用户 Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains(@ cosmos) 的最新消息

A HackATOM exclusive workshop on 1 Aug at 10 AM to learn how to get started with Interchain Security with Daniel Tisdall | @informalinc

8 月 1 日上午 10 点的 HackATOM 独家研讨会,与 Daniel Tisdall 一起学习如何开始使用跨链安全 | @informalinc

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

Be sure to register for the HackATOM Afterparty on July 31 at 6 MPM exclusively for those who attended the Cosmos-con, Hackers, Sponsors and Cosmos Teams.
Register here: https://www.buidl.asia/hackato... https://t.co/i8x8662Ptr

请务必在 7 月 31 日下午 6 点为参加 Cosmos-con、黑客、赞助商和 Cosmos 团队的人注册 HackATOM Afterparty。
在这里注册:https://www.buidl.asia/hackato... https: //t.co/i8x8662Ptr

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

If you’re a Web 3.0 builder, discover the pop-up builder’s paradise for a chance to network, collaborate and gain insight with other developers. Many sessions will be held including…

如果您是 Web 3.0 构建者,请探索弹出窗口构建者的天堂,有机会与其他开发者建立联系、协作和深入了解。将举行许多会议,包括……

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

Cosmonauts, be sure to check out these events that are open to all HackATOM & Cosmos-Con attendees that will be held in Seoul from 31 July to 5 August! ⚛️🧵

宇航员们,一定要看看这些对所有 HackATOM 开放的活动

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: 🧵0/7 Cosmos SDK v0.46.0 Release
RND Engineering Update
Regen #devteam is thrilled to share new features in the latest #sdk release from @cosmos
🌱 New Module: x/group
🌱 Msg-based Gov Proposals
🌱 Baseapp PostHandlers
🌱 Transaction Tips and SIGN_MODE_DIRECT_AUX https://t.co/jlireZvkWF

RT:🧵0/7 Cosmos SDK v0.46.0 发布

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: 📢 Incoming! 📢
🚀 We're bringing support for Cosmos SDK v0.46.0 and IBC v5 to Ignite CLI and chain scaffolding features!
🎯 Subscribe to follow: https://github.com/ignite/cli/...

转发:📢 新当选的📢
🚀 我们正在为Cosmos SDK v0.46.0和IBC v5提供支持,以点燃CLI和链支架功能!
🎯 订阅以下内容:https://github.com/ignite/cli/...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

🔊 HackATOM is live!
Unable to attend HackATOM in-person? You can still see all the action and won't miss out! See the talks, workshops and competition take place live.
Watch the livestream here now 👇
📹 https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

🔊 HackATOM正在直播!
📹 https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

To be in for a chance to win $600k+ worth of ATOM/JUNO/OSMO tokens, all teams must submit projects by Sunday 31 July 2022 at 13:00 (KST). You won’t want to miss out!
To read the full T&C’s, visit: https://www.buidl.asia/hackato...


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

Calling all Cosmos developers and builders! ⚛️
Take on the challenge of competing in this year's HackATOM competition! Compete in challenges surrounding interoperability, Interchain Security and more. 👇 https://t.co/608rIxgknw

接受挑战,参加今年的HackATOM竞赛!围绕互操作性、链间安全等挑战展开竞争。👇 https://t.co/608rIxgknw

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: Just one day till ⚛️#HackATOM Seoul🇰🇷
Register ASAP if you want to hack or attend Cosmos-Con with the 30+ Cosmos OGs!
Here’s what we have in store for you, including an exclusive workshop! 🔥🧵 https://t.co/gxEHjMGXFq

如果你想黑客或参加30多个Cosmos OGs的Cosmos Con,请尽快注册!
这是我们为您准备的,包括一个独家工作室!🔥🧵 https://t.co/gxEHjMGXFq

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: Some notes (and a bit of alpha🔥) from the @NebularParis Summit for the @cosmos community.
Let's go!

RT:一些注释(和一点alpha🔥) 来自@NebularParis峰会的@cosmos社区。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

👩‍🚀👨‍🚀 Cosmonauts, be sure to attend Cosmos-Con, at HackATOM Seoul 2022, next week!
Hackers, join HackATOM to win over $600k in Interchain Tokens, as well as other prizes!
Don’t miss out, register now! 👇

⚛️ #HackATOM Seoul 🇰🇷
Hackers, get your laptops ready!
HackATOM is your chance to join the #IBCgang, get expert support, and win big:
💸 Prizes worth ~$600k USD
🎖️ Critiques' Awards
👨🏻‍🚀The best Cosmos mentors
💰 Follow-up grants
Details of the challenges on this thread👇🏻 https://t.co/EDP79D4I6l

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - Internet of Blockchains ⚛️ @cosmos

👩‍🚀👨‍🚀 宇航员们,一定要参加下周在首尔举行的2022年国际宇宙大会!

⚛️ #HackATOM首尔🇰🇷
💸 价值约60万美元的奖金
🎖️ 评论奖
💰 后续补助金
此线程上挑战的详细信息👇🏻 https://t.co/EDP79D4I6l

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

⚛️ #HackATOM Seoul 🇰🇷
A massive thank you to the 30+ Cosmos OGs attending, giving their time to meet Cosmonauts and support hackers with their knowledge and experience!
👩🏻‍🚀👨🏻‍🚀Check out the full lineup of days 1 & 2 here:
https://twitter.com/cosmos/sta... https://t.co/eKqtN5szC8

Just one week till ⚛️ #HackATOM Seoul🇰🇷
Whether you want to hack or attend Cosmos-Con with the 30+ Cosmos OGs, be sure to register ASAP.
Here’s what we have in-store for you, including an exclusive workshop! 🔥🧵 https://t.co/kLut11LazQ

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - Internet of Blockchains ⚛️ @cosmos

⚛️ #HackATOM首尔🇰🇷
https://twitter.com/cosmos/sta... https://t.co/eKqtN5szC8

只有一周了⚛️ #HackATOM首尔🇰🇷
无论你们是想黑客还是参加30多个Cosmos OGs的Cosmos Con,一定要尽快注册。
这是我们为您准备的,包括一个独家工作室!🔥🧵 https://t.co/kLut11LazQ

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

🦄 ORGANIZER: @kryptoseoul ❤️
Nothing compares to the talent, experience, and dedication that @ekang426 and the entire @kryptoseoul team brought to the event, and the support they gave @CosmosSKorea and the whole Cosmos Community!
Without them, there wouldn’t be HackATOM Seoul! https://t.co/8ClFItqhz5

🦄 组织者:@kryptoseoul❤️

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

HackATOM has incredible people & teams behind it, far too many to list, but we must mention who believed in the project and its vision:
A heartfelt THANK YOU to you all! https://t.co/c1vX4ex5Xc


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

A massive shoutout to the Evmos Community!
With the Evmos Gov Prop #42, you not only recognized the value of HackATOM, but you overwhelmingly expressed your willingness to take part in it. Big thanks to @EvmosVision & @nic_xyz for their support! https://t.co/W7kC4FLJLh

通过Evmos Gov Prop#42,您不仅认识到HackATOM的价值,而且还以压倒性的优势表达了您参与其中的意愿。非常感谢@EvmosVision&@感谢他们的支持!https://t.co/W7kC4FLJLh

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

The Juno Community has been a key pillar for HackATOM Seoul, and we are not only talking about the generously sponsored prize. We are grateful to those who collaborated on the success of the event, including @dimiandre & @JakeHartnell from Core-1 https://t.co/R4UMgxcdjo


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

🏅PLATINUM SPONSOR: @osmosiszone
The support received from @osmolabs, @OsmoMinistryMkt, and Osmonauts was vital.
Thank you for sponsoring a Challenge Track, but even more for the value that people such as @mattver5e and @joonmossid add by volunteering as mentors to the hackers. https://t.co/3vPqXdA3eo


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

💎MAIN SPONSOR: @cosmoshub
Although voting period is still open on Prop #74, the almost unanimous support (99.9% YES) for HackATOM Seoul shows how dedicated the community is to growing Cosmos and supporting the hidden talents in our ecosystem (and beyond).
Thank you, Cosmonauts! https://t.co/GTJDkmFKR8

虽然第74号提案的投票期仍然开放,但几乎所有人都支持(99.9%的人支持)HackATOM Seoul,这表明该社区致力于发展宇宙,并支持我们生态系统(以及其他)中隐藏的人才。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

💎 MAIN SPONSOR: @interchain_io
We are extremely grateful to the Interchain Foundation for being the first to believe in the value and vision of HackATOM Seoul. Their contribution and support have been invaluable to us. https://t.co/jtAFZTfiQK

💎 主要赞助商:@interchain\u io

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情