidated on Oct. 25, with the Oct. 26 tally so far standing at $275 million. Including long positions, the total was over $1 billion.

在过去 24 小时内,仅比特币就清算了 5.5 亿美元。
10 月 25 日清算了 7.04 亿美元的交叉加密空头,到目前为止,10 月 26 日的清算总额为 2.75 亿美元。包括多头头寸在内,总额超过 10 亿美元。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Crypto scammer Monkey Drainer phished $1 million worth of ETH. https://buff.ly/3gJLv4r

加密骗子 Monkey Drainer 以网络钓鱼的方式骗取了价值 100 万美元的 ETH。 https://buff.ly/3gJLv4r

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

How long do you expect Bitcoin's positive price movement to continue?


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

After 25 games and 50 million downloads, this fast-growing blockchain gaming ecosystem is ready to share its expertise with Web2 companies. [Partnership material] https://cointelegraph.com/news...

经过 25 款游戏和 5000 万次下载后,这个快速增长的区块链游戏生态系统已准备好与 Web2 公司分享其专业知识。 [合作材料] https://cointelegraph.com/news ...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情