用户 Nick Szabo 🔑(@ NickSzabo4) 的最新消息

@arabella8993 @EPoe187 Why not?

@arabella8993 @EPoe187 为什么不呢?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: @ColumbiaBugle @Helsingor The preposterous ignorance and/or dishonesty of people pretending "cancel culture" is a new thing is just amazing.
Anybody remember Jensen? Shockley? Sociobiology?
No you don't. Canceled. Quite effectively.

RT:@ColumbiaBugle @Helsingor 人们假装“取消文化”是新事物的荒谬无知和/或不诚实真是令人惊讶。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@WillyWonksYa @Outsideness @StdAmerican Why are there jackasses who still wonder where "cancel culture" comes from?

@WillyWonksYa @Outsideness @StdAmerican 为什么有些笨蛋仍然想知道“取消文化”从何而来?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@Jordan918P @LPTexas Sadly it's never been up to libertarians.

@Jordan918P @LPTexas 可悲的是,这从来都不是自由主义者的决定。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@WillyWonksYa @Outsideness Everybody is racist. You've just canceled everybody. Congratulations! The ultimate end of this idiotic taboo.

@WillyWonksYa @Outsideness 每个人都是种族主义者。你刚刚取消了所有人。恭喜!这个愚蠢的禁忌的最终结局。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@diegosundevil @bariweiss @DamienCarlisle The more important reason was canceled long ago. You may never know. Because cancel culture is extremely far from a new thing.

@diegosundevil @bariweiss @DamienCarlisle 更重要的原因早就取消了。你可能永远不会知道。因为取消文化远非新鲜事物。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@ColumbiaBugle @Helsingor The preposterous ignorance and/or dishonesty of people pretending "cancel culture" is a new thing is just amazing.
Anybody remember Jensen? Shockley? Sociobiology?
No you don't. Canceled. Quite effectively.

@ColumbiaBugle @Helsingor 假装“取消文化”是新事物的人的荒谬无知和/或不诚实真是太神奇了。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: Cancel Culture isn’t just a Left-Wing thing.
Con Inc. has been engaging in Cancel Culture for decades.
Just ask Pat Buchanan.

Con Inc. 几十年来一直从事取消文化。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@Outsideness If any random answer is the "right" answer then all races would score equally. Where's the lie?

@Outsideness 如果任何随机答案是“正确”答案,那么所有比赛的得分都会相等。谎言在哪里?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@LearnPlaylist @bariweiss @DamienCarlisle That's one explanation (albeit one that begs for further explanation, e.g. white supremacy might discourage them from doing their homework). There are also others. @BariWeiss doesn't want to concern herself with any of them but just wants to throw her hands up in faux disbelief.

@LearnPlaylist @bariweiss @DamienCarlisle 这是一种解释(尽管需要进一步解释,例如白人至上主义可能会阻止他们做功课)。还有其他的。 @BariWeiss 不想关心他们中的任何一个,只是想假装难以置信地举起手。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@ZachGunslinger @LPTexas I can also thank the fact that marriage is both a cultural and legal matter, and more the former than the latter, and that gay activists wanted cultural recognition as much or more as legal, and were quite willing to use coercion to get it.

@ZachGunslinger @LPTexas 我还要感谢婚姻既是文化又是法律问题,前者多于后者,同性恋活动家希望文化承认与法律一样多或更多,并且非常愿意使用强制手段得到它。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@ZachGunslinger @LPTexas And yet in the real world they came as a bundle deal.

@ZachGunslinger @LPTexas 然而在现实世界中,它们是捆绑销售的。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@NotEnoughAnts @sour_altoid 20%+ Treasury rates. But there was far less debt outstanding back then. High interest rates today would suppress debt rollovers, triggering such long domino trains of defaults that it's inconceivable.

@NotEnoughAnts @sour_altoid 20% 的国债利率。但当时的未偿债务要少得多。今天的高利率将抑制债务展期,引发如此长的多米诺骨牌拖欠,这是不可想象的。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@USNAviationMech @EPoe187 @R5parrow Which poor choice was it that I made in your acid trip?

@USNAviationMech @EPoe187 @R5parrow 在你的酸痛之旅中,我做了哪个糟糕的选择?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@LPTexas That's sweet. Might work in libertopia. But in real life it became "bake the cake bigot" and cutting the balls off our sons.

@LPTexas 太好了。可能在自由托邦工作。但在现实生活中,它变成了“烤蛋糕的顽固分子”,把我们儿子的蛋蛋切掉了。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@LPTexas Was forcing people to bake gay marriage cakes also on there?

@LPTexas 还强迫人们在那里烤同性结婚蛋糕吗?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: @michaeljburry @LynAldenContact Stimulus checks go straight to higher prices. Amazing folks have duped themselves into thinking they can magically conjure up purchasing power out of nothing.

RT:@michaeljburry @LynAldenContact 刺激检查直接导致价格上涨。了不起的人自欺欺人地认为他们可以神奇地从无到有地唤起购买力。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@michaeljburry @LynAldenContact Stimulus checks go straight to higher prices. Amazing folks have duped themselves into thinking they can magically conjure up purchasing power out of nothing.

@michaeljburry @LynAldenContact Stimulus 支票直接涨价。了不起的人自欺欺人地认为他们可以神奇地从无到有地唤起购买力。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@HODLbeckhamjr Millions cannot find a normal house on a normal salary.

@HODLbeckhamjr Millions 无法以正常工资找到正常的房子。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情