RT: 📢 Tyranno is dedicated to providing an easy interoperable experience across blockchains, and we're excited for @stoormtrooperNFT to be the second collection compatible with the Ethereum to WAX NFT Bridge!
No Eth? No problem. Buy from the drop with @moonpay by using a card! https://twitter.com/StormTroop...

RT:📢 Tyranno 致力于提供跨区块链的简单互操作体验,我们很高兴@stoormtrooperNFT 成为第二个兼容以太坊到 WAX NFT 桥的集合!
没有以太?没问题。使用卡从@moonpay 直接购买! https://twitter.com/StormTroop...

发表时间:1年前 作者:WAX.io @WAX_io