用户 Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains(@ cosmos) 的最新消息

RT: 🧑‍💼Speaker from #Cosmos Ecosystem at Messari #Mainnet2022
@MessariCrypto Mainnet 2022 is taking place in New York from September 21-23.
Here are the speakers from the @cosmos ecosystem that will participate in the sessions👇
#Cosmonauts https://t.co/8VCQX6lA6I


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: 1/ Last week was the builders' event in Berlin, let's Buckle Up and Build with Cosmos! If Berlin was a bit far to visit, don't worry! We have all of the presentations recorded and uploaded here for your learning pleasure. Let's see what was talked about! https://t.co/zvk300j4qV

RT: 1/ 上周是柏林的建设者活动,让我们系好安全带并与 Cosmos 一起建设吧!如果柏林有点远,别担心!为了您的学习乐趣,我们在此处记录并上传了所有演示文稿。来看看都聊了什么吧! https://t.co/zvk300j4qV

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: Thank you to the users, developers, and validators who contributed their feedback on our draft Delegations Policy on the Cosmos Forum, and to the 600+ participants who tuned in to the Community Call last week. https://t.co/qdfgQFuz3j

RT:感谢在 Cosmos 论坛上对我们的委派政策草案提供反馈的用户、开发人员和验证者,以及上周收听社区电话会议的 600 名参与者。 https://t.co/qdfgQFuz3j

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: .@chjango unchained will be interviewing @ComdexOfficial Thurs, 9/15
Tune in for alpha on:
• Composite: $CMST stablecoin
• Harbor: yield generating vaults
• Commodo: lending/borrowing app
• cSwap: hybrid DEX
• 🤑 airdrop to $CMDX $OSMO $ATOM holders

RT:.@chjango unchained 将于 9 月 15 日星期四采访@ComdexOfficial
收听 Alpha 版:
• 复合:$CMST 稳定币
• Harbor:收益生成库
• Commodo:借贷应用程序
• cSwap:混合 DEX
• 🤑 空投给 $CMDX $OSMO $ATOM 持有者

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: Most don't understand the difference between the Cosmos Hub and the Cosmos Ecosystem.
☑️ Cosmos Hub Explained
☑️ $ATOM Value Accrual
☑️ Cosmos Ecosystem Explained
☑️ Ecosystem Growth
Let me explain it to you in 10 minutes:
https://youtu.be/of4uxwoZx00 https://t.co/oeMk2Me6q6

RT:大多数人不了解 Cosmos Hub 和 Cosmos 生态系统之间的区别。
☑️ Cosmos Hub 解释
☑️ $ATOM 价值累积
☑️ Cosmos 生态系统解释
☑️ 生态系统增长
让我在 10 分钟内向您解释:
https://youtu.be/of4uxwoZx00 https://t.co/oeMk2Me6q6

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: Options trading of blue chip token derivatives on @CrescentHub is around the corner. @chjango unchained sat down w/ @B__Harvest Hyung for the lastest on Crescent Boost, which is slated to go live in Oct. Can this Cosmos DEX create a fairer trading UX?
📺 https://youtu.be/bLIxKwgefrM

RT:@CrescentHub 上的蓝筹代币衍生品期权交易即将到来。 @chjango unchained 与 @B__Harvest Hyung 坐下来了解 Crescent Boost 的最新消息,该项目将于 10 月上线。这个 Cosmos DEX 能否创建更公平的交易用户体验?
📺 https://youtu.be/bLIxKwgefrM

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

In @Delphi_Digital’s blog, they describe in detail why the #Cosmos ecosystem has the technology, capability, and the capacity to host the Interchain vision for app-specific sovereign #blockchains

In the 3 months since the Terra collapse, the Delphi Labs team has been hard at work figuring out what we see as the future of DeFi, what platform best facilitates this, and ultimately where we should best focus our builder efforts going forward

发表时间:1年前 作者:Delphi Digital @Delphi_Digital

在@Delphi_Digital 的博客中,他们详细描述了为什么

在 Terra 崩溃后的 3 个月里,Delphi Labs 团队一直在努力弄清楚我们认为 DeFi 的未来,什么平台最能促进这一点,以及最终我们应该把建设者的工作重点放在哪里

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

🚀We warmly welcome @Delphi_Digital to the Interchain. We will continue advancing interoperability within Cosmos, and look forward to the value and contributions Delphi Labs brings to the ecosystem.

🚀我们热烈欢迎@Delphi_Digital 加入跨链。我们将继续推进 Cosmos 内部的互操作性,并期待 Delphi Labs 为生态系统带来的价值和贡献。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

Welcome to the Interchain @Delphi_Digital - the ever-expanding ecosystem of interconnected apps and services, built for a decentralized future! ⚛️ https://t.co/WKpnU6n14k

欢迎来到 Interchain @Delphi_Digital - 不断扩展的互连应用程序和服务生态系统,为去中心化的未来而构建! ⚛️ https://t.co/WKpnU6n14k

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

The Interchain Stack continues to lead the way in offering developers the technology they need to launch their visions.
Building with the Interchain Stack allows projects to be interoperable, composable and scale well.

Interchain Stack 继续引领着为开发人员提供实现愿景所需的技术。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

The @cosmossdk received a feature packed update in v0.46. Read our latest blog post where Noam Cohen @gnomeskiii explains how the new Groups module enables powerful DAOs and how changes to the Governance module takes Cosmos communities to the next level! https://blog.cosmos.network/se...

@cosmossdk 在 v0.46 中收到了功能更新。阅读我们最新的博客文章,其中 Noam Cohen @gnomeskiii 解释了新的 Groups 模块如何支持强大的 DAO,以及治理模块的更改如何将 Cosmos 社区提升到一个新的水平! https://blog .cosmos.network/se...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

⚛️Interchain Developer Academy applications are now closed! ⚛️
We'd like to thank everyone who has applied and we look forward to starting on September 15th. If you missed out, register your interest for the December cohort: https://academy.cosmos.network...

⚛️跨链开发者学院申请现已关闭! ⚛️
我们要感谢所有申请的人,我们期待从 9 月 15 日开始。如果您错过了,请注册您对 12 月队列的兴趣:https://academy.cosmos.network...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

If you have #coding experience and are curious to join the #Blockchain space, check out the Interchain Developer Academy.
A free, 7-week, online training program to master the Cosmos stack.
Limited places. Apply here 👇🏾


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: 🛰️ Cosmos Hub Community Call #3 ⚛️
#Cosmonauts, this weeks community call will focus on the new ICF delegation policy. We'll be discussing:
- what's required of validators to receive delegations
- thoughts shared on the forum, and more
Set a reminder👇
https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1... https://t.co/qavk7eZ94x

RT:🛰️ Cosmos Hub 社区电话

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: 📚The Cosmos ecosystem news video for the 2nd half of August is live
-The @Osmosis ‘rektdrop’ distribution
-The controversial @Cosmos hub prop. 76
-Several airdrops
-The VanEck $140 price target for $ATOM
-And more news & alpha!
Enjoy Cosmonauts ⚛️🍿https://youtu.be/AyZ38veGpqA https://t.co/V0Vw7JXmf0

RT:📚Cosmos 生态 8 月下半月新闻视频直播
-@Osmosis ‘rektdrop’ 分布
- 有争议的@Cosmos hub 道具。 76
- 几次空投
-ATOM 的 VanEck 140 美元目标价

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

Are you a dev who’s passionate about Cosmos?
⚛️Interchain Developer Academy ⚛️ is now open for applications!
This is the first training program that takes you from web2 to #IBC!
Apply here ➡️ https://bit.ly/3x6PZs2 https://t.co/LgGQEgGeo9

你是对 Cosmos 充满热情的开发者吗?
这是第一个将您从 web2 带到

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情



发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

The first cohort of the Interchain Developer Academy has graduated! 🧑🏽‍🎓
After a 7-week journey, they’ve earned their certificate and are about to start exploring roles and projects in Cosmos.
Could you be next? Applications are open for the next cohort! https://bit.ly/3x6PZs2 https://t.co/KwtGwS459C

跨链开发者学院第一批毕业! 🧑🏽‍🎓
经过 7 周的旅程,他们获得了证书,即将开始探索 Cosmos 中的角色和项目。
你能成为下一个吗?申请已为下一批开放! https://bit.ly/3x6PZs2 https://t.co/KwtGwS459C

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

Applications are open for the Interchain Developer Academy!
🎆 Level up your Cosmos expertise in 7 weeks
🎆 Gain the skills to build your own application
🎆 Earn a certificate of completion from @interchain_io
More info about how to apply here 👇🏾
https://bit.ly/3x6PZs2 https://t.co/akYC4YT7hh

🎆 在 7 周内提升您的 Cosmos 专业知识
🎆 获得构建自己的应用程序的技能
🎆 从@interchain_io 获得结业证书
https://bit.ly/3x6PZs2 https://t.co/akYC4YT7hh

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: 7 weeks to level up your #Cosmos expertise! ⚛️
Applications are now open for the Interchain Developer Academy.
More info here https://bit.ly/3x6PZs2
Here’s why you should apply 👇🏾


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情