RT: Generative artists on the rise at @ArtBasel Paris+ 🖼️
@cyrildiagne stands next to dg5721() – a tiny neural network with 5721 neurons that tries to imitate human handwriting by generating new hallucinated digits in real-time.
View the project 👉 https://fxhash.xyz/generative/... https://t.co/r5k5AzgBCh

RT:@ArtBasel Paris 的新兴艺术家正在崛起🖼️
@cyrildiagne 旁边是 dg5721()——一个具有 5721 个神经元的微型神经网络,它试图通过实时生成新的幻觉数字来模仿人类的笔迹。
查看项目👉 https://fxhash.xyz/generation/... https://t. co/r5k5AzgBCh

发表时间:1年前 作者:Tezos @tezos