用户 UMA(@ UMAprotocol) 的最新消息

What the Merge means for users of our sister project @AcrossProtocol. Check out this thread for some helpful info. https://twitter.com/AcrossProt...

1/ The #EthereumMerge is almost here! 🤩
Let’s talk about what the Merge means for Across as we get closer to the big day.

发表时间:1年前 作者:Across @AcrossProtocol

合并对我们姊妹项目@AcrossProtocol 的用户意味着什么。查看此线程以获取一些有用的信息。 https://twitter.com/AcrossProt...


发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Join @BlockchainGirls and our very own @McalpineMhairi this Thursday in this special Twitter Spaces event to explore the crucial role that oracles are playing in web3.
If you're curious about UMA's optimistic oracle, this is the conversation for you.

本周四加入@BlockchainGirls 和我们自己的@McalpineMhairi,参加这个特别的 Twitter Spaces 活动,探索预言机在 web3 中发挥的关键作用。
如果您对 UMA 的乐观预言感到好奇,这就是适合您的对话。
发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Join @BlockchainGirls and our very own @McalpineMhairi this Thursday in this special Twitter Spaces event to explore the crucial role that oracles are playing in web3.
If you're curious about UMA's @optimisticoracle, this is the conversation for you.

本周四加入@BlockchainGirls 和我们自己的@McalpineMhairi,参加这个特别的 Twitter Spaces 活动,探索预言机在 web3 中发挥的关键作用。
如果您对 UMA 的 @optimisticoracle 感到好奇,这就是适合您的对话。
发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Join our co-founder @hal2001 for a panel on Thurs, Sept. 22 at 3:05PM Eastern: "Waiting for Volume: When will crypto derivatives catch up to TradFi?"
Find the full conference agenda here: https://mainnet.events/agenda

加入我们的联合创始人@hal2001,参加东部时间 9 月 22 日星期四下午 3:05 的小组讨论:“等待成交量:加密衍生品何时会赶上 TradFi?”

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Mainnet 2022 is just around the corner. The IRL event by
@MessariCrypto takes place Sept. 21-Sept.23 at Pier 36 in New York City.
UMA will be there.

主网 2022 指日可待。 IRL 事件由
@MessariCrypto 将于 9 月 21 日至 9 月 23 日在纽约市 36 号码头举行。
UMA 将在那里。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Here’s a cool DAO to DAO collaboration between @idlefinance and @LidoFinance that illustrates the plug-and-play potential of the #KPIoptions program by our sister project @0xOutcome.
KPI options are empowered and secured by UMA's #optimisticoracle. https://twitter.com/0xOutcome/...

1/6 We’re excited to draw some attention to this new DAO to DAO collaboration between @idlefinance and @LidoFinance that showcases the plug-and-play potential for Outcome’s #KPIoptions program.
Details here ⬇️

发表时间:1年前 作者:Outcome Protocol @0xOutcome

这是@idlefinance 和@LidoFinance 之间的一个很酷的 DAO 到 DAO 协作,说明了即插即用的潜力

1/6 我们很高兴能引起人们对 @idlefinance 和 @LidoFinance 之间新的 DAO 到 DAO 合作的关注,它展示了 Outcome 的即插即用潜力

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

PSA for #ETHOnline hackers building with UMA, members of our team will be holding regular office hours in the UMA Discord every Tuesday this month at 4pm UTC.
That means the next session is tomorrow. Bring your hackathon blockers and questions and leave with solutions.

PSA 用于

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Time for some Fav Press Friday 🗞️🎙️
Re-sharing some recent press coverage involving UMA and our people. In this one, @hal2001 joins the @coingecko podcast & dishes on how oracles can be optimistic.

重新分享一些最近涉及 UMA 和我们员工的新闻报道。在这一期中,@hal2001 加入了@coingecko 播客

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Come work with us!
Join our growing, agile, remote team with great people in more than a dozen countries around the world. https://twitter.com/jobsincryp...

.@UMAprotocol is hiring!
UMA is looking for a Technical Protocol Growth Lead to join their talented team.
💻 Technical Protocol Growth Lead
🌍 Remote
🕒 Full-Time
🪙 $100K – $200K
Apply now 👇
#blockchainjobs #cryptojobs

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cryptocurrency Jobs @jobsincrypto

加入我们不断壮大、敏捷、远程的团队,团队成员遍布全球十几个国家。 https://twitter.com/jobsincryp...

.@UMAprotocol 正在招聘!
UMA 正在寻找技术协议增长主管加入他们才华横溢的团队。
💻 技术协议增长主管
🕒 全职
🪙 10 万美元 – 20 万美元

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

3/4 🔨 Use UMA to build a zero-slippage gas-less optimistic DEX, where assets are swapped within a smart contract based on orders published by users, but bundled and executed on-chain by relayers.

3/4 🔨 使用 UMA 构建零滑点、无气体乐观 DEX,其中资产根据用户发布的订单在智能合约内进行交换,但由中继器捆绑并在链上执行。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

2/4 🏗️ Build a decentralized, bonded news service that would let anyone publish a news story but would require the reporter to post a bond. If the reporting was ultimately found to be inaccurate via the optimistic oracle, the writer could lose the bond.

2/4 🏗️ 建立一个去中心化的债券新闻服务,让任何人都可以发布新闻故事,但需要记者发布债券。如果最终通过乐观的预言发现报告不准确,作者可能会失去联系。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

1/4 If you're hacking at #ETHOnline this month, we'd encourage you to consider building on UMA's #optimisticoracle.
Here are a couple of ideas to spur some creative thinking...

1/4 如果你正在攻击

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Congrats on the new show @moreshk and thanks for having @jdshutt join to discuss UMA's #optimisticoracle.
🎙️We'll look forward to your next episodes! https://twitter.com/moreshk/st...

I had the opportunity to speak with @jdshutt from @UMAprotocol to discuss his work at the UMA project, specific applications of the UMA Optimistic Oracle design and his take on the crypto industry at large. https://youtu.be/UV-GtDWEwuQ

发表时间:1年前 作者:Moresh Kokane @moreshk

恭喜@moreshk 的新节目,感谢@jdshutt 加入讨论 UMA

我有机会与来自@UMAprotocol 的@jdshutt 交谈,讨论他在UMA 项目中的工作、UMA Optimistic Oracle 设计的具体应用以及他对整个加密行业的看法。 https://youtu.be/UV-GtDWEwuQ

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

And for those building with UMA, members of our team are holding "office hours" in the UMA Discord every Tuesday this month at 4pm UTC.
Happy hacking!

对于那些与 UMA 一起建设的人,我们团队的成员将在本月世界标准时间每周二下午 4 点在 UMA Discord 中举行“办公时间”。

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

With #ETHOnline well under way, now is a good time to remind that prizes await those who build the best stuff using UMA's #optimisticoracle at the month-long virtual hackathon.
Here are the important details

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

Substantial funds are being raised by blockchain projects, including from venture capitalist sources, but are the #DAOs and VCs getting along?
A deep dive from @_bessieliu at @Blockworks_, including comments from UMA's @hal2001.


发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

It's hacking season. #ETHBogota is just around the corner and UMA will be joining the IRL event October 7-9.
Come be with us in Colombia to expand and strengthen the web3 design space. Our friends from @ETHGlobal want you to apply here, and we agree.


发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情

If you're new to UMA and curious about building with our #optimisticoracle (OO), @jdshutt recently led this #ETHOnline workshop to help get you started.
Recorded and shared here for your convenience!

如果您是 UMA 的新手并且对我们的建筑感到好奇

发表时间:1年前 作者:UMA @UMAprotocol详情