用户 Nick Szabo 🔑(@ NickSzabo4) 的最新消息

RT: Over 200 banks in Germany are requiring customers to pay 0.5% interest to hold money in their bank account.
The system designed to quietly steal from you through monetary debasement is now actively charging you to use it.
Opt out. #bitcoin

RT:德国有 200 多家银行要求客户支付 0.5% 的利息才能将资金存入他们的银行账户。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: @The_WGD @interzonard @dahowa50 @LPTexas I've been excited to investigate my whiteness. Why wouldn't a white be excited to investigate their whiteness?
What I discovered is that my particular whiteness is pretty damned good. I have great ancestors. Hope to have great descendants. I love my whiteness, why wouldn't you?

RT:@The_WGD @interzonard @dahowa50 @LPTexas 我很高兴能调查我的白度。为什么白人不会兴奋地调查他们的白度?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@The_WGD @interzonard @dahowa50 @LPTexas I've been excited to investigate my whiteness. Why wouldn't a white be excited to investigate their whiteness?
What I discovered is that my particular whiteness is pretty damned good. I have great ancestors. Hope to have great descendants. I love my whiteness, why wouldn't you?

@The_WGD @interzonard @dahowa50 @LPTexas 我很高兴能调查我的白度。为什么白人不会兴奋地调查他们的白度?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@NyankoSec @EPoe187 @R5parrow The most important thing we are supposed to remember is oxymoronic nonsense?

@NyankoSec @EPoe187 @R5parrow 我们应该记住的最重要的事情是矛盾的废话?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@NyankoSec @EPoe187 @R5parrow Some are more alternate than others.

@NyankoSec @EPoe187 @R5parrow 有些比其他的更替代。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: @jantenbensel They can't do this without draconian, devastating bans on the IC competition.

RT:@jantenbensel 如果没有对 IC 比赛的严厉、毁灭性的禁令,他们就无法做到这一点。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@jantenbensel They can't do this without draconian, devastating bans on the IC competition.

@jantenbensel 如果没有对 IC 比赛的严厉、毁灭性的禁令,他们就无法做到这一点。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@CryptoTickler @Ctrl_Paul @Johnny_Banco @ITC_SPY @SwipeWright Where is your evidence for this bullshit hallucination?

@CryptoTickler @Ctrl_Paul @Johnny_Banco @ITC_SPY @SwipeWright 你的这种胡说八道幻觉的证据在哪里?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@AfriCryptoklap @EricaJoy Cultural appropriation.

@AfriCryptoklap @EricaJoy 文化拨款。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: @NickSzabo4 @EricaJoy She needs to put her cell phone down now as Martin Cooper a straight white male invented it.

RT:@NickSzabo4 @EricaJoy 她现在需要放下手机,因为 Martin Cooper 是一个白人直男发明的。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@adame2kill4 @CryptoTickler @Johnny_Banco @ITC_SPY @SwipeWright Indeed. Stop blaming the "woke kids". It's the bosses and professors who have the insane taboos. The kids have just figured out how to trigger them.

@adame2kill4 @CryptoTickler @Johnny_Banco @ITC_SPY @SwipeWright 确实如此。别再责怪“醒来的孩子”了。有疯狂禁忌的是老板和教授。孩子们刚刚想出了如何触发它们。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: @CryptoTickler @Johnny_Banco @ITC_SPY @SwipeWright Does that include getting people fired for saying the wrong thing or studying the wrong subjects? Because in the real world getting worked up over ambiguous, shifty accusations like "racism", "sexism", "X supremacy", ... does just that.

RT:@CryptoTickler @Johnny_Banco @ITC_SPY @SwipeWright 这是否包括让人们因为说错话或学习错误的科目而被解雇?因为在现实世界中,对诸如“种族主义”、“性别歧视”、“X 至上主义”之类的模棱两可、狡猾的指控感到愤怒……就是这样做的。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@CryptoTickler @Johnny_Banco @ITC_SPY @SwipeWright Does that include getting people fired for saying the wrong thing or studying the wrong subjects? Because in the real world getting worked up over ambiguous, shifty accusations like "racism", "sexism", "X supremacy", ... does just that.

@CryptoTickler @Johnny_Banco @ITC_SPY @SwipeWright 这是否包括让人们因为说错话或学习错误的科目而被解雇?因为在现实世界中,对诸如“种族主义”、“性别歧视”、“X 至上主义”之类的模棱两可、狡猾的指控感到愤怒……就是这样做的。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@allen_scofield @SwipeWright @DedRed18 "It's devastating..." Where is your evidence for this hysterical fantasy? And why are you focused on alleged harms to blacks while neglecting potential (and far more likely, common sense would say) harm to other races?

@allen_scofield @SwipeWright @DedRed18 “这是毁灭性的......”你的歇斯底里幻想的证据在哪里?为什么你专注于所谓的对黑人的伤害,而忽略了对其他种族的潜在伤害(更可能的是,常识会说)?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@BenjaminPeanut1 @Mike_Tzu_ @SwipeWright As it is though, mass media and the corporate world in general is quite full of such bosses, resulting in global cancellation also being common.

@BenjaminPeanut1 @Mike_Tzu_ @SwipeWright 尽管如此,大众媒体和整个企业界都充斥着这样的老板,导致全球取消也很常见。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: @Johnny_Banco @ITC_SPY @SwipeWright Bigots exist and the sky is blue (usually, except when it's gray. YMMV). What's your point? Why get folks so worked up about it? Getting worked up about it is the source of cancel culture. Without these idiotic, irrational emotional reactions cancel culture would die.

RT:@Johnny_Banco @ITC_SPY @SwipeWright Bigots 存在并且天空是蓝色的(通常,除非它是灰色的。YMMV)。你想说什么?为什么让人们对它如此着迷?对此感到兴奋是取消文化的根源。如果没有这些愚蠢的、非理性的情绪反应,文化就会消亡。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@Johnny_Banco @ITC_SPY @SwipeWright Bigots exist and the sky is blue (usually, except when it's gray. YMMV). What's your point? Why get folks so worked up about it? Getting worked up about it is the source of cancel culture. Without these idiotic, irrational emotional reactions cancel culture would die.

@Johnny_Banco @ITC_SPY @SwipeWright Bigots 存在并且天空是蓝色的(通常,除非它是灰色的。YMMV)。你想说什么?为什么让人们对它如此着迷?对此感到兴奋是取消文化的根源。如果没有这些愚蠢的、非理性的情绪反应,文化就会消亡。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: @BenjaminPeanut1 @Mike_Tzu_ @SwipeWright Canceling only requires one brainwashed boomer/genX boss with gut revulsion to hopelessly ambiguous and shifty weasel words describing largely harmless behavior, e.g. "racism", "sexism", ad nauseumism.

RT:@BenjaminPeanut1 @Mike_Tzu_ @SwipeWright 取消只需要一个被洗脑的婴儿潮一代/genX 老板对描述基本上无害的行为的无望的模棱两可和狡猾的黄鼠狼词感到厌恶,例如。 “种族主义”、“性别歧视”、恶心主义。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@BenjaminPeanut1 @Mike_Tzu_ @SwipeWright Canceling only requires one brainwashed boomer/genX boss with gut revulsion to hopelessly ambiguous and shifty weasel words describing largely harmless behavior, e.g. "racism", "sexism", ad nauseumism.

@BenjaminPeanut1 @Mike_Tzu_ @SwipeWright 取消只需要一个被洗脑的婴儿潮一代/genX 老板,对描述基本上无害的行为的无望的模棱两可和狡猾的黄鼠狼词感到厌恶,例如。 “种族主义”、“性别歧视”、恶心主义。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@AudaciousPundit @SwipeWright Except when it's not.
Why do people get so emotionally hung up over this? Gut revulsion to largely harmless nonsense is at base what cancel culture is all about: your Boomer/GenX bosses gets triggered by weasel words and fires you.

@AudaciousPundit @SwipeWright 除非不是。
为什么人们对这件事如此情绪化?对基本上无害的废话的本能反感是取消文化的根本所在:你的 Boomer/GenX 老板会被黄鼠狼的话触发并解雇你。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情