@AlMorrell76 @DezzaDeee @Streaming_Sats Actually, they didn't know.
Ira had the hard drive and still didn't know if CSW had the coins or not, but he had proof of a business arrangement which was proved to be true.
Why didn't Ira have any code?

@AlMorrell76 @DezzaDeee @Streaming_Sats 实际上,他们不知道。
Ira 有硬盘驱动器,但仍然不知道 CSW 是否有硬币,但他有证明是真实的商业安排的证据。
为什么 Ira 没有任何代码?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner