⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️
Like many other crypto projects, @zilliqa can be a target for phishing attacks from bad actors.
Make sure to avoid https://zilliqa.cc/
This site is maliciously impersonating https://zilliqa.com/
If you ever have any doubts, drop us a DM! We’re happy to help.

⚠️ 警告! ⚠️
与许多其他加密项目一样,@zilliqa 可能成为来自不良行为者的网络钓鱼攻击的目标。
确保避免 https://zilliqa.cc/
该网站恶意冒充 https://zilliqa.com/

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zilliqa @zilliqa