用户 Nick Szabo 🔑(@ NickSzabo4) 的最新消息

@interzonard @dahowa50 @LPTexas I'm a minarchist, you mental child.

@interzonard @dahowa50 @LPTexas 我是一个极权主义者,你这脑子有问题的孩子。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: @dahowa50 @LPTexas Yet here we are: not leave me alone, but bake my cake bigot.
Where is "libertarian" twitter tweeting about freedom of association? Opposing "civil rights" laws that grossly violate it? Crickets. "Libertarians" are running interference for the force and fraud of cultural Marxism.

RT:@dahowa50 @LPTexas 然而我们在这里:不要让我一个人呆着,而是烤我的蛋糕顽固。
“自由主义者”推特关于结社自由的推文在哪里?反对严重违反它的“民权”法律?蟋蟀。 “自由主义者”正在干预文化马克思主义的威力和欺诈。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@Winter8905 @LearnPlaylist @bariweiss @DamienCarlisle That's what I thought. More brainwashed mental rubbish to block, sigh.

@Winter8905 @LearnPlaylist @bariweiss @DamienCarlisle 这就是我的想法。更多被洗脑的精神垃圾要屏蔽,叹息。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: @N7_1996_ @bariweiss @DamienCarlisle Why do you have to hide behind Asians? Why can't you confront criticism of white people by actually talking about whites?

RT:@N7_1996_ @bariweiss @DamienCarlisle 为什么要躲在亚洲人后面?为什么你不能通过真正谈论白人来面对对白人的批评?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@N7_1996_ @bariweiss @DamienCarlisle Why do you have to hide behind Asians? Why can't you confront criticism of white people by actually talking about whites?

@N7_1996_ @bariweiss @DamienCarlisle 为什么要躲在亚洲人后面?为什么你不能通过真正谈论白人来面对对白人的批评?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@Winter8905 @LearnPlaylist @bariweiss @DamienCarlisle Who held them back, and what specifically they do? Name names, places, and times or take your formless yet cliched nightmares out of my timeline.

@Winter8905 @LearnPlaylist @bariweiss @DamienCarlisle 谁阻止了他们,他们具体做了什么?说出名字、地点和时间,或者把你那些无形但陈词滥调的噩梦从我的时间线中剔除。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: @SwipeWright @DedRed18 Since there are so many contradictory meanings of the quite vague and ambiguous concept of "racism" out there, why do you get so hung up and emotional about it?

RT:@SwipeWright @DedRed18 既然“种族主义”这个相当模糊和模棱两可的概念有这么多自相矛盾的含义,你为什么会对它如此挂断和情绪化?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@SwipeWright @DedRed18 Since there are so many contradictory meanings of the quite vague and ambiguous concept of "racism" out there, why do you get so hung up and emotional about it?

@SwipeWright @DedRed18 既然“种族主义”这个相当模糊和模棱两可的概念有这么多自相矛盾的含义,你为什么会对它如此挂念和情绪化?

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: @SwipeWright If white people followed her example it would destroy the vile taboos behind cancel culture.

RT:@SwipeWright 如果白人效仿她的榜样,它将摧毁取消文化背后的邪恶禁忌。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@msediewyatt @SwipeWright Why do you go by stomach feelings? Such e motionalirrationality is what is getting people fired.

@msediewyatt @SwipeWright 你为什么要靠胃的感觉?这种运动的非理性是让人们被解雇的原因。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@ITC_SPY @SwipeWright Why do you feel the need to cal people names? You are perpetuating cancel culture, not fighting it.

@ITC_SPY @SwipeWright 为什么你觉得有必要给人们打电话?你是在延续取消文化,而不是与之抗争。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: This is exactly what the "POC can't be racist because they lack power" nonsense gets you—normalized overt racism. https://t.co/n5J43dMADN

RT:这正是“POC 不能成为种族主义者,因为他们缺乏权力”的废话让你明白的——正常化的公开种族主义。 https://t.co/n5J43dMADN

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: lmao. This big math guy is "a MacArthur fellow, a Guggenheim fellow and is a member of the National Academy of Sciences"
Belief in the blank slate of equality is a disease. Until that disease is cured, society will only get sicker https://twitter.com/bariweiss/... https://t.co/NqIaL300vb

相信平等的白板是一种病。在这种疾病被治愈之前,社会只会变得更糟https://twitter.com/bariweiss/...< /a> https://t.co/NqIaL300vb

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@Mike_Tzu_ @SwipeWright The original tweet in this thread. Colin is canceling the black woman for "racism". That's the core taboo behind cancel culture.

@Mike_Tzu_ @SwipeWright 此线程中的原始推文。科林因“种族主义”而取消了这位黑人女性。这是取消文化背后的核心禁忌。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: #noinflation https://t.co/sGb5kEO8GM


发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

@SwipeWright If white people followed her example it would destroy the vile taboos behind cancel culture.

@SwipeWright 如果白人以她为榜样,那将摧毁取消文化背后的邪恶禁忌。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: Increase in infection in first 9 days after UK vaccination consistent with Israeli data. Interpretation by Israeli authors is that people are letting down their guard re protective behaviours after vaccination. SAGE & @IndependentSage have published reports raising this concern. https://twitter.com/robertjwes...

RT:与以色列数据一致,英国接种疫苗后前 9 天的感染增加。以色列作者的解释是,人们在接种疫苗后放松了对保护行为的警惕。智者

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: HYPOCRISY: James Murdoch gave a half-million dollars to a Democrat PAC running a fake news operation, after he criticized conservative media for disinformation.

RT:虚伪:詹姆斯·默多克(James Murdoch)在批评保守媒体的虚假信息后,向进行假新闻行动的民主党 PAC 捐赠了 50 万美元。
https: //www.washingtontimes.co...

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: Is #bitcoin a currency? Property? An asset? Maybe all of the above, I’m going with a 3% portfolio allocation and am looking at investing in miners that can create coin under a mandate of 0 carbon so sustainably! https://www.instagram.com/p/CL...


发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情

RT: @MaxWest75480006 @BitcoinGoddes @lalaland1776 @dariaanne They know the idiotic taboos to pressure. The taboos belong to the bosses foremost. Otherwise the bosses would easily shut the miscreants up.
Bosses tell their workers what to do,not the other way around. Don't let yourself get brainwashed into viewing reality backwards.

RT:@MaxWest75480006 @BitcoinGoddes @lalaland1776 @dariaanne 他们知道压力的愚蠢禁忌。禁忌首先属于老板。否则老板们很容易把坏人关起来。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4详情