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In addition to economic security, the risks of an attack on PoS can have more severe consequences.
With slashing, bad actors can have their total #ETH stake destroyed.
In PoW, a failed attack would cost electricity.

除了经济安全之外,对 PoS 的攻击风险可能会产生更严重的后果。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

By merging the two layers, the execution layer will swap out PoW for PoS.
This is going to pave the way for Sharding! Sharding is the process of horizontally spreading the load and will work synergistically with layer 2 rollups!

通过合并两层,执行层将 PoW 换成 PoS。
这将为分片铺平道路!分片是水平分散负载的过程,将与第 2 层汇总协同工作!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

PoS architectures are what allow for sharding, and this is what will reduce network congestion and increaseTPS, all without impacting security.
PoS alone does not improve scalability but is rather the first step.

PoS 架构允许分片,这将减少网络拥塞并提高 TPS,所有这些都不会影响安全性。
PoS 本身并不能提高可扩展性,而是第一步。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

The term “Merge” comes from the merging of 2 different layers.
There is the Execution Layer aka Mainnet, and the Consensus Layer, aka the Beacon chain.
Mainnet is where transactions take place, and the Beacon chain provides the proof-of-stake consensus.
6/ https://t.co/z11yLr2kvw

6/ https://t.co/z11yLr2kvw

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Fun fact, Ethereum 2.0 will be consuming less energy than widely used applications that have never received criticism for energy consumption, like YouTube and Paypal.
5/ https://t.co/ywZFvz1Ub1

有趣的事实是,以太坊 2.0 将比 YouTube 和 Paypal 等从未因能源消耗受到批评的广泛使用的应用程序消耗更少的能源。
5/ https://t.co/ywZFvz1Ub1

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

The Merge itself refers to the transition from the #PoW consensus method to #PoS, cutting energy demand by 99%.
This means that the energy required for the biggest smart contract platform is going to be running on the same amount of energy as a small village.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

When it comes to the #Merge, there is a lot of confusion about what it will mean for Ethereum going forward.
In this part 2 of our Ethereum megathread, you will learn why Ethereum is merging in the first place and what it hopes to achieve.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

At the root cause of the Merge, Ethereum hopes to achieve 3 main outcomes:
1. Reduce energy consumption *biggest factor*
2. Improve security against coordinated attacks
3. Improve decentralization

在合并的根本原因上,以太坊希望实现 3 个主要结果:
1. 降低能源消耗*最大的因素*
2. 提高针对协同攻击的安全性
3. 改善去中心化

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Here is the second part of the #EthereumMerge thread.
Topic: Why is #Ethereum merging and what is the goal behind it?
Comment #TheMerge if you want to see the third part of the thread.
Let's dive in🧵


发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Mercury Trade V1.0 is almost live, and with that, we’ve got an announcement to make.
We’ll use 30% OF ALL REVENUE on Mercury to BUYBACK & BURN NWC TOKENS every month!
All details on buybacks will be posted monthly.
Exciting times ahead. https://t.co/tZoovKfkZ4

Mercury Trade V1.0 即将上线,我们有一个公告要发布。
我们将使用 Mercury 全部收入的 30% 进行回购

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

This is it.
If you want that the second part about the merge is released, check out the first tweet of this thread and do a RT.
Like would also be appreciated.

As said, here is the first part of the #EthereumMerge thread.
Topic: History of #ETH until the merge
There are still parts 2 & 3.
Once this post reaches 20 RTs, we will release the second part.
Let's dive in🧵

发表时间:1年前 作者:NewsCrypto.io @NwcPublic

如果您希望发布有关合并的第二部分,请查看该线程的第一条推文并进行 RT。


发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

And now that you know the history of what has led to this historical moment, stay tuned for our next thread to learn more about the Merge itself!

既然您已经了解了导致这一历史性时刻的历史,请继续关注我们的下一个主题,以了解有关 Merge 本身的更多信息!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

August 10th 2022 Goerli Testnet:
Third and final trial run for the Merge. Goerli was a success and no delays were needed.
This was viewed by many as the last hurdle for the Merge and after, a date for the Merge was given for the first time.

2022 年 8 月 10 日 Goerli 测试网:
合并的第三次也是最后一次试运行。 Goerli 是成功的,不需要任何延误。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

September 6th 2022 Bellatrix Upgrade:
The final step for validators to prepare for the merge! Only a few minor bugs were found but it was an overall success.
Cue the countdown music!

2022 年 9 月 6 日 Bellatrix 升级:

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

December 9th 2021 Arrow Glacier: Pushed back difficulty bomb by several months
June 30th 2022 Gray Glacier: Pushed back difficulty bomb by 3 months

2021 年 12 月 9 日 Arrow Glacier:将难度炸弹推后几个月
2022 年 6 月 30 日 Grey Glacier:将难度炸弹推后 3 个月

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Dec 1st 2020 Beacon Chain Ships:
The Beacon Chain needed 16,384 deposits of 32 staked ETH to ship securely (November 27th 2020), meaning the Beacon Chain started producing blocks on December 1st, 2020.
This was an important first step in achieving the Ethereum vision.

2020 年 12 月 1 日信标链发货:
信标链需要 32 个质押 ETH 的 16,384 笔存款才能安全运送(2020 年 11 月 27 日),这意味着信标链于 2020 年 12 月 1 日开始生产区块。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

August 5th 2021 London Upgrade:
The London upgrade introduced EIP-1559, which reformed the transaction fee market, along with changes to how gas refunds are handled and the Ice Age schedule.

2021 年 8 月 5 日伦敦升级:
伦敦升级引入了 EIP-1559,它改革了交易费用市场,同时改变了 gas 退款的处理方式和冰河时代的时间表。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Oct 14th 2020 Staking deposit contract deployed:
Introduced staking to the Ethereum ecosystem. Although a Mainnet contract, it had a direct impact on the timeline for launching the Beacon Chain, an important Ethereum upgrade.

2020 年 10 月 14 日 Staking 存款合约部署:

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

September 17th 2017 Byzantium Hard Fork:
Delayed the difficulty bomb by over a year and introduced methods to improve layer 2 scaling solutions (i.e Polygon, Arbitrum, etc..). Also reduced block rewards from 5 Eth to 3 Eth

2017 年 9 月 17 日拜占庭硬分叉:
将难度炸弹推迟了一年多,并引入了改进第 2 层扩展解决方案的方法(即 Polygon、Arbitrum 等)。还将区块奖励从 5 Eth 减少到 3 Eth

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

January 2nd, 2020 Muir Glacier Fork:
ANOTHER delay to the difficulty bomb. Increases in block difficulty of the PoW consensus mechanism threatened to degrade the usability of Ethereum by increasing wait times for sending transactions and using dapps.

2020 年 1 月 2 日缪尔冰川叉:
难度炸弹的另一个延迟。 PoW 共识机制的区块难度增加可能会通过增加发送交易和使用 dapp 的等待时间来降低以太坊的可用性。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情