用户 Brrrrryce Weiner(@ BryceWeiner) 的最新消息

@chrismezzz The flippening nobody is talking about.

@chrismezzz 没人在谈论的翻转。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

RT: Happy Shut The Fuck Up Friday https://t.co/ajdsEZ62Hj

RT:周五快乐闭嘴 https://t.co/ajdsEZ62Hj

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

RT: “Describe a Bitcoin purely in terms of mathematics as if it were a particle of matter.”


发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@stephendpalley @dgwbirch Do you remember how she said that we would meet again some sunny day?

@stephendpalley @dgwbirch 你还记得她说过我们会在某个阳光明媚的日子再次见面吗?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

RT: A Crypto Cringe Compilation https://t.co/Avf5OZA1Ez

RT:加密货币 Cringe 编译 https://t.co/Avf5OZA1Ez

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @LYGLFG @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov It doesn't matter what you tweet because the law is always on my side.
We have free speech here. Aaaaaaahhh freedom.

@Dr_CSWright @LYGLFG @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov 你发什么推文并不重要,因为法律总是站在我这边。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@FuturealSam @Dr_CSWright @renovatio_22 @CalvinAyre @brockton @aspirecrypto @lopp @ezCoinAccess @jim Notice the bully doesn't want any of what I have to offer.
That's because he knows how he can be beaten and I am that person.
I welcome the opportunity and I do not hide that fact.

@FuturealSam @Dr_CSWright @renovatio_22 @CalvinAyre @brockton @aspirecrypto @lopp @ezCoinAccess @jim 请注意,恶霸不想要我提供的任何东西。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@LYGLFG @Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov The toxicity was an unintended side effect of encouraging others to participate and pure human frustration.
Some things could have been handled better.

@LYGLFG @Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov 毒性是鼓励他人参与和纯粹的人类挫败感的意外副作用。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@LYGLFG @Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov Having the answer key makes grading people's efforts very efficient.

@LYGLFG @Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov 有了答案,就可以非常有效地对人们的努力进行评分。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @renovatio_22 @CalvinAyre @brockton @aspirecrypto @lopp @ezCoinAccess @jim I don't have to deal with anything.
Make me deal with something, you irrelevant flotsam.

@Dr_CSWright @renovatio_22 @CalvinAyre @brockton @aspirecrypto @lopp @ezCoinAccess @jim 我不需要处理任何事情。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @LYGLFG @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov Idk it's not like you have a choice. The moment you concede those Maltese mobsters that bankrolled your fraud are incentive to keep the game going to the bitter end.

@Dr_CSWright @LYGLFG @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov Idk 这不像你有选择的余地。当您承认那些为您的欺诈提供资金的马耳他暴徒的那一刻,就会有动力让游戏继续进行下去。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@LYGLFG @Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov Satoshi coded like a sixth grader. They didn't even write the poker game. Someone else did.
That v0.1 worked at all is something of a small miracle.

@LYGLFG @Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov Satoshi 编码就像六年级学生。他们甚至没有写扑克游戏。别人做了。
v0.1 完全奏效是一个小小的奇迹。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov Because the burden of proof is much higher, isn't it Craig?
Yours is just... not as big as mine.

@Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov 因为举证责任要高得多,不是克雷格吗?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov Are you still tweeting like it matters?

@Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov 你还在发推文吗?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@renovatio_22 @Dr_CSWright @CalvinAyre @brockton @aspirecrypto @lopp @ezCoinAccess @jim You're absolutely correct.
That means that it's completely possible for someone to have a superior claim without having to directly refute any other previous or subsequent claim.
Proof of work is, after all, a function of consensus.
All of the facts must fit.

@renovatio_22 @Dr_CSWright @CalvinAyre @brockton @aspirecrypto @lopp @ezCoinAccess @jim 你完全正确。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@LYGLFG @Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov I've said it repeatedly.
I want Craig to just shut the fuck up.
I don't think that's too much to ask.
I don't want a single penny.

@LYGLFG @Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov 我已经多次说过了。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov If you have no US patents your claims in the UK may be subject to appeal.
I would hate to see Peter win because he's a cunt too, but he's less of a cunt than you.

@Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov 如果您没有美国专利,您在英国的索赔可能会受到上诉。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov I don't need to join the line, you preening wankpuffin.
I am the line. You have no case against anyone because your patents are unenforceable garbage.
I'm not a lawyer, but I have a few. I wouldn't trust your opinion. You're known to play fast and loose with the truth.

@Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov 我不需要加入这条线,你打扮得漂漂亮亮的。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov I know how you could think you this works for you, but repeating a lie often enough doesn't make it true.
Sue me or just shut the fuck up, you lying, thieving, cretin.
Come and take my money, Craig. I invite you to try.

@Dr_CSWright @extrax2030 @SvVoyo @KanoTheTruth @Streaming_Sats @SECGov 我知道你怎么会认为这对你有用,但是经常重复谎言并不能使它成为现实。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情