用户 Brrrrryce Weiner(@ BryceWeiner) 的最新消息

@Brendan_Lee__ @Streaming_Sats 1. never invented bitcoin
2. can't actually explain anything
3. can't prove anything
Nothing has changed from 2015.
CSW is still a huge fraud.

@Brendan_Lee__ @Streaming_Sats 1. 从未发明过比特币
与 2015 年相比,一切都没有改变。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@MarkPea07153819 @Streaming_Sats When someone says you stole something and you have to pay money, that's called "losing".

@MarkPea07153819 @Streaming_Sats 当有人说你偷了东西并且你必须付钱时,这就是所谓的“损失”。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Brendan_Lee__ @Streaming_Sats Presenting the litany of oddities is not moving the goalposts.
I leave that to the true believers.

@Brendan_Lee__ @Streaming_Sats 呈现一连串的怪事并没有改变球门柱。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Brendan_Lee__ @Streaming_Sats It's also weird not a single line of code was ever offered to the court to prove what they were working on.
It's almost as if neither side wanted that revealed.

@Brendan_Lee__ @Streaming_Sats 也很奇怪,没有任何一行代码被提供给法庭来证明他们在做什么。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Brendan_Lee__ @Streaming_Sats I don't claim to be a lawyer but in the US it goes to next of kin, so yes.

@Brendan_Lee__ @Streaming_Sats 我不声称自己是一名律师,但在美国它属于近亲,所以是的。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

Weird you say that.
You don't know me.
You will, however.

1. So did I
2. Too late.
And, you have not 1% of the knowledge and skills to make a bad wallet. https://twitter.com/BryceWeine...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dr Craig S Wright @Dr_CSWright
发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @CalvinAyre @brockton @aspirecrypto @lopp @ezCoinAccess @jim It's just my life. Nobody could live it but me.
Not even you.

@Dr_CSWright @CalvinAyre @brockton @aspirecrypto @lopp @ezCoinAccess @jim 这就是我的生活。除了我,没有人能活下去。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

Find that which you love and let it kill you.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@SvVoyo @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright The only thing that worthless fraud never counted on was someone just. like. me.
Come at me, bro.

@SvVoyo @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright 毫无价值的欺诈从未指望过的唯一事情就是某人。喜欢。我。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Streaming_Sats It’s always the same dumb shit with you people. I know someone with a superior claim. It’s irrefutable. Cannot be sued. Cry now.

@Streaming_Sats 你们这些人总是一样愚蠢。我认识一个有更高要求的人。这是无可辩驳的。不能起诉。现在哭吧。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Streaming_Sats In fact the judge specially said the case had nothing to do with the identity of Satoshi.

@Streaming_Sats 其实法官特意说此案与中本聪的身份无关。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Streaming_Sats MSM is trustworthy when you want it to be.
He didn’t win. Idk why they say that. He owes Ira $100M. Fact.

@Streaming_Sats MSM 在您想要的时候是值得信赖的。
他没有赢。不知道他们为什么这么说。他欠艾拉 1 亿美元。事实。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Streaming_Sats He doesn’t win. He lost to Ira. Bigly. $100M. Idk why you sycophants can’t seem to read.

@Streaming_Sats 他没有赢。他输给了艾拉。很大。 1 亿美元。不知道为什么你们的阿谀者似乎无法阅读。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

There are two things which make me a better Satoshi than this fraud.
#1) I actually knew Hal.
#2) I've created a genesis block. https://twitter.com/Dr_CSWrigh...

50 BTC from block one for anyone who shows where Satoshi (me) posted bitcoin on the cypherpunk mailing list.
@lopp claims it. Show me to be a liar.
If I am not, he is.

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dr Craig S Wright @Dr_CSWright


50 BTC 来自区块 1,任何显示 Satoshi(我)在 cypherpunk 邮件列表中发布比特币的人。
@lopp 声称它。让我成为一个骗子。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

RT: When you randomly run in to your Ex after 3000 years.
#Sauron #Galadriel https://t.co/jmx0sNc0Ay

RT:当你在 3000 年后随机遇到你的前任时。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

RT: gm we sweep a bit of beautiful art off the floor https://t.co/gxyLRThOfG

RT:gm,我们从地板上扫了一些美丽的艺术品 https://t.co/gxyLRThOfG

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

Just so you know, when the Dow Jones goes down people who borrow millions of dollars have interest rates that start to cost more because the dollar is worth less in inflationary periods.
Markets dump as borrowers exit before margin calls or loss of profits.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

It basically nerfs the entire industry since everything else correlates against Bitcoin.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情