用户 UMA(@ UMAprotocol) 的最新消息

Check out UMA's super smart and creative senior engineer @DeFiChris on the @DDS_HQ podcast.
They cover:
➡️ Good smart contract design patterns
➡️ UMA's #optimisticoracle and why it's a gamechanger for web3
➡️ Cool @AcrossProtocol design features
➡️ Some long term visioning

在 @DDS_HQ 播客上查看 UMA 的超级聪明和创意高级工程师 @DeFiChris。
➡️ 良好的智能合约设计模式

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

The Merge is just two weeks away.
UMA has made the switch to full integration with Goerli, the only Testnet for web3 moving forward.
UMA is ready for The Merge. https://twitter.com/AlchemyPla...

The Merge is coming 🎉
Goerli is now a full Proof of Stake chain.
Next up is the Ethereum Mainnet.
And you? Have you already switched to Goerli? https://t.co/kpOgBuUb2O

发表时间:1年前 作者:Alchemy | The web3 developer platform @AlchemyPlatform

UMA 已切换到与 Goerli 的完全集成,Goerli 是唯一的用于 web3 的测试网向前发展。
UMA 已准备好进行合并。 https://twitter.com/AlchemyPla...

Goerli 现在是一个完整的权益证明链。
你呢?你已经切换到歌尔力了吗? https://t.co/kpOgBuUb2O

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/4 An #optimisticoracle can report on natural language requests, whereas price feed oracles can only service coded data feeds.
The OO is so flexible that it expands what's possible in the web3 design space.

2/4 安

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

3/4 A helpful analogy would be that price feed oracles are like trains. They deliver a lot but only along the tracks.
OOs are like cars. They carry less cargo but can go many more places.

3/4 一个有用的类比是价格供给预言机就像火车。他们提供了很多,但只在轨道上。
OO 就像汽车。他们携带的货物更少,但可以去更多的地方。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/4 Ever wonder how an optimistic oracle (OO) like UMA's differs from a price feed oracle?
Here's how ...

1/4 有没有想过像 UMA 这样的乐观预言机 (OO) 与价格反馈预言机有何不同?
就是这样 ...

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

A reminder that UMA's @jdshutt is hosting a workshop today to introduce builders to UMA's #optimisticoracle and showcase the simple steps to get started.
The 30-minute workshop starts in less than an hour on Zoom and YouTube.

提醒一下,UMA 的@jdshutt 今天将举办一个研讨会,向建设者介绍 UMA 的

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

UMA's @jdshutt hosts an intro workshop tomorrow focused on building with UMA's #optimisticoracle.
The 30-min #ETHOnline pre-event workshop takes place Wed. Aug. 31 @ 5:30PM UTC.
Join via YouTube or Zoom. Links ⬇️

UMA 的 @jdshutt 明天将举办一个介绍研讨会,重点是使用 UMA 进行构建

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Hacking at #ETHOnline next month? Need an idea?
We can provide some inspiration to get you building (and winning a prize) using UMA's #optimisticoracle.
Check out our hacker ideas bank here 👇


发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Our team is excited to join the #ETHOnline hackathon in September.
ICYMI, this post sets the table for UMA's participation with details on our prizes; hacker beginners guide; & ideas that hackers can bring to life at the virtual event.


发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: Across included in @lifiprotocol's weekly update.
Check it out below. 👇
#Definews https://twitter.com/lifiprotoc...

RT:包含在@lifiprotocol 的每周更新中。
看看下面。 👇

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

3/3 If you want to learn more, or have an idea about what you can build using UMA's OO, check out our 'Getting Started' docs here:

3/3 如果您想了解更多信息,或者想知道您可以使用 UMA 的 OO 构建什么,请在此处查看我们的“入门”文档:

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/3 The OO tells smart contracts “things about the world” so contracts + markets asking for that data can be settled.
The OO has been called “a human-powered truth machine” because it is flexible enough to handle ambiguity and expands the design space possible in #DeFi & #web3.

2/3 OO 告诉智能合约“关于世界的事情”,因此可以解决要求该数据的合约市场。
OO 被称为“人类驱动的真相机器”,因为它足够灵活,可以处理歧义,并扩展了可能的设计空间

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/3 If you’re following us here, then you've probably noticed we talk often about UMA’s Optimistic Oracle.
But what is it and what should you do about it?
We're glad you asked.
UMA's #optimisticoracle (OO) can record any knowable truth onto a blockchain.

1/3 如果您在这里关注我们,那么您可能已经注意到我们经常谈论 UMA 的 Optimistic Oracle。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

RT: Interesting dispute on @UMAprotocol's DVM just now about whether the price of Eth was above $1600 on Aug 26th

RT:刚刚在@UMAprotocol 的 DVM 上发生了有趣的争论,关于 8 月 26 日 Eth 的价格是否超过 1600 美元

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

UMA is partnering with ETHGlobal for their biggest event of the year—ETHOnline.
It’s a month-long hackathon September 2nd - 28th.
Apply at https://online.ethglobal.com/ but don’t wait--registration closes on Aug. 30th. UMA is optimistic that we'll see you there. https://twitter.com/ETHGlobal/...

It is finally time! 🎉
We are bringing back a community favorite: This year's ETHOnline is happening from Sept, 2nd - 28th!
We are looking forward to a full month of learning & building with you 🏗
📬 Apply now:
https://online.ethglobal.com/ https://t.co/CoCfCFlOqk

发表时间:1年前 作者:ETHGlobal 🔜 ETHOnline 📠 @ETHGlobal

UMA 正在与 ETHGlobal 合作举办他们今年最大的活动——ETHOnline。
这是 9 月 2 日至 28 日为期一个月的黑客马拉松。
https://online.ethglobal.com/ 申请,但不要等待——注册将于 8 月截止。 30 日。 UMA 很乐观,我们会在那里见到你。 https://twitter.com/ETHGlobal/...

终于到了! 🎉
我们带回了社区的最爱:今年的 ETHOnline 将于 9 月 2 日至 28 日举行!

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Some more Fav Press Friday!
Re-sharing some recent press coverage involving UMA and our people.
🎙️UMA's @hal2001 says the current market crisis is a sales pitch for DeFi from @DefiantNews Podcast.

重新分享一些最近涉及 UMA 和我们员工的新闻报道。
🎙️UMA 的 @hal2001 说当前的市场危机是来自 @DefiantNews 播客的 DeFi 推销。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情