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Merge is the first of multiple upgrades that will happen in parallel rather than in stages according to Vitalik:
1: Merge
2: Surge
3: Verge
4: Purge
5: Splurge

根据 Vitalik 的说法,合并是多个升级中的第一个,它将并行而不是分阶段进行:

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

However, full validator exits are rate limited by the protocol, so only six validators may exit per epoch (every 6.4 minutes, so 1350/day, or only ~43,200 $ETH/day.
Not to mention the chances of all the $ETH being sold by some of its biggest supporters is extremely low.

然而,完整的验证者退出受到协议的速率限制,因此每个 epoch 只能退出 6 个验证者(每 6.4 分钟,因此 1350/天,或仅约 43,200 美元/天。
更不用说它的一些最大支持者出售所有 $ETH 的机会非常低。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Many also incorrectly believe that unstaking will happen all at once.
Not true!
Those who have deposited $ETH on the Beacon chain have been unable to withdraw since depositing, and since many deposits happened at low prices, many are sitting on top of some big gains!

那些在 Beacon 链上存入 $ETH 的人自存入以来一直无法提款,而且由于许多存款发生在低价位,许多人坐拥一些巨额收益!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Some believe that many will want to lock in those profits by unstaking and cashing out leading to an enormous amount of sell pressure.
Currently, 13.3 million $ETH are staked, meaning $21.5 billion of Eth are locked.

目前,有 1330 万美元的 ETH 被质押,这意味着 215 亿美元的 ETH 被锁定。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Another misconception is that all of the staked $ETH on the Beacon chain will become unlocked right after the Merge.
This is not true!
Staked $ETH will become unlocked after the Shanghai upgrade 6-12 months after the merge is successful.

另一个误解是 Beacon 链上所有质押的 $ETH 将在合并后立即解锁。
抵押的 $ETH 将在合并成功后 6-12 个月的上海升级后解锁。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Potentially the biggest misconception is that there will be reduced transaction times and lower gas costs.
This is not the case!
These transactions happen on the execution layer, not the consensus layer, so nothing is changing in the UX department.

最大的误解可能是交易时间会减少,gas 成本也会降低。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

The Merge is part of a series of upgrades to the Ethereum code base designed to make the network faster, more efficient, and more secure, but it will not happen on day 1 (today).


发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

As far as the performance of the blockchain itself, the dApps that are currently running will continue unaffected.
#TheMerge is essentially taking an electric car engine and swapping it in to replace a gasoline engine mid-drive.

就区块链本身的性能而言,当前运行的 dApp 将继续不受影响。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Due to the magnitude and complexity of blockchain infrastructure, there has been a lot of false information circulating and misinforming people about what to expect from today and beyond.
Now, let's look at some of these common misconceptions...


发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

As for staking rewards, current staking APRs are around 4%, but many expect 7-15% after the merge, with fluctuations based on the amount staked.
A higher staked amount will equal to a lower APR and vice versa:
5/ https://t.co/ioNT64u9m5

至于质押奖励,目前质押的 APR 约为 4%,但许多人预计合并后为 7-15%,波动取决于质押的数量。
较高的质押金额将等于较低的 APR,反之亦然:
5/ https://t.co/ioNT64u9m5

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

After the merge, $ETH issuance is cut by 10x (~15K ETH/day to ~1.5K ETH/day), meaning validators will rely on tips rather than block rewards.
If the burn of the base fee exceeds the issuance, $ETH would become deflationary, and many expect this to happen:
4/ https://t.co/ILJ2arJZGs

合并后,$ETH 的发行量减少了 10 倍(约 15K ETH/天至约 1.5K ETH/天),这意味着验证者将依赖提示而不是区块奖励。
如果基础费用的消耗超过发行量,$ETH 将变得通货紧缩,许多人预计会发生这种情况:
4/ https://t.co/ILJ2arJZGs

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Once EIP- 1559 was implemented, base fees of all transactions would be burned.
To date, 2.6 million have been burned at a rate of 4.5 $ETH/min.
Even though $ETH has been burning since last year, the $ETH from block rewards led to an overall supply increase.
3/ https://t.co/9lwYAMSkEC

一旦 EIP-1559 实施,所有交易的基本费用将被烧毁。
迄今为止,以 4.5 美元/分钟的速度烧毁了 260 万个。
尽管 $ETH 自去年以来一直在燃烧,但来自区块奖励的 $ETH 导致整体供应增加。
3/ https://t.co/9lwYAMSkEC

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Merge completed! Congrats to the #Ethereum developers and @VitalikButerin to make it happen.
But what comes after the merge?
Breaking all the myths in today's "After Merge" thread.
Likes and RTs appreciated.
Let's dive in🧵


发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Let's start by taking a look at $ETH by the numbers!
Most are looking forward to the tokenomics change of #Ethereum.
Before EIP-1559, $ETH was an inflationary asset, doubling supply from 59M in 2015 to 120M today.
However, EIP-1559 was the start of a tokenomics change.

让我们先从数字看一下 $ETH!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

This is the end of second thread.
The third part is already done, if you want to read it check out the first tweet of this thread and comment #TheMerge
Also sharing is beneficial ;)

Here is the second part of the #EthereumMerge thread.
Topic: Why is #Ethereum merging and what is the goal behind it?
Comment #TheMerge if you want to see the third part of the thread.
Let's dive in🧵

发表时间:1年前 作者:NewsCrypto.io @NwcPublic



发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

The Merge is going to take place at TTD 5.875x10^22, which is estimated to be between September 13th and 15th.
TTD is terminal total difficulty, or the hash rate difficulty where Ethereum miners will stop and PoS will begin.
14/ https://t.co/uoj3FON7Tj

合并将在 TTD 5.875x10^22 进行,预计在 9 月 13 日至 15 日之间。
TTD 是终端总难度,或者是以太坊矿工将停止并开始 PoS 的哈希率难度。
14/ https://t.co/uoj3FON7Tj

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

And now that you know about what the Merge hopes to accomplish, you probably want to know when it will happen.
The long awaited moment final has its date, and over the next week all eyes will be on Eth.

期待已久的决赛时刻到了,下周所有的目光都将集中在 Eth 上。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

The Merge hopes to improve the decentralization of the network.
With PoW, the barrier to entry is very high, resulting in big companies running the majority of mining rigs.
Now, all someone needs is a laptop or Eth and they can participate in securing the network.

Merge 希望改善网络的去中心化。
使用 PoW,进入壁垒非常高,导致大公司运营着大部分的采矿设备。
现在,人们只需要一台笔记本电脑或 Eth,他们就可以参与保护网络。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

Whether you have 32 Eth and want to start your own node, or want to contribute as little as a fraction of an Eth to a pool, participation will be much more accessible.
The average person won't set up a rig in PoW, but could realistically stake 0.1 Eth.

无论您拥有 32 个 Eth 并想创建自己的节点,还是想将 Eth 的一小部分贡献到一个池中,参与都将变得更加容易。
一般人不会在 PoW 中设置钻机,但实际上可以质押 0.1 Eth。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情

By reducing energy consumption, many believe the network will become much more secure and this can be measured by economic security, the amount of $ needed by an attacker to overwhelm consensus.
Today that is roughly $10 billion.
With PoS, it's roughly $35 billion.

今天,这大约是 100 亿美元。
使用 PoS,大约是 350 亿美元。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Newscrypto.io @NwcPublic详情