用户 Cointelegraph(@ Cointelegraph) 的最新消息

BTC aims to $21K while experiencing $1 billion in liquidations on the way. https://buff.ly/3Dzc3OQ

BTC 的目标是达到 21,000 美元,同时经历 10 亿美元的清算。 https://buff.ly/3Dzc3OQ

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Why do crypto projects have a high failure rate with the inability to scale even if sufficient funds are raised on launchpads?
We are talking about this and more in an exclusive AMA with @PDOFinance's ScalePad CEO by @Qonetum Finance.
Join us live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?... https://t.co/sJ9ttySVSa

我们在@Qonetum Finance 与@PDOFinance 的 ScalePad 首席执行官的独家 AMA 中讨论了这个以及更多内容。
加入我们的直播:https://www.youtube.com/watch?... https://t.co/sJ9ttySVSa

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Crypto-spending grandparents 🔥.
According to an October survey from United States asset manager Charles Schwab, nearly half of Gen Z and Millennials want to have crypto become a part of their 401(k) retirement plans. https://buff.ly/3W1iem2

根据美国资产管理公司 Charles Schwab 10 月份的一项调查,近一半的 Z 世代和千禧一代希望将加密货币纳入其 401(k) 退休计划。 https://buff.ly/3W1iem2

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

VC inflows have stagnated, but a bottom may be forming here.
Get the latest analysis from @CointelegraphCS and sound smart in front of your friends. https://buff.ly/3syBQAk

从@CointelegraphCS 获取最新分析,并在您的朋友面前听起来很聪明。 https://buff.ly/3syBQAk

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Bitcoin and major cryptocurrencies are rallying, but is this a bull trap or a trend change driven by improving fundamentals in crypto and equities? https://cointelegraph.com/news...

比特币和主要加密货币正在上涨,但这是一个牛市陷阱还是由加密和股票基本面改善驱动的趋势变化? https://cointelegraph.com/news...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

A recent Crypto Council for Innovation poll shows voters care about a candidate's position toward crypto. https://buff.ly/3FdjLPX

最近的加密创新委员会民意调查显示,选民关心候选人对加密的立场。 https://buff.ly/3FdjLPX

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情


The Cointelegraph Research team @CointelegraphCS has published a new institutional-grade report that reveals the results of a Global Survey 🗳️ to identify Institutional Demand for Cryptocurrencies in 2022.

View the report at https://buff.ly/3SUQDRw 👀 https://t.co/1aF1olosAd

🚨 新报告! ⤵️

Cointelegraph 研究团队@CointelegraphCS 发布了一份新的机构级报告,该报告揭示了全球调查🗳️ 的结果,以确定 2022 年机构对加密货币的需求。

https://buff.ly/3SUQDRw 查看报告👀 https://t.co/1aF1olosAd

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Swiss Seba Bank's new custodial service is available to store Ethereum-based NFTs.
"The custody service offered is by no means restricted to top collections", declared a firm's spokesperson.
(Reporting via @coindanslecoin) https://buff.ly/3N7nMqY

瑞士 Seba 银行的新托管服务可用于存储基于以太坊的 NFT。
(通过@coindanslecoin 报告)https://buff.ly/3N7nMqY

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

@aarnasays That's the right attitude!

@aarnasays 这是正确的态度!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

That is A LOT of money! https://t.co/4v1WRvMtqg

那是很多钱! https://t.co/4v1WRvMtqg

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

RT: When Bitcoin goes above $20,000 but you remember you bought it at $69,000 https://t.co/HMmqUMVUbo

RT:当比特币价格超过 20,000 美元但你记得你以 69,000 美元的价格购买时 https://t.co/HMmqUMVUbo

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Former @BithumbOfficial chairman Lee Jung-hoon could get up to eight years in prison for Christmas.
Seoul prosecutors accuse him of defrauding $70 million. https://buff.ly/3TT3CUt

前@BithumbOfficial 主席Lee Jung-hoon 圣诞节可能会被判入狱八年。
首尔检察官指控他诈骗了 7000 万美元。 https://buff.ly/3TT3CUt

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Shockingly, 74% of 128 analyzed studies 'do not build upon existing theories in blockchain or any other related domain." https://cointelegraph.com/news...

令人震惊的是,128 项分析研究中有 74%“没有建立在区块链或任何其他相关领域的现有理论之上。”https://cointelegraph.com/news...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

The more, the merrier.
BitPay will be introducing USDC and ETH payments on Polygon later this week. https://buff.ly/3DzV1A7

BitPay 将于本周晚些时候在 Polygon 上推出 USDC 和 ETH 支付。 https://buff.ly/3DzV1A7

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

A waste of money or the future of trading?
We look at the potential of crypto trading bots. https://buff.ly/3DxNhyG

我们着眼于加密交易机器人的潜力。 https://buff.ly/3DxNhyG

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Binance announced the launch of Binance Oracle, a new data feed network that aims to link Web3 and blockchain. https://buff.ly/3Fkmlno

Binance 宣布推出 Binance Oracle,这是一个新的数据馈送网络,旨在连接 Web3 和区块链。 https://buff.ly/3Fkmlno

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情