用户 Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains(@ cosmos) 的最新消息

A @PersistenceOne prize by Ethan Frey, @RealInterchain, was also awarded to Emeris Orphans

Ethan Frey、@RealInterchain 的@PersistenceOne 奖也被授予 Emeris Orphans

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

For @JUNONetwork:
2nd - Taiki built a multi-sig Interchain account contract wallet allowing control of other accounts in different blockchains using @CosmWasm over IBC https://t.co/y6wDzuum6h

2nd - Taiki 构建了一个多签名跨链账户合约钱包,允许使用 @CosmWasm over IBC https://t.co/y6wDzuum6h 控制不同区块链中的其他账户

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

The Osmosis Track winners:
1st - Emeris Orphans - built an explorer with a thesis that covers the last 100 block history which will be useful when testing out code. Their project was welcomed by Ethan Frey. https://t.co/lmAxCkNHKg

Osmosis Track 获奖者:
1st - Emeris Orphans - 构建了一个浏览器,其论文涵盖了最后 100 个区块历史,这在测试代码时非常有用。他们的项目受到了 Ethan Frey 的欢迎。 https://t.co/lmAxCkNHKg

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

2nd - Algosm built a mechanism to execute trades permissionlessly and non-custodially
3rd - OPT - oracle module and swap diversifyer where you can optimize for multiple routes

2nd - Algosm 建立了一种无需许可和非托管地执行交易的机制
3rd - OPT - oracle 模块和交换多样化器,您可以在其中优化多条路线

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

For the SDK category:
1st - Team Orange Pulp came first with their development of a unique user interface integrated between different blockchains
2nd - OPCT built a fitness app that uses image recognition to track users progress https://t.co/bU7uC2VKLB

对于 SDK 类别:
1st - Orange Pulp 团队首先开发了一个集成在不同区块链之间的独特用户界面
第二 - OPCT 构建了一个使用图像识别来跟踪用户进度的健身应用程序 https://t.co/bU7uC2VKLB

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

For Interchain Security:
Nodeinfra took the prize with their project. They built a governance module modification allowing votes impacting the consumer chain to be considered by tokens gathered from both the provider and consumer. https://t.co/1u7kJov4n3

Nodeinfra 凭借他们的项目获奖。他们构建了一个治理模块修改,允许通过从提供者和消费者那里收集的代币来考虑影响消费者链的投票。 https://t.co/1u7kJov4n3

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

Let’s take a look at the #HackATOM Seoul 2022 competition winners!⚛️
For interoperability:
1st - A41, @a41_allforone team’s project on liquid staking which proposes an alternative to stable swap for trading things with a known discounted asset https://t.co/Cv8anGeK2I


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

2nd - Team @Blazarbit who developed a multi chain DEX routing tool
3rd - Empower Team with their project focused on a cross-chain trading mechanism

第二名 - 开发多链 DEX 路由工具的 @Blazarbit 团队
3rd - Empower Team 的项目专注于跨链交易机制

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: Say Hi to the next speakers at Cosmoverse 2022⬇️⚛️
✅ Onur Akpolat - Interchain & Cosmos Builders
✅ Marko Baricevic - Cosmos SDK Lead at Interchain
cc: @onurakpolat & @mark0baricevic https://t.co/zIuwmolWHa

RT:向 Cosmoverse 2022 的下一位演讲者打个招呼⬇️⚛️
✅ Onur Akpolat - 跨链

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: @onurakpolat, builders lead at @interchain_io
He is working with teams at the heart of the @cosmos ecosystem, building the core software and its infrastructure.
Find out more about Onur 👉 https://nextblockexpo.com/onur...
#nextblockexpo https://t.co/NVXRHduGu7

RT:@onurakpolat,@interchain_io 的建设者负责人
他正在与@cosmos 生态系统的核心团队合作,构建核心软件及其基础设施。
了解更多关于 Onur 👉 https://nextblockexpo.com/onur...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: we gottem boys
gonna be teaching the first university course spreading the gospel of the ✨ Interchain ✨ at @UCBerkeley https://t.co/BCLuFJrz1t

将在@UCBerkeley https://t.co/BCLuFJrz1t 教授第一门传播 ✨ Interchain 福音的大学课程

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: What is the future of Web3, according to @cosmos? ⚛️
Our CEO, and @cosmos co-founder, @buchmanster gives his perspectives earlier this year at #Consensus2022. 👇

RT:根据@cosmos 的说法,Web3 的未来是什么? ⚛️
我们的首席执行官兼@cosmos 联合创始人@buchmanster 今年早些时候在

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: What is going into the #Cosmos Whitepaper 2.0? @Gnomeskiii sharing some alpha and exciting things coming up.
Keep in mind this is still early and will also go through more iterations and eventual governance vote. mini-🧵
#CosmosEcosystem @interchain_io #IBCGang https://t.co/2HounijYWG


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: 🔊 Thrilled to announce our new product: LCP @LCP_network !
LCP is a proxy for light client verification using TEE to realize trust-minimized and gas-efficient cross-chain bridges.
LCP supports @cosmosIBC as the communication protocol.
Find out more:

RT:🔊 很高兴地宣布我们的新产品:LCP @LCP_network !
LCP 是轻客户端验证的代理,使用 TEE 实现信任最小化和 gas 高效的跨链桥。
LCP 支持@cosmosIBC 作为通信协议。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: We 💙 being a part of your amazing innovation and growth
🚀🚀 Ignite CLI adoption in the Cosmos ecosystem is soaring
💯 More than 100 projects were published just on Github in the last 35 days
🦸🦸 Keep building!
Explore projects: https://github.com/ignite/cli/...

🚀🚀 Ignite CLI 在 Cosmos 生态系统中的采用正在飙升
💯 过去 35 天内仅在 Github 上发布了 100 多个项目
🦸🦸 继续建设!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

RT: 1/
Tendermint is the industry standard in consensus engines. As it continues to develop, updates such as ABCI++, a collection of ergonomic changes to the interface, will be looked at in greater detail. https://t.co/mYwNEOFuq9

Tendermint 是共识引擎的行业标准。随着它的不断发展,将更详细地研究诸如 ABCI 之类的更新,这是对界面的人体工程学变化的集合。 https://t.co/mYwNEOFuq9

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

Don't miss this session at 11:30AM with Nik Kunkel (@MakerDAO), Marek (@CeloOrg), Dean Tribble, @DeanTribble (@Agoric), Josh (@OriginProtocol) moderated by Sam Kessler, @skesslr on Aug 5 and a 4:50PM panel with Ava Sun Yin from Anomas!
View the schedule: https://www.buidl.asia/hackato... https://t.co/d3WO5RFtFf

不要错过上午 11:30 与 Nik Ku​​nkel (@MakerDAO)、Marek (@CeloOrg)、Dean Tribble、@DeanTribble (@Agoric)、Josh (@OriginProtocol) 主持的这次会议,由 Sam Kessler 和 @skesslr 于 8 月 5 日和下午 4:50 与来自 Anomas 的 Ava Sun Yin 的小组讨论!
查看时间表:https://www.buidl.asia/hackato... https ://t.co/d3WO5RFtFf

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

4:10 PM Mustafa Al-Bassam, @musalbas, @Celestia
4:30 PM Billy Rennekamp, @billyrennekamp, Interchain
4:50 PM Winning team of HackATOM Seoul
5:10 PM panel with Mustafa (Celestia), Billy (ICF), Ethan Frey (@CosmWasm), Josh Lee (Osmosis) - moderated by Zaki Manian, @zmanian and… https://t.co/AYiilQy0Mo

下午 4:10 Mustafa Al-Bassam,@musalbas,@Celestia
下午 4:30 Billy Rennekamp,@billyrennekamp,Interchain
4:50 PM HackATOM 首尔获胜团队
下午 5:10 与 Mustafa (Celestia)、Billy (ICF)、Ethan Frey (@CosmWasm)、Josh Lee (Osmosis) 的小组讨论 - 由 Zaki Manian、@zmanian 和… https://t.co/AYiilQy0Mo 主持

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

Up next on Aug 4 there will be several events held throughout the day such as:
1:30 PM Adrian Brink, @adrian_brink, @anomanetwork
3:10 PM Jiyun Kim, DSRV
3:40 PM Hyungyeon Lee, @Crescent https://t.co/ZNZVxu2Ksf

接下来在 8 月 4 日,全天将举行几场活动,例如:
下午 1:30 阿德里安·布林克,@adrian_brink,@anomanetwork
下午 3:10 Jiyun Kim,DSRV
下午 3:40 Hyungyeon Lee,@Crescent https://t.co/ZNZVxu2Ksf

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情

On Aug 3, learn how to get started with IBC in this 1 PM Workshop with Thomas Dekeyser | Interchain GmbH. There’ll also be a Cosmos-SDK 101 workshop at 3 PM with Matt Park, @mattver5e | @Osmosis.
Register here: https://buildershouse.dsrvlabs... https://t.co/5eIlnImxTQ

8 月 3 日,在 Thomas Dekeyser 的下午 1 点研讨会中学习如何开始使用 IBC |跨链有限公司。下午 3 点还将与 Matt Park 一起举办 Cosmos-SDK 101 研讨会,@mattver5e | @渗透。
在这里注册:https://buildershouse.dsrvlabs... https://t.co/5eIlnImxTQ

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cosmos - the Internet of Blockchains @cosmos详情