RT: Join IoTeX and our friends @Chainlink @SamsungNext @LatticeVC @CartesiProject @6thManVentures for "Real World Meets Web3" on Nov 4 @ 3pm PT! 🌎
This IRL event will bring top Web3 builders and investors for insightful panels + networking.
➡️ Register now: https://lu.ma/real-world-meets... https://t.co/FAccXti27U

RT:加入 IoTeX 和我们的朋友 @Chainlink @SamsungNext @LatticeVC @CartesiProject @6thManVentures,参加太平洋时间 11 月 4 日下午 3 点的“Real World Meets Web3”! 🌎
此 IRL 活动将带来顶级 Web3 建设者和投资者,以进行富有洞察力的面板网络。
➡️ 立即注册:https://lu.ma/real-world-meets... https://t.co/FAccXti27U

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cartesi @cartesiproject